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Visions for the future role of DD in the EU: Europe‘s DD-Utopia

Visions for the future role of DD in the EU: Europe‘s DD-Utopia. Andreas Gross, Political Scientist Atelier pour la Democratie Directe (ADD) www.andigross.ch info@andigross.ch. Every european city has a Public House for Democracy.

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Visions for the future role of DD in the EU: Europe‘s DD-Utopia

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  1. Visions for the future role of DD in the EU:Europe‘s DD-Utopia Andreas Gross, Political Scientist Atelier pour la Democratie Directe (ADD) www.andigross.ch info@andigross.ch

  2. Every european city has a Public House for Democracy European Newspapers, Computers with Internet access, EU-Library, EU-News, National and european Lawbooks, Democratic Community workers to consult and help, Free Meeting Rooms etc.

  3. The basic european DD Rights are in the Constitution and EU Laws Constitutional Initiative and opt Referendum Legal Initiative and superopt, constructive Ref Peoples Motion to EP and the new EU-Com Peoples Rights to adress the EP directly

  4. European citizens who use their DD rights, are supported Refinancing of DD Costs Translation and printing services Electronic Communication support Publicity vouchers for the Campaigning DD User Booklets and supportcenters Travel vouchers and european meeting Houses

  5. Europ. Politicians overcome there elitist attitudes – and are ready to learn They are ready to share power They stop commanding and start to try to be convincing They do not only talk, but also listen better

  6. The period, when the EU was a elite project, ended The EU began to be a project of all active citizens The best of every country was tried to be implemented also on europ. Level Unity and diversity could come together

  7. DD helped all, to see more and to understand Europe better There was more transparency and accountability There were less lobbies and more of those who worked openly DD helped repres.D to become more represent

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