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______________________ ¿ Qué te pasa ? L/O Use the verb TENER to describe what illnesses people have. STARTER: Answer the questions below in Spanish using tener . 1 . ¿ Cuántos años tienes ? 2. ¿ Tienes hermanos ? 3. ¿ Tienes el pelo negro?
______________________ ¿Quétepasa? L/O Use the verb TENER to describe what illnesses people have • STARTER: Answer the questions below in Spanish using tener. • 1. ¿Cuántosañostienes? • 2. ¿Tieneshermanos? • 3. ¿Tienes el pelo negro? • ¿A quéhoratienes el español el jueves? • ¿CuántosañostieneSeñorita Colombo? Tengo _________ años EXT: what do the following expressions using TENER mean? Tenermiedo b) tenerganas de c) teneréxito d) tenerhambre e)tenersed f) tenersuerte g) tenerprisa h) tenerlugar
Vocabulario – Page 94 • Copy the Spanish from Ex 1a with the English translation • a) I am sunburnt • I have a cough • c) I have a temperature • d) I have been stung • e) I have a cold • f) I have diarrhoea • g) I have the flu • h) I have a headache • i) I have a stomach ache • j) I have a sore throat
Listening - Listos2V pg. 94 Ex 2a Completa la tabla. No school, go to bed immediately Stomache & diarrhoea Went to the beach Sunburn, fever & headache Insect sting On the arm A cold, sore throat Very bad Flu, fever & headache
Remember you can use the other parts of tener to say what is wrong with other people: Eg/ Tiene tos – She has a cough FRIEND Mi amigo tiene catarro My friend has a cold
Now show me you understand…! • Dad 5. Teacher • 2. Uncle 6. Brother • Grandma 7. Friend • Grandpa • (flu) 8. Sister (fever)
1) What have you learnt this week in Spanish? • This week in Spanish, I have learnt… • How did you learn it? • I learnt this by… • Now write 4 sentences as examples of what you’ve learnt. • Eg/