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Genres. The two main genres for scientific writings are lab reports and publications Lab reports dictate exactly what the scientists did in an experiment Follows the IMRD format: Intro-Methods-Results-Discussion Publications can have anything the scientists deem important

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Genres • The two main genres for scientific writings are lab reports and publications • Lab reports dictate exactly what the scientists did in an experiment • Follows the IMRD format: Intro-Methods-Results-Discussion • Publications can have anything the scientists deem important • Includes real world applications and uses

  2. Professional Societies • The scientific community is usually understood as a unified whole • Has subdivisions based on field of study • For example: PhD research usually looks at past research experience to consider applicants for a research team • Some fields include biology, chemistry, and physics, each with their own subdivisions

  3. Portfolios • Truest form of portfolio in the sciences is a combined published works by one scientist or group • Does not usually occur until a research grant has expired or the scientist is retired • Shows all works and published works by that scientist

  4. Interview • Interviewed Sheila McParlin(David’s mom) • Retired research biologist • Stated that all writing done was in the form of lab reports and observations • Observations are what you see in the experiments • Writings were the main form of communication between laboratories

  5. Works Cited • McParlin, Sheila. Personal Interview. 30 Mar. 2013. • Gocsik, Karen. Dartmouth Writing Program. Dartmouth College, 12 Jul. 2005. Web. 29 Mar.2013. • Roecker, Lee. Journal of College Science Teaching 36.4 (2007): 1-9. Print. • Duke University Writing Studios. Scientific Writing for Scientists. 30 Mar. 2013.

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