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2013 Customer Survey DTS User Group Presentation. Prepared for: 14 th January 2014. A two stage research approach, using a mixed mode approach for the first time. Stage 1: Quantitative. 15 - 20 minute survey Sample of ElectraLink stakeholders recruited from a supplied list.
2013 Customer Survey DTS User Group Presentation Prepared for: 14th January 2014
A two stage research approach, using a mixed mode approach for the first time. Stage 1: Quantitative • 15 - 20 minute survey • Sample of ElectraLink stakeholders recruited from a supplied list. • 43 interviews • A ‘mixed mode’ methodology consisting of both telephone (13) and online (30) interviews. • Fieldwork took place between 3rd and 25th September 2013. Stage 2: Qualitative • 6 x 45 minute in depth interviews (with 2 further interviews reserved for data services feedback) • Face to face interview conducted at place of work • 6 customers of ElectraLink • 5 GOMs • 2 CMs • Fieldwork took place between 15th October & 5th November 2013
DTS – Key headlines • For most the service remains professional & efficient - “ticks over smoothly”. The helpdesks & communication are already seen as near optimal. • Overall satisfaction scores amongst companies outside the ‘big 6 suppliers’ have declined YOY. This reflects less positive ratings in general amongst these companies rather than increased criticism or dissatisfaction. • Only 1 person claimed service had become worse, due to an issue with submitting files of a certain size. • ElectraLink is still seen as striving for improvement, in particular: • Greater transparency • Technical improvements – mainly around web tools & reporting tools • Expertise • Clear communication • There is still some desire for enhancements regarding Gateway services & the website, although there has also been evidence of perceived improvement in both of these areas as well.
DTS SCORE 8+ (Out of 10) 1 = Not At All Satisfied/ 10 = Extremely Satisfied 1 = Poor/ 10 = Excellent Value For Money Phone only Phone & online 77% Phone 63%Online 38% Phone 33%Online Although value for money perceptions are unchanged, there has been a decline in the proportion rating ElectraLink 8 or more out of 10 overall. This decline is mirrored by scores for both ELEXON & Gemserv. Base: Total DTS Sample
DTS SCORE 8+ (Out of 10) 1 = Poor 10 = Excellent Phone only Phone & online We have seen a corresponding decline in perceptions of ELEXON & Gemserv amongst ElectraLink’s DTS customers. Base: All dealing with each organisation
ElectraLink Overall Rating DTS Sample 1 = Poor 10 = Excellent Mean Score (out of 10) 8.02 8.51 7.90 8.31 9.00 8.09 7.89 8.61 Total Sample 2013 Big 6 suppliers Other companies ‘Other’ companies have become less positive than a year ago, pulling down overall satisfaction levels. By contrast, Big 6 companies are notably more positive. Base: Total Sample (DTS) (43) (57) (30) (13) (5) (11) (38) (46)
Reasons for giving overall rating of ElectraLink Rated 1 to 7 Rated 8 to 10 Total sample % The efficient, professional & responsive service are the main qualities supporting higher satisfaction levels. The main negative comments relate to communication. Base: Total DTS sample (43), Overall rating of 1 to 7 (14)/ Overall rating of 8 to 10 (29)
Reasons for level of Overall Satisfaction with ElectraLink – a selection of comments “At times ElectraLink do not realise that users might have other priorities and as such would prefer to park DTS issues. We have also had some problems in ensuring new contract arrangements are fully understood by both parties and this had given rise to excessive reviews to complete process.” “I find ElectraLink a little remote from my business as a small supplier compounded because the interface to the DTN is through a third party provider. I think ElectraLink should be visible at industry meetings and engage with industry members more directly. They need to be more proactive and flexible in bringing change to the industry.” “To keep informed: The volume of information that needs to be read and understood keeps increasing and this volume needs to be kept, where possible, to a minimum, but clearly, information is important so should be imparted with clarity.” “All questions are answered in a timely and efficient manner and any suggested improvements / changes always receive full consideration and are fully debated.”
Improvement on ElectraLink services over past 12 months “Improved”“From my perspective, although the core operational service is perceived to have remained pretty much the same (which is already to a high standard), improvements made to the Webtools e.g. the ability to save audit queries has further enhanced the management of the DTS.” “Stayed the same”“The management has been excellent now for a number of years providing both a dependable and effective service. Saying it's not improved this year is not a criticism - it's a confirmation of an on-going high level of service.” “Got worse”“The incident with trying to submit over 5meg. (We have had a number of outages on the gateway in the last 12 months, we could not transmit files over 5meg).” Although satisfaction scores are less positive than 2012 only one person interviewed felt that ElectraLink services had got worse in the past year. Base: Total DTS Sample (43/30/19)
Reasons feel that ElectraLink has improved/ stayed the same/ got worse Improved a lot/ a little Stayed same/ got worse Total sample % The main perceived improvements relate to greater transparency, technical advances and a general willingness to improve. Base: Total DTS sample (43), Improved (6)/ Stayed the same/ got worse (37)
Satisfaction with ElectraLink service SCORE 8+ (Out of 10) 1 = Not At All Satisfied/ 10 = Extremely Satisfied Base: Total DTS Sample (43)
Satisfaction with ElectraLink service DTS sample SCORE 8+ (Out of 10) 1 = Not At All Satisfied/ 10 = Extremely Satisfied ‘Big 6’ suppliers* Other companies ‘Other’ companies are less happy this year with the degree of professionalism, being easy to deal, expertise & communication. *Caution: Low base size Base: Total DTS sample (43/ 57), ‘Big 6 suppliers (5/11), Other companies (38/46)
Average rating of main service areasDTS sample The Helpdesk remains the most valued service area, with the DTS itself, Gateway Connection & Web tools all rated highly as well. The web tools & reporting tools have helped most to support a sense of improvement. *Change compared only on ratings in both 2012 and 2013 ** Caution: Low Base Base: All rating each attribute
DTS – key service delivery changes Key changes in mean scores Main ‘eyesores’ NB: 1 of the 2 rating the HP Helpdesk also rated all 3 attributes as ‘poor’ in 2013. Changes of less than +/- 0.25 not shown * Changes based on <10 respondents not shown
Gateway connections “The technology refresh last year was managed brilliantly.” • No visibility of who else is using & how much • Higher volume limits would help – raised with ElectraLink but not heard anything back yet RUG users File size • One example, but resolved satisfactorily • Existing users say it works well for now • Some appetite for XML or other enhanced formats from colleagues • Uncertainty about requirements for Smart Flat file formats • Not calling for it yet • Potentially of value to ‘senior’ influencers (marketing needs) Real-time data transfer Daily gateway report • Invaluable
Introduction of new Gateway options How much already know: Know a lot 9% Know something 47% Not aware 44% Base: DTS sample (43) Concerns about proposal: None 75% Cost 17% Other 8% Base: Those aware (24) How found out about proposal: From a risk perspective, disruption to service, however I have every confidence that the changes would be managed in a professional manner with minimal disruption as was proved during the Hardware upgrade project. The cost & complexity of the proposal. Base: Those aware (24) Awareness of the proposal is still growing. Most have no concerns, with cost the only specific issue mentioned by more than 1 in 10.
Social media – evolution, not revolution ElectraLink is not a consumer brand. We need to acknowledge where our customers are and how social media meets the business needs they have. Digital generation Mainstream (dinosaurs) Some (not all) are here in terms of their personal use. Most are here in terms of their perceived need within their business lives (even our younger respondents). “The worst thing ElectraLink could do is to say we’re going to migrate all our communication through Yahoo or Facebook… If they want to duplicate so there’s 3 routes to communication that’s fine. But don’t make me use it.”
What are the boundaries? Recognising that social media is only likely to become more relevant, we should start small, simple & focused, but not move quicker than users can or want to. What’s appropriate? What’s not? • For certain notifications • Company profiles • For friends/ consumers • Avoid: • Doing it for the sake of it • Letting it replace essential communication channels that work efficiently already • Business credible/ acceptable • Updates/ news • Company profiles • Networking/ connections • Alerts • Not strictly social media • But keeps in tune with mobile digital lifestyles • Bad example: • “The huddle! • Over-complicates communication, forced, gets in the way of conventional comms channels. NB: No-one really sited good examples because they simply don’t yet make much use of social media!
DTS – Conclusions & action areas • Across both stages of research a number of action areas or considerations for future development were highlighted. These were largely expressed as ‘fine tuning’ rather than serious problems: • Can & should the website be re-developed to become a more effective communication tool? • Potentially including the gradual introduction of optional social media channels e.g. LinkedIn/ Twitter. Digital communication • Continued desire to see flow content within the Audit tool. • Expectations of a tool to help with Smart UPRNs. • Web tools workshops for newcomers, refreshing, & for updates/ enhancements. Web tools • Appetite for higher volume limits & greater visibility of who is using at any one time amongst smaller users. • Continue to roll out new Gateway options. Gateways • Strive to keep minimalist, without losing ability to access essential detail easily when it is needed. Communication
Jon Wilkins Director jon.wilkins@researchcraft.com