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Amárach safe track Wave 6. Advertising and Corporate Image Tracking Research Wave 6 Island of Ireland Prepared by Amárach Consulting April 2006. RoI. Wave 6 – Methodology Overview. Benchmark – Jan 2003 ST1 - May 2003 ST2 – January 2004 ST3 – June 2004 ST4 – January 2005
Amárach safetrack Wave 6 • Advertising and Corporate Image Tracking Research • Wave 6 • Island of Ireland • Prepared by • Amárach Consulting • April 2006
RoI Wave 6 – Methodology Overview Benchmark – Jan 2003 ST1 - May 2003 ST2 – January 2004 ST3 – June 2004 ST4 – January 2005 ST 5a – June 2005 ST 5b – July 2005 ST-6- January 2006 • Total Number of Interviews(IOI -831 ST 6) • (ROI -519 ST 6) • (NI – 312 ST 6) • Sample- Nationally representative - Adults aged 15-74 • Fieldwork - In-home face to face interviews • - 52 sampling points in ROI & - 50 sampling points in NI • Note: A new question that hasn’t been asked before is denoted by NI
The Irish Consumer Avian Flu reaches Europe Growth in functional foods market Growth in organic foods market Fast food giants McDonald’s reports that its profits have halved for 2005 safefood A multimedia Treats Campaign Promotion of counter-intuitive message “don’t wash the bird” Inclusion of FSAI questions in safetrack 6 What’s been happening since safetrack 5?
Section 1: Spontaneous Awareness and Associations Section 2: Advertising Awareness and Effectiveness Section 3: PR Awareness and Evaluation Section 4: Sources of Information Section 5: safefood Brand Development Section 6: Treats Section 7: Food Safety Section 8: Healthy Eating Section 9:Consumer Focussed Review: Fruit and Salad Vegetables
Totally Spontaneous Awareness-Food Safety On an Island of Ireland basis, safefood is the organisation that consumers are most likely to associate with making them think more seriously about food safety Base IOI: ST6-573; ST 5a -460; ST4-486; ST3-490; ST2-478; ST1-554; BM-573.
Spontaneous Association-Food Safety Promotion safefood are emerging as “leader” in terms of their promotion of food safety Base :ST6-622; ST 5a -514 ; ST4 525; ST3 507; ST2 516; ST1 582; BM 598
Spontaneous Association-Food Safety Regulation safefood are the organisation that consumers associate with overseeing food safety on an Island of Ireland basis. Base: IOI-560 Included on behalf of Food Safety Authority of Ireland
Totally Spontaneous Association-Healthy Eating There is consistent association of safefood with Healthy Eating in both Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland Base: 560
Spontaneous Association-Healthy Eating Promotion safefood is experiencing steady growth in terms of its association with the promotion of healthy eating. IOI Base: ST6- 613; ST5-511 ; ST4-491
Summary • Food Safety: • safefood is the organisation that makes consumers think more seriously about food safety. • safefood are emerging as the leader in terms of their promotion in the area of food safety. • Healthy Eating: • safefood is the second organisation that consumers were most likely to report as making them think more seriously about healthy eating. • The association of safefood in terms of their promotion of Health Eating is steadily increasing. safefood Associations are consistent between ROI and NI
Section 1: Spontaneous Awareness and Associations Section 2: Advertising Awareness and Effectiveness Section 3: PR Awareness and Evaluation Section 4: Sources of Information Section 5: safefood Brand Development Section 6: Treats Section 7: Food Safety Section 8: Healthy Eating Section 9:Consumer Focussed Review: Fruit and Salad Vegetables
safefood was the organisation that consumers were most likely to recall having heard advertising about food safety and healthy eating in a variety of media…
Unaided Recall of Advertising Consumers were most likely to recall having heard safefood advertising on television about healthy eating Base: IOI
safefood Advertising Awareness • Treats Campaign • Treats TV • Salt Radio Ad • Christmas Leaflet • Treats PR • Turkey PR • Turkey Audio
Treats Campaign • 53% of respondents on the Island of Ireland have seen these images. • Respondents in Northern Ireland were more likely to report having seen the images (60%) than those in the Republic of Ireland (50%).
Treats Campaign-Media Awareness Consumers were most likely to recall that they had seen the images on television Base: Those who recalled seeing the image: IOI (444), NI (187), ROI (257)
Awareness of safefood’s Involvement One in two consumers on the Island of Ireland recalled safefood’s involvement in the images. A total of 50% recalled safefood’s involvement Base: Those who recalled seeing the image: IOI (444), NI (187), ROI (257)
Main Message Communicated by Treats Campaign The main message that consumers interpreted from the campaign was the importance of not giving children too many treats in their lunchboxes Base: Recalled Lunchbox Ad-416
Rating of Treats Campaign Base: IOI-Those who had recalled the images from the Treats Campaign (444)
Behavioural Impact of Treats Campaign • They (the campaign messages and ads) have made me think more about the nutritional value of treats and as a result of the campaign • 24% have already changed their behaviour • 32% plan to change their behaviour • 13% plan to find out more about this issue in the near future • 24% say that it is unlikely they will look into it any further Base: Those who recalled seeing the images: IOI (444)
Awareness of TV Lunchbox Advertisement Base: IOI (831)
Awareness of Salt Radio Advertisement Repeating a campaign significantly increases recall Base: IOI-831
Promotional Literature Awareness Almost 2 in 5 consumers (35%) recall having seen this promotional literature Base: IOI-831
Awareness of Turkey Radio Advertisement Almost 1 in 2 consumers (45%) recall having heard this advertisement Base: IOI-831
Overall Impressions of Turkey Advertisement Almost 1 in 2 consumers (48%) correctly interpreted the message that it is safer not to wash poultry Base: IOI-Those who recalled having heard Turkey radio ad-306
Rating the Advertisement Base: IOI-Those who recalled having heard Turkey radio ad-306
Section 1: Spontaneous Awareness and Associations Section 2: Advertising Awareness and Effectiveness Section 3: PR Awareness and Evaluation Section 4: Sources of Information Section 5: safefood Brand Development Section 6: Treats Section 7: Food Safety Section 8: Healthy Eating Section 9:Consumer Focussed Review: Fruit and Salad Vegetables
Awareness of News Stories 1 in 4 consumers recalled having seen or heard something about the treats news stories Base: IOI-831
Awareness of safefood’s Involvement-Unprompted More than 3 in 5 consumers recalled safefood’s involvement in the campaign 65% recalled safefood’s involvement Base: IOI-Those who recalled seeing the news stories (203)
Main Message of the Treats News Stories Base: Those who recalled having seen the treats stories and gave an answer (195)
Awareness of Turkey News Stories 2 in 5 consumers recalled having seen or heard something about the turkey news stories Base: IOI-831
Awareness of safefood’s Involvement-Unprompted 65% of consumers recalled safefood’s involvement in the news stories Base: IOI-Those who have seen/heard Turkey news stories (312)
Main Message Communicated Base: IOI-Those who have seen/heard Turkey news stories (312)
Section 1: Spontaneous Awareness and Associations Section 2: Advertising Awareness and Effectiveness Section 3: PR Awareness and Evaluation Section 4: Sources of Information Section 5: safefood Brand Development Section 6: Treats Section 7: Food Safety Section 8: Healthy Eating Section 9:Consumer Focussed Review: Fruit and Salad Vegetables
Sources of Information on Healthy Eating Base-IOI-831
Section 1: Spontaneous Awareness and Associations Section 2: Advertising Awareness and Effectiveness Section 3: PR Awareness and Evaluation Section 4: Sources of Information Section 5: safefood Brand Development Section 6: Treats Section 7: Food Safety Section 8: Healthy Eating Section 9:Consumer Focussed Review: Fruit and Salad Vegetables
Logo Recognition Almost 7 in 10 consumers recognise the safefood logo Bases: IOI BM – 900; ST1 – 827; ST2-863; ST3 – 828; ST 4 – 819; ST 5a- 811; ST 6-831
Evaluating safefood Base: IOI- ST6-831