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Mutually Exclusive Events

Mutually Exclusive Events. Starter Two volunteers – can you please stand where ever I stand. Mutually Exclusive Events. Mutually Exclusive events are events which can not happen at the same time. For Example : If I toss a coin , The outcome of

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Mutually Exclusive Events

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mutually Exclusive Events Starter Twovolunteers – canyouplease stand where ever I stand.

  2. Mutually Exclusive Events Mutually Exclusive events are eventswhichcan nothappenatthesame time. For Example: If I toss a coin, Theoutcomeof getting a headandtheoutcomeofgetting a tails are mutually exclusive – theycannotpossibly happenatthesame time in oneflip.

  3. Whichoftheseevents are mutually exclusive? Winning a football match anddrawingthesame match Mutually Exclusive

  4. Whichoftheseevents are mutually exclusive? Wearingoneredsockandonebluesock NotMutually Exclusive

  5. Whichoftheseevents are mutually exclusive? Eatingbread for breakfastand chips for dinner NotMutually Exclusive

  6. Whichoftheseevents are mutually exclusive? Beingon time andbeing late onthesamedayofschool Mutually Exclusive

  7. Whichoftheseevents are mutually exclusive? In a classofpupils a pupils, onestudenthasbrowneyesandonestudenthasblueeyes. NotMutually Exclusive

  8. Whichoftheseevents are mutually exclusive? Youpick a numberwhich is a squarenumberandalsoanoddnumber. NotMutually Exclusive

  9. Whichoftheseevents are mutually exclusive? A studenthasbrowneyesandshehasblueeyes. Mutually Exclusive

  10. Whichoftheseevents are mutually exclusive? Youpick a numberwhichcanbewritten as a fractionand a decimal. NotMutually Exclusive

  11. Whichoftheseevents are mutually exclusive? Youpick a numberwhich is factorof 50 and a trianglenumber. NotMutually Exclusive Whenyou´redonetryPg 42 Q1 and Q5

  12. Homework • Try to thinkof 3 pairsofeventswhich are mutually exclusive and 3 pairsofeventswhich are notmutuallly exclusive. Best examplegets a HousePoint!

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