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Rejoicing over Babylon’s Fall and The Coming of the King of Kings. Revelation 19:1-21. The Seven Bowls (Rev 12:1 – 19:10). Background of the Bowls (12:1 – 14:20) Rejoicing over and Preparation for the Seven Last Plagues (15:1-8) Pouring out of the Seven Bowls (16:1-21)
Rejoicing over Babylon’s FallandThe Coming of the King of Kings Revelation 19:1-21
The Seven Bowls(Rev 12:1 – 19:10) • Background of the Bowls (12:1 – 14:20) • Rejoicing over and Preparation for the Seven Last Plagues (15:1-8) • Pouring out of the Seven Bowls (16:1-21) • The History and Fall of Babylon (17:1 – 19:10) • Religious Babylon Destroyed (17:1-18) • Commercial Babylon Destroyed (18:1-24) • Rejoicing over Babylon’s Fall (19:1-10)
Closing Visions of John(Rev 19:11 – 22:5) • The Coming of the King of Kings (19:11-16) • The Invitation to the Birds of Prey (19:17-18) • The Defeat of the Beasts (19:19-21)
Four Songs in Celebration of the Fall of Babylon (Rev 19:1-5) • A large multitude praising God for His judgment on the harlot (19:1-2) • “Hallelujah” means “praise the Lord.” It is a call to praise in vv. 1, 3, and 6, and a response of praise in v. 4. • The song in vv. 1-2 celebrates the arrival of God’s salvation (i.e. His victory), glory, and power. God is praised because of His fairness and righteousness in judging the great harlot.
Four Songs in Celebration of the Fall of Babylon (Rev 19:1-5) • The same multitude celebrating Babylon’s judgment (19:3) • The reason for praise here is that Babylon’s destruction is complete and irreversible, as demonstrated by the smoke that arises forever and ever. • A response of agreement and praise from the 24 elders and 4 living beings (19:4) • These beings were prominent in chapters 4 and 5 and made brief appearances in 11:16 and 14:3. • They make one final appearance here to celebrate the completion of God’s judgment, agreeing with what has already been sung and falling down in worship before the throne. • A voice from the throne inviting praise to God by all His slaves (19:5) • An authoritative voice cries out for the slaves of God, all those who fear Him, to give praise to God.
One Song in Celebration of the Marriage of the Lamb (Rev 19:6-8) • This song celebrates the beginning of the reign of the Lord God Almighty. • It turns from looking back at the judgment of the harlot to looking forward to the marriage of the Lamb, which is the consummation of the union between Christ and His people. • The harlot has been judged, the wedding party is in place, and the marriage is about to begin.
Points of Clarification • There is a distinction between the wedding and the feast that celebrates it. • The wedding is initiated in heaven with the rapture of the church saints, because when they return with Christ they have already put on their wedding apparel (19:8, 14). • But the celebration of that union with a grand wedding feast takes place on the earth. This feast is first celebrated in the millennial reign of Christ on the present earth, then continues through the new heavens and new earth. • Is the bride the redeemed of national Israel only, the redeemed of the church only, or the redeemed of all time from both Israel and the church? • In the OT, God is the bridegroom of Israel (Isa 54:6; Jer 31:32; Ezek 16:7-14; Hos 2:16, 19). • In the NT, Christ is the bridegroom of the church (2 Cor 11:2; Eph 5:25-27).
Conclusion of Section on Babylon & John’s response (19:9-10) • The same angel who began this discourse on Babylon in 17:1 now concludes it in 19:9 by pronouncing a blessing for those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. • In the culture of John’s day, a wedding feast began on the eve of the wedding and continued for many days. • Here the wedding feast begins the kingdom of God on earth. The bride is the church, and the invited guests are all the other saints who are committed to Jesus. • The declaration that “these are true words of God” refers all the way back to 17:1 and includes all the revelations and prophecies made since then. • John is strongly rebuked when he falls down to worship the angel and reminded that the angel was also only a servant of God. • The angel further explains that both angels and humans who speak divine revelation (i.e. prophets) do so on the basis of the divine witness of Jesus. Thus it is only appropriate that God alone, as the ultimate source of that witness, receive the worship of those who are impressed with the revelation.
Closing Visions of John(Rev 19:11 – 22:5) • The words “and I saw” that begin v. 11 are used to mark off 8 successive scenes that make up the action part of the 7th bowl. • Christ’s return as a warrior-king (19:11-16) • The invitation to the birds of prey (19:17-18) • The defeat of the beasts (19:19-21) • The binding of Satan (20:1-3) • The millennium and the defeat of Satan (20:4-10) • The placement of the Great White Throne (20:11) • The judgment of those whose names are missing from the Book of Life (20:12-15) • The new heaven and the new earth (21:1-8)
Christ’s Return as Warrior-King (Rev 19:11-16) • The OT prophets foresaw Messiah coming as a warrior in the last days to destroy His enemies and establish His kingdom upon the earth (e.g. Isa 13:4; 31:4; 42:13; Ezek. 38-39; Joel 3; Zech 14:3). • Christ came the first time on a donkey, but here he returns on a white horse, a symbol of triumph. • He comes as both a judge and a warrior, discharging both responsibilities in perfect righteousness. • Eyes “like a flame of fire” emphasize that nothing escapes his notice. • Multiple crowns on His head are appropriate because He is the King of kings and possesses the right to rule the world. • The name which nobody knows will remain unknown until He comes. • His robed dipped in blood is not His own blood, but that of His enemies as He sheds it and it splatters on His clothing (cf. Isa 63:1-6; Rev 14).
Christ’s Return as Warrior-King (Rev 19:11-16) • Note that the warrior does not come alone. • With Him is an army clothed in white, but they carry no swords or spears. They come in support of the Messiah, but He does not need them to wage the battle. These are “the called and chosen and faithful” (Rev 17:14). • The weaponry of the Messiah includes a sword and a rod. • The words of Christ (“the sword of His mouth”) have the power to kill His enemies. • In this context, to rule with a rod of iron is to destroy (see Psa 2:8-12; Rev 2:27, 12:5). • He is King of kings and Lord of lords!
Invitation to the Birds of Prey (Rev 19:17-18) • The angel’s prominent position in the sky makes him visible to all the birds. • His invitation to these birds anticipates the outcome of the battle to come: a tremendous slaughter of mankind, with the corpses providing a feast of flesh for these birds. • The victims include all classes of mankind.
The Defeat of the Beasts (Rev 19:19-21) • This is the battle with those gathered at Armageddon, already anticipated in Rev 16:16. • The Messiah meets and defeats the beast, the false prophet, and the kings of the earth who served as their allies during the reign of the beast. • The beast and the false prophet are cast alive into the lake of fire, the site of punishment after judgment. • The kings of the earth and their armies are killed with the sword of Christ’s mouth (i.e. a verbal pronouncement), and their flesh is eaten by the birds.
Next Week: The Millennium & the White Throne Judgment Read Rev 19:11 – 20:15