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NESDIS Report on NOAA GOES and POES Status NAEDEX Meeting #22 December 9-11, 2009 ECMWF

NESDIS Report on NOAA GOES and POES Status NAEDEX Meeting #22 December 9-11, 2009 ECMWF Reading, U.K. John Paquette NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD. Agenda. GOES Status and Schedule for 2009/2010 GOES-10 Decommissioning GOES-12 to -13 Transition and Validation

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NESDIS Report on NOAA GOES and POES Status NAEDEX Meeting #22 December 9-11, 2009 ECMWF

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  1. NESDIS Report on NOAA GOES and POES Status NAEDEX Meeting #22 December 9-11, 2009 ECMWF Reading, U.K. John Paquette NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD

  2. Agenda • GOES Status and Schedule for 2009/2010 • GOES-10 Decommissioning • GOES-12 to -13 Transition and Validation • GOES-14 PLT and User Testing • POES Status and Priorities Schedule • NPP Status • GOES-R Update • Non-NOAA Significant Updates • New Products • Upcoming Products

  3. GOES On-Orbit ConfigurationCurrent as of 11/2/09

  4. GOES Status GOES GOES - - 10 10 GOES GOES - - 11 11 GOES GOES - - 12 12 GOES GOES - - 13 13 GOES GOES - - 14 14 Payload Instrument Payload Instrument (West) (West) (East) (East) (Standby) (Standby) (Test) (Test) Imager Imager G G G G G G G G Sounder Sounder R G G G Y G G G G Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS) Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS) Y G G Y Y G G G G Magnetometers Magnetometers G G G G G G G G G High Energy Proton and Alpha High Energy Proton and Alpha G G G G G G G G G Detector Detector X X - - Ray Sensor (XRS) Ray Sensor (XRS) G R R R R R R G G Solar X Solar X - - Ray Imager (SXI) Ray Imager (SXI) N/A N/A N/A R R Y Y G G Spacecraft Subsystems Spacecraft Subsystems Telemetry, Command & Control Telemetry, Command & Control G S/C S/C G G G G G G Attitude and Orbit Control Attitude and Orbit Control G G G G G G G G G Inclination Control Inclination Control R G G G G G G G G Propulsion Propulsion G G G Y Y S/C S/C G G Mechanisms Mechanisms S/C G G G G G G G G Electrical Power Electrical Power G Y Y G G G G G G Thermal Control Thermal Control G G G G G G G G G Communications Payloads Communications Payloads S/C S/C S/C G G G G G G Decommissioned

  5. South America Coverage • NOAA/NESDIS operating GOES-10 at 60 degrees West since December 2006. • Provides continuous GOES coverage of South America during GOES EAST rapid scan operations. • Positive impact to South American severe storm and flash flood forecast and warnings. • GOES-10 at end of fuel life • Decommissioned and de-orbited on December 1, 2009 • NOAA has received requests to continue South American support through multiple international organizations • NESDIS recommendation to utilize GOES-12 for South America coverage by June 2010 • Can provide dedicated South America coverage in time for the North Atlantic hurricane season • GOES-12 east-west fuel available for 3 years of operation • No fuel remaining for inclination control

  6. GOES Status and Schedule for 2009/2010 • GOES-10 (60W) was decommissioned on 12/1/09 at 1230 UTC due to lack of fuel • GOES-13 to replace GOES-12 in April 2010 • Transition plan similar to GOES-8 to -12 transition • GOES-13 imaging while drifting to 75° W • GOES-East switch to GOES-13 when 13 is within 6° of GOES-12 (4/14) • GOES-13 GVAR through GOES-12 until 4/26 • GOES-12 drift to 60° W for South America • GOES-12 South America coverage by June 2010

  7. GOES Status and Schedule for 2009/2010 NESDIS/OSDPD will ingest and serve GOES-13 on or about 1/25 Additional product validation and testing

  8. GOES-East Detailed Transition 1/19 GOES-13 Return to Normal Mode Imager, Sounder, SEM activated SXI remains off 1/21 Image Navigation Start-up (4 days) 1/25 Begin GOES-13 execution of GOES East Schedule 2/9 Perform GOES-13 Annual inclination maneuver 2/17 Conduct GOES-13 Operations Readiness Review 2/23 Start GOES-13 Eastward Drift from 105°W to 75°W 3/8 Near 99°W; Activate GOES-13 SXI 4/14 Near 81°W; GOES-13 becomes GOES-East Stop GOES-12 GVAR GOES-13 GVAR relayed through GOES-12 Users do not re-point antenna 4/26 Stop GOES-13 Drift at 75°W GOES-13 GVAR relayed through GOES-13 Switch ancillary COMM services from GOES-12 to GOES-13

  9. GOES-12 and GOES-13 Differences Why not scan away from contaminated data? • Imager and Sounder similar • GOES-13 Spectral Response Functions (SRFs) Updated • GOES-13 will operate through Eclipse • Sun light intrusion does have an effect on data/products • Recommendation for shifted scans during Fall 2010 “KOZ” period • OSDPD undergoing testing of shifted scans • 75% of cancelled “KOZ” images recoverable • No changes to Sounder • Long term solution is to correct the GVAR to remove the stray light

  10. GOES-13/14 Shifted Scans Shifted Northern Hemisphere Frame Shifted CONUS Frame

  11. GOES-14 Post Launch Testing • GOES-O launched June 27, 2009 • GOES-O reached orbit at 90° W and has been renamed GOES-14 • Imager/Sounder data being served on McIDAS ADDE Server on FTP:// West.nesdis.noaa.gov • NOAA Post Launch Science Test 11/30/09 – 1/4/2010 • Schedules at: http://rammb.cira.colostate.edu/projects/goes-o/ • Data and products to be made available to users • GOES-14 to remain Earth pointing but imager/sounder off following PLT • XRS to continue to operate • Change to imager band 6 (13 micron – from 8 km to 4 km) • Changes to GVAR: http://www.osd.noaa.gov/gvar/gvardownload.htm

  12. Current GOES PG/PD GOES Ingest and NOAAPort Interface (GINI) NOAAPort/AWIPS NWS IBM SATEPSDIST Servers (ADDE and FTP) NWS/NCEP DOD STAR SAB Universities Private Industry ESPC Processing Data Distribution Server (DDS) NWS/NCEP/EMC ECMWF UKMET STAR DOD NWS/NCEP DOD STAR SAB Universities Private Industry Dell Blade Servers (Linux) Interpretive Data Analysis

  13. Satellite is operational beyond design life On-orbit GOES storage Continuity of GOES Operational Satellite Program Calendar Year As of Nov. 2009 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 GOES 10 South America Support-Decomissioned GOES 11 GOES West GOES 12 GOES East/South America Support GOES 13 GOES-East Replacement GOES-14 GOES P GOES R GOES S Operational

  14. POES Status and Priorities • Metop-A and NOAA-19 are Primary • OSO still taking in NOAA-18 as primary at downlinks during conflict: • NOAA-18: 14 contacts per day • NOAA-19: 10 contacts per day • At request of NCEP, OSO has delayed the priority switch until 12/15/09: • NOAA-19: 14 contacts per day • NOAA-18: 8 contacts per day • NOAA-19 AMSU back in spec. • MHS channel 3 noise out of spec, taken out of product processing

  15. Polar Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) Operational Status03 November 2009

  16. POES Constellation Operational Status Details03 November 2009

  17. NPP Status • Launch delayed beyond January 2011 • Operational products to be made available as early as three months following launch • At this time, a specific PLT schedule is not established and is currently under review by the Integrated Program Office • SDRs and EDRs will be made operationally available to the user community from the IDPS/NDE in netCDF4, HDF-5, and BUFR formats (radiances) • For current software documentation on data formats refer to URL: http://jointmission.gsfc.nasa.gov/project/science-documents.html

  18. NPP Status • The SDR/TDR Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBD) for CrIS, ATMS, VIIRS, and OMPS are under review and being updated for general public release • The ATBD for CrIS SDRs should be available in the short term • NESDIS will disseminate to the NAEDEX forum as soon as it is approved • We’ll do the same when the other documents are released • The NESDIS OSD has the action item to provide “user manuals” consisting of spectral response functions, etc. to the NAEDEX users

  19. NPP Product Development • Annual Review for Satellite Product Development • FY10 NPP NOAA Unique Product Development Projects • Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MIRS) • CrIS/ATMS Product System • NDE Sea Surface Temperatures/Aerosol Product System • Green Vegetation Fraction from NPP • Polar Winds from VIIRS • FY11 NUP New Start Projects • Blended Hyrdro-meteorological Product

  20. NPP Phase 13-20 months after NPP Launch NPOESS contractor delivered xDRs xDRs with To Be Confirmed (TBC) are products not currently provided to users from legacy systems

  21. NPP Phase 13-20 months after NPP Launch Legacy mission continuityreplacement products comprised of currently funded NOAA Unique Products (NUPs)

  22. NPP Phase 2 Products Unfunded NOAA Unique Products (NUPs) NESDIS is seeking your requirements

  23. NPP/NPOESS PG&D NOAA’s NPOESS Data Exploitation (NDE) NOAA Satellite Operations Facility (NSOF) Suitland, MD NOAA Environmental Satellite Processing Center (ESPC) NPOESS’ Interface Data Processing Segment (IDPS) Data Delivery Reports xDR Subscription Requests xDRs xDRs NOAA-Unique Products NPOESS Status NOAA NPOESS’ Mission Management Center (MMC) Trouble Ticket xDRs Product Processing Components Tailored Products Work Request/ Status Customer Service Request/ Response NOAA-Unique Products Key CUSTOMERS (NWS, & external users) Data Flow External Data Flow Long-Term Archive (CLASS) External Entity Process Environment xDRs

  24. Current Polar-Orbiting Satellite Schedule Calendar Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 DMSP 17 AM Orbit DMSP 19 NPOESS C2 NPOESS C4 DMSP 20 DMSP F16 DMSP F18 Mid AM Orbit MetOp-A MetOp-B Terra MetOp-C NOAA18 NOAA 19 PM Orbit NPP NPOESS C1 Aqua NPOESS C3 Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DoD) NPOESS Preparatory Project (NASA/NOAA) Extended operation European Polar System (EUMETSAT) NPOESS Sensor Checkout 24 NASA EOS NOAA Polar Satellite Program

  25. GOES-R Update • Launch scheduled in 2015 • Enhanced Imager Specifications (Advanced Baseline Imager) • 16 spectral channels • Will scan during fall and spring eclipse periods • ABI scans about 5 times faster than the current GOES imager • There are two anticipated scan modes for the ABI • Full disk images every 15 minutes + 5 min CONUS images (with 30 second mesoscale, if needed) • Full disk every 5 minutes

  26. ABI Current Spectral Coverage 16 bands 5 bands Spatial resolution 0.64 mm Visible 0.5 km Approx. 1 km Other Visible/near-IR 1.0 km n/a Bands (>2 mm) 2 km Approx. 4 km Spatial coverage Full disk 4 per hour Scheduled (3 hrly) CONUS 12 per hour ~4 per hour Mesoscale Every 30 sec n/a Visible (reflective bands) On-orbit calibrationYes No The AdvancedBaseline Imager

  27. GOES-R BASELINE & OPTION-2 Product Summary Clouds and Moisture Imagery (KPP) Clear Sky Mask Cloud Top Pressure and Height Cloud Top Phase Cloud Top Temperature Cloud Particle Size Distribution Cloud Optical Path Temperature and Moisture Profiles Total Precipitable Water Stability Parameters (Lifted Index) Aerosol Detection Aerosols Optical Depth Derived Motion Winds Hurricane Intensity Fire/Hot Spot Characterization Land and Sea Surface Temperature Volcanic Ash Rainfall Rate Snow Cover Downward Solar Insolation: Surface Reflected Solar Insolation: TOA Lightning Detection Cloud Layer/Heights Cloud Ice Water Path Cloud Liquid Water Cloud Type Convective Initiation Turbulence Low Cloud and Fog Enhanced “V”/Overshooting Top Aircraft Icing Threat SO2 Detections (Volcanoes) Visibility Upward Longwave Radiation (TOA) Downward Longwave Radiation (SFC) Upward Longwave Radiation (SFC) Total Ozone Aerosol Particle Size Surface Emissivity Surface Albedo Vegetation Index Vegetation Fraction Flood Standing Water Rainfall probability and potential Snow Depth Ice Cover Sea & Lake Ice Concentration, Age, Extent, Motion Ocean Currents, Currents: Offshore BASELINEProducts OPTION 2 Products Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) GLM

  28. Non-NOAA Updates • MTSAT-1R suffered a ground data processing anomaly on November 11: • Switched to MTSAT-2 at 145° E • Imagery sent through MTSAT-1R to DOMSAT, labeled as MTSAT-1R • Navigation issues prior to switch, all ok now • Switch back to primary MTSAT-1R occurred on 11/27 • Quality data from spacecraft restored • All other Non-NOAA (MSG, Met-7, EOS, Metop) are nominal. • Exception: Loss of QuikSCAT • ESPC now bringing in FY-2D (86 E) from China (through ABOM and SSEC)

  29. Upcoming Products • Enhanced Blended TPW and TPW Anomaly Products • Addition of SSMIS, April 2010 • Blended Rain Rate Product • AMSU-A, MHS, SSMIS, TMI • April 2010 implementation, replace single sensor • Four month overlap with current products • GOES Sounder SFOV (1x1) replacement of the 5x5 scale • Implementation January 2010

  30. Back-Up Slides

  31. Polar Satellite Products and Services Status - Operational G - Scheduling, performance or capabilities limitation Y R - Not operational or unable to process

  32. Polar Satellite Products and Services Status - Operational G - Scheduling, performance or capabilities limitation Y R - Not operational or unable to process

  33. New NOAA Products • MTSAT-SST • Hourly, in netCDF format • MSG-SST • 15 minute update, in netCDF format • Provide much higher temporal resolution enabling better estimates for the diurnal SST cycle • Bias 0.2°K

  34. Polar Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) Performance Status03 November 2009

  35. POES Constellation Performance Status Details03 November 2009

  36. Geostationary Satellites Polar Orbiting Satellites NOAA-15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Metop-A NASA Terra, Aqua DoD DMSP MTSAT-1R (DOMSAT) MSG (landline and DOMSAT via Wallops) Meteosat-7 (landline) GOES-11, 12, 13, 14 “Raw” Data Various Ways • Polar Acquisition Stations for POES, MetOp, EOS • Wallops, VA • Fairbanks, AK • Gilmore Creek, AK • Svalbard • Honolulu, HI • Miami, FL • Australia • Monterey, CA • NASA DAACs Processed data, products, and services Partners and Customers Public

  37. GOES-R Baseline Products GOES-R Additional Products (Option 2) Aerosol Particle Size Aerosol Detection (incl Smoke & Dust) Suspended Matter / Optical Depth Aircraft Icing Threat Volcanic Ash: Detection & Height Cloud Ice Water Path Cloud & Moisture Imagery Cloud Imagery: Coastal Cloud Optical Depth Cloud Layers / Heights and Thickness Cloud Particle Size Distribution Cloud Liquid Water Cloud Top Phase Cloud Type Cloud Top Height Convective Initiation Cloud Top Pressure Enhanced “V” / Overshooting Top Detection Cloud Top Temperature Low Cloud and Fog Hurricane Intensity Turbulence Visibility Lightning Detection: Events, Groups & Flashes Probability of Rainfall Rainfall Rate / QPE Rainfall Potential Legacy Vertical Moisture Profile Total Water Content Legacy Vertical Temperature Profile Derived Stability Indices Absorbed Shortwave Radiation: Surface Total Precipitable Water Downward Longwave Radiation: Surface Clear Sky Masks Upward Longwave Radiation: Surface Upward Longwave Radiation: TOA Radiances GOES-R Product Set Ozone Total Downward Solar Insolation: Surface SO2 Detection Reflected Solar Insolation: TOA Flood/Standing Water Derived Motion Winds Ice Cover/Landlocked Fire / Hot Spot Characterization Snow Depth Land Surface (Skin) Temperature Surface Albedo Snow Cover Sea Surface Temperature Surface Emissivity Energetic Heavy Ions Vegetation Fraction: Green Magnetospheric Electrons and Protons: Low Energy Vegetation Index Magnetospheric Electrons and Protons: Medium & High Energy Currents Solar and Galactic Protons Currents: Offshore Geomagnetic Field Sea & Lake Ice: Age Solar Flux: EUV Sea & Lake Ice: Concentration Solar Flux: X-Ray Sea & Lake Ice: Extent Solar Imagery: X-Ray Sea & Lake Ice: Motion ABI SUVI EXIS GLM SEISS Magnetometer 37

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