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The Industrial Revolution: Britain Begins Industrialization

The Industrial Revolution: Britain Begins Industrialization. Why was Britain the first country to industrialize?. Agricultural Revolution in Britain (1700). L arge farms begin to experiment with new ways to create larger/more crops.

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The Industrial Revolution: Britain Begins Industrialization

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  1. The Industrial Revolution:Britain Begins Industrialization • Why was Britain the first country to industrialize?

  2. Agricultural Revolution in Britain (1700) • Large farms begin to experiment with new ways to create larger/more crops • The Agricultural Revolution helps start the Industrial Revolution • Most citizens in Britain live & work on small farms in the countryside • Enclosure Movement begins when wealthy landowners buy small farms, combine them & enclose them with fences or hedges 1. 1701: Jethro Tull invents the seed drill • Plants seeds in well spaced rows at a specific depth in the ground – less labor • Crops are bigger with larger yields 2. Charles “Turnip” Townshend begins crop rotation • Crop rotation allows you to grow different crops on the same field

  3. 3.Farmers practice selective breeding of animals – bigger sheep! • As food supply increases so does population British need Labor (1750) • Bigger pop needs more goods (esp. textiles),farmers move to cities to find work in textile mills (factories) British Industrializes (1750-1830) • Britain had the factors of production, which are land,labor, and capital (wealth/money), which is needed to industrialize • The following factors made Britain first: 1) Natural Resources:Water power/coal to fuel new machines & iron ore to construct machines, tools, and buildings 2) Stable Government plus many colonies & powerful Navy 3) Transportation:Rivers to transport goods throughout Britain & natural harbors that allow merchants to sail to and from the island 4) Entrepreneurs:Great banking system allows Entrepreneurs to invest money in the new technology

  4. 5. Inventions & Improvements (1760-1830) • Textile Industry had many inventions that made the process quicker & easier A) Spinning Mule B) Power Loom • Transportation improvements helps move of goods throughout Britain D) Steam Locomotive E) Liverpool-Manchester railroad C) Watt’s Steam Engine

  5. Warm-up 13-3 Voices From the Past – Charles Dickens (copy questions) 1. Where did Dickens’ work during the Industrial Revolution & why? 2. What were many of Dickens’ books about? 3. How did hard work payoff for Dickens in the end (both politically & personally)? 4. Describe the most difficult job you ever had and be prepared to discuss your job.

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