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CANDIDATE QUALIFYING. Presented by Michael Lorsch. Michael Lorsch / M.Lorsch Consulting. My Email michael@mlorschconsulting.com My Contact Number (847)947-4764 My Background CPA VP Finance International Company Multi Location Franchisee 11 1/2 Years

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CANDIDATE QUALIFYING Presented by Michael Lorsch

  2. Michael Lorsch / M.LorschConsulting • My Email michael@mlorschconsulting.com • My Contact Number (847)947-4764 • My Background • CPA • VP Finance International Company • Multi Location Franchisee 111/2 Years • Franchise Consulting since May 2005 • Training Since October 2007

  3. Candidate Qualifying Class Outline • Initial Contact Script & Pre-Qualify (HO1) • Establish Rapport and Credibility • Common Questions & Objections (HO2) • Candidate Interview / Confidential Questionnaire (CQ) (HO4) • Voicemails, Emails and Timeline (HO 6-9) • Learning Opportunities/ Homework (PPT 9)

  4. Webinar Ground Rules • Participation & Questions are Welcomed • Mute Your Phone • (If You Have Background Noise) • Share Your Experiences • Open Your Mind To Learning • Positive Attitude • Joint Success


  6. Qualifying • Process when Dealing with Internet Leads • Typical Internet Lead • Objective is to Qualify or Disqualify • Imperative to Control Process

  7. Fundamentals Of Qualifying • Are they MOTIVATED AND FINANCIALLY QUALIFIED • First Contact Crucial-Put Yourself in Their Place • Be Professional, Knowledgeable, Confident, Passionate • Establish Rapport, Credibility and Connect • Show Empathy • Don’t Pre-judge • Qualify as Quickly as Possible • End Conversation or Set Appointment

  8. Interview (CQ) Fundamentals • Objective-Learn as Much as Possible • Involve Key Decision Makers • The CQ is NOT intended to be sent to franchisors • Take Thorough Notes and be Inquisitive • Set Appointment for Franchise Presentation (1 Week)

  9. Learn About Tangibles & Intangibles • Emotional Motivators (Lifestyle, Tired of Corp America, Control, etc.) • Business Preferences & Motivators • Financial Qualifiers & Motivators • Partnership Qualifiers (Ready, Willing & Able)

  10. The Process And Timeline • Call Leads ASAP/ASAPP • If You Connect, Interview Next Day if Possible • Sample Timeline If You Do Not Connect • Leave Message (Monday)-Email Same or Next Day • Second Call (Weds) at Different Time-Email Same or Next Day • Third Call-The Following Tues, Weds, or Thurs and Send Final Email • Contact/ Response Expectations

  11. Learning Opportunities/Homework • Personalize Script (HO1), Emails and Voicemails (HOs 6-9) • Personalize your Bio-see Initial Contact Script (HO1) • Practice Going through Initial Contact Script (HO1) • Practice Going through the CQ (HO4) with a Friend

  12. Candidate Qualifying Class Outline • Initial Contact Script & Pre-Qualify (HO1) • Establish Rapport and Credibility • Common Questions & Objections (HO2) • Candidate Interview / Confidential Questionnaire (CQ)(HO4) • Voicemails, Emails and Timeline (HO 6-9) • Learning Opportunities/ Homework (PPT 9)

  13. Michael Lorsch Contact Information • Email michael@mlorschconsulting.com • (847)947-4764

  14. Wishing You Much Success! Please complete online evaluation form located on the FS University cover page

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