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PORFIRIO DIAZ. Andrea Delgado Eduardo Guerrero Anahi Hernandez. Porfirio Diaz (1830-1915). Diaz was born on Oaxaca on september , 15 of 1830. His parents were Jose Faustino Diaz and Petrona Mori. His father died when he was 3 years old.
PORFIRIO DIAZ Andrea Delgado Eduardo Guerrero AnahiHernandez
Porfirio Diaz(1830-1915) Diaz was born on Oaxaca on september, 15 of 1830. His parents were Jose Faustino Diaz and Petrona Mori. Hisfatherdiedwhen he was 3 yearsold.
He tookhiseducation in thesameschool Benito Juarezwent. Whentheymet, theybecamefriends, and thenwasinfluencedby Juárez and his liberal ideas. Benito Juárez eventuallybecame in thefirstnativebornpresident of México.
When he finishedhisstudies, Diaz and Juarezjoinedwithother liberal partytoremovefromthepowerthecurrentpresident at that time, Antonio López de Santa Ana. Antonio López de Santa Ana
PorfirioDíaz Mori was a Mexican general, President, politician and dictator. He ruled Mexico with an iron fist for 35 years, from 1876 to 1911. His period of rule, referred to as the Porfiriato,.
He lost power in 1910-1911 after rigging an election against Francisco I. Madero, which brought about the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920). .
On May 5, 1862, Mexican forces under General Ignacio Zaragoza defeated a much larger and better-equipped force of invading French outside the city of Puebla. One of the key players in the battle was young general PorfirioDíaz, who led a cavalry unit. THEBATTLE OF PUEBLA
DIAZ AND JUAREZ Their relationship was still cool, however, and Diaz ran against Juarez in 1871. When he lost, Diaz rebelled, and it took Juarez four months to put the insurrection down.
He stayed in power through deft manipulation of the powerful elements of Mexican society, giving each just enough of the pie to keep them happy. Only the poor were excluded entirely. Don Porfirio in Power
Madero and the 1910 Election Madero didn't really have any great, visionary ideas for Mexico, he just naively felt that the time had come for Díaz to step aside, and he was as good as anyone to take his place.
TheElection of 1910 • In thisyearDiazdecidedtoholdanelectionforanotherterm, he tought he hadlongsinceeliminatedanyseriousopposition.
Positive Achievements • Economy • Security • Stability
1876 • In thisyear, DiaztookoverMexicowhen he was in ruinsby civil war and internacional.
Diazdidlittleforthelowerclasses do notimproveeducation and health and lefttostealthelands of indigenouspeoples.