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The 7th Framework Program for Research: EC Research in the field of climate change (including the global carbon cycle). Anastasios Kentarchos Climate Change & Environmental Risks Unit Environment Directorate Research Directorate General European Commission
The 7th Framework Program for Research: EC Research in the field of climate change (including the global carbon cycle) Anastasios Kentarchos Climate Change & Environmental Risks Unit Environment Directorate Research Directorate General European Commission anastasios.kentarchos@ec.europa.eu
European Policycontext • EU’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) • EU target-global T increase will not exceed 2°C over pre-industrial times- Communication ‘Climate change & energy package’ (2007) • Green Paper on Adaptation to Climate Change (2007) – 3rd pillar expanding the knowledge base
International Policycontext • Science: The IPCC’s 4th Assessment Report • Kyoto Protocol: Important but only a first step • United Nations Convention on Climate Change • ‘Bali Roadmap’, negotiation on agreement for the period after 2012
European Research • Contribution to understand Earth system functioning, the origin and impacts of climate change and to predict its future evolution • Guidance and support to EU’s international commitments and EU policies • Basis for effective mitigation and adaptation measures
EU research: the story so far 1952: ECSC treaty; first projects started March 1955 1957: EURATOM treaty; Joint Research Centre set up 1983: ESPRIT programme 1984: First Framework Programme (1984-1987) 1987: ‘European Single Act’ – science becomes a Community responsibility; Second Framework Programme (1987-1991) 1990: Third Framework Programme (1990-1994) 1993: Treaty on European Union; role of RTD in the enlarged EU 1994: Fourth Framework Programme (1994-1998) 1998:Fifth Framework Programme (1998-2002) 2000: European Research Area 2002:Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006) 2007:Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013)
FP7 (2007-2013) Cooperation– Collaborative research(€32.292 million*) Ideas– Frontier Research(€7.460 million*) People– Human Potential(€4.727 million*) Capacities– Research Capacity(€4.291 million*) + JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom *Draft figures
Budget I. Cooperation (€ million, current prices) 1. Health 5 984 2. Food, agriculture and biotechnology 1 935 3. Information and communication technologies 9 110 4. Nanotechnologies, materials and 3 467 production 5. Energy 2 265 6. Environment including Climate change 1 886 7. Transport 4 18 0 8. Socio - economic research 607 9. Security and space 2 858 Total 32 292 * Climate-relevant research in FP7 : a cross cutting issue * Not including nonnuclear activities of the Joint Research Centre
6. Environment including Climate change Activities Sub-activities - Pressures on environment and climate - Environment and health - Natural Hazards Climate change, pollution and risks • Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources - Management of marine environments Sustainable management of resources Environmental Technologies - Technologies for observation, prevention, mitigation, of the natural and man-made environment • protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, including human habitat - Technology assessment, verification, testing Earth observation and assessment tools - Earth observation - Forecasting methods and assessment tools
Pressures on environment and climate :our mandate Integrated research on thefunctioning of climate and the earth system, including the polar regions, is needed in order to observe and analyse how these systems evolve andpredict their future evolution. This will enable the development of effectiveadaptation and mitigationmeasures to climate change and itscurrent and futureimpacts. Pressures on environmentand climatefromanthropogenic and natural emissionswill be investigated as well as related interactions. Advanced climate change modelsfrom the global to sub-regional scales will be developed and applied to assess changes, potentialnatural and socio-economic impactsand critical thresholds. Climateinduced changes to atmospheric composition, greenhouse gasesand to thewater cyclewill be studied. Emphasis will also be given tofeedback mechanisms and abrupt changes. Novel responses to climate changes will also be studied.
Pressures on Environment and Climate (1st Call: 39 M€) The Earth System and Climate: Functioning & abrupt changes The Global Carbon cycle and GHG budgets Climate Change Natural and Socio-economic Impacts Response strategies; Adaptation, Mitigation and Policies Natural and anthropogenic emissions and pressures Future Climate Air quality and climate in megacities: CITYZEN MEGAPOLI Stability of the Thermohaline Circulation THOR Climate change impacts in the Parana-Plata river basin CLARIS LPB Full costs of climate change CLIMATECOST Ocean acidification EPOCA Climate change impacts on mountain regions ACQWA Impacts of climate policies on land use and ecosystems CCTAME Climate Change impacts & adaptation strategies in water policies CLIMATEWATER
Pressures on Environment and Climate (2nd Call: 42 M€) - in publication– indicative topics The Earth System and Climate: Functioning & abrupt changes The Global Carbon cycle and GHG budgets Climate Change Natural and Socio-economic Impacts Response strategies; Adaptation, Mitigation and Policies Natural and anthropogenic emissions and pressures Future Climate New components in Earth System modelling Water resources in Northern India, and adaptation strategies Climate-chemistry interactions in the stratosphere Sea-Level Rise Analysis of emerging economies in a post-Kyoto regime Addressing deforestation in tropical areas Climate variability & terrestrial carbon cycle Risks of novel options to limit climate change Arctic Ocean ecosystems
The global carbon cycle in FP7: indicative priorities and key elements • ► Quantifying more accurately the magnitude, distribution and variability (seasonal to centennial) of carbon and other GHGs reservoirs and fluxes at the European (regional and continental scale) terrestrial ecosystems (including agriculture and forests) and adjacent oceans. • ► Understand better the key processes determining the balance of the various terrestrial and ocean carbon sources/sinks and their interplay with climate change/variability (including extreme events) and increased CO2 concentrations. Develop further coupled carbon-climate models, in order to better quantifythe magnitude of carbon-climate change feedbacks, and assess its effect on stabilization scenarios of GHG emissions. • ► Account for past, present and future land use changes and management practices on carbon and GHGs sources and integrate these processes in state-of-the-art models.
The global carbon cycle in FP7: indicative priorities and key elements (2) • ► Address the issue of vulnerabilityand future evolution of important carbon sinks due to climate and human induced processes. • ► provide quantitative assessment on the potential of managing carbon sinks as means of climate change adaptation and mitigation. • ► Finally, special attention will be given to studies integrating across atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial carbon reservoirs, with the aim to better quantify and explain global carbon budgets and their evolution over time (including research on carbon dynamics in 'boundary' areas such as coastal areas/margins).
FP- Preparation of the Work Programme • Annual process • Following consultation and expert advice: • Advisory Group • Open consultations • Symposia, Workshops, expert meetings.. • Consultation with other Commission Directorate Generals • Subject to opinion by Programme Committees (Member State representatives)
FP7 Funding Schemes (1) • Collaborative Projects • Networks of Excellence • Coordination and Support Actions • Support for Frontier Research (ERC) • Research for the Benefit of Specific Groups • Support for Training and Career Development of Researchers (Marie Curie) • Combinations – e.g. CP and CSA
FP7 Funding Schemes (2) • Collaborative Projects: • Large-scale integrating project • Small or medium-scale focused research project • Distinction made on budget (EC contribution) e.g. Environment WP: • Small or Medium CPs < €3.5 M EC Contribution • Large-Scale Integrating CPs > €3.5 M EC Contribution This distinction is also an eligibility criterion !!
Submission and evaluation in FP7Eligibility: • As always: deadline, completeness, minimum participation • Now includes “out of scope” • Clear cut cases only • Possible budget limits Evaluation Criteria: • Criteria adapted to each funding scheme • specified in the work programme • Given in Guide for applicants • Divided into three main criteria: • S&T Quality (relevant to the topic of the call) (max: 5) • Concept, objective, work-plan • Implementation • Individual participants and consortium as a whole (max: 5) • Allocation of resources • Impact (max: 5) • Contribution to expected impacts listed in work programme • Plans for dissemination/exploitation
EU research: http://ec.europa.eu/research Seventh Framework Programme: http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7 European Research Council: http://ec.europa.eu/erc/index_en.cfm Info on programmes and projects: http://www.cordis.lu/ RTD info magazine: http://ec.europa.eu/research/rtdinfo/ Information requests: http://ec.europa.eu/research/enquiries/ Thank you for your attention ! Where to find more information