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Peer Review Groups

Peer Review Groups. Josh, Kandis , Sraddhanjoli Blake, Frenchie , Tavleen Barasha , Shouzhe , Abigail Lottie, Abigail, Caleb Tyron, Tyler, Whitney Kim, Megan. Peer Review. What do you think the essay’s message is? What reaction does it evoke from you as a reader?. Peer Review.

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Peer Review Groups

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Peer Review Groups • Josh, Kandis, Sraddhanjoli • Blake, Frenchie, Tavleen • Barasha, Shouzhe, Abigail • Lottie, Abigail, Caleb • Tyron, Tyler, Whitney • Kim, Megan

  2. Peer Review • What do you think the essay’s message is? • What reaction does it evoke from you as a reader?

  3. Peer Review • Does the introductory paragraph do a good job of catching your interest? • If not, do you have a suggestion for how the author can improve it? • Is there another place in the essay that would make a stronger introduction?

  4. Body • Presents the main narrative through dialogue, strong sensory details, and a well organized narrative arc • Develops characters • Reflects and analyzes

  5. Body • Presents the main narrative through dialogue, strong sensory details, and a well organized narrative arc • Develops characters • Reflects and analyzes • Contains strong transitions between paragraphs. Strong transitions: • turn disconnected writing into a unified whole • help readers understand how paragraphs work together, reference one another, and build to a larger point • highlight connections between corresponding paragraphs. By referencing in one paragraph the relevant material from previous paragraphs, writers can develop important points for their readers. • It is a good idea to continue one paragraph where another leaves off. • If this is especially challenging, perhaps the paragraphs don't belong together at all

  6. Peer Review • Are the narrative events clear and well organized? • Are there strong descriptions to keep your attention? • Do the paragraphs flow well from one to the next? • Are there any places where there is too little or too much information? • Is the significance of the events to the author clear?

  7. Peer Review • Did the conclusion offer further reflection on the events and their significance? • Or did it simply just present what you already knew? • Do you have any other questions or suggestions for the author?

  8. Peer Review Questions • Check basic formatting • Overall comments on grammar and punctuation • What is the essay’s message? • What reaction does it evoke from you as a reader? Introduction • Does the introductory paragraph do a good job of catching your interest? • How the author can improve it? • Is there another place in the essay that would make a stronger introduction? Body • Are the narrative events clear and well organized? • Are there strong descriptions to keep your attention? • Do the paragraphs flow well from one to the next? • Are there any places where there is too little or too much information? • Is the significance of the events to the author clear? Conclusion • Did the conclusion offer further reflection on the events and their significance? • Or did it simply just present what you already knew? • Do you have any other questions or suggestions for the author?

  9. Homework • Final draft due sent to my Dropbox account by noon on Monday.

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