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What is Autism?

Discover the hidden differences and unique abilities of individuals with autism. Learn how to create a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone.

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What is Autism?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is Autism?

  2. Everybody is different and this is amazing

  3. Some differences you can see • Hair colour • Height • Talents

  4. Hidden differences • Some people have differences that are hidden • People with autism have brains that are connected in a different way. • This means they can think, feel and communicate in a different way • You may not know that someone in your class is autistic until they tell you

  5. (Optional page)People with Autism are just the same as you in many ways • My name is…. • I have Autism • I like…. • I am good at….

  6. Special Gifts • The special wiring in an autistic brain can make some people especially good at some things. • Some people with autism can be amazingly good at some things like maths or drawing or reading or painting or science • Some famous people are autistic because they have become so good at something that they are called ‘a genius’ and that is why they are famous

  7. The special wiring in the brain can also mean some people with autism can find some things difficult They might find it difficult to play games or pretend. Some things can be difficult This means they can find it difficult to make friends

  8. Autism/ Aspergers= ASD ASD= • Autistic • Spectrum • Disorder All people with ASD are not exactly the same as each other Think of ASD like a rainbow. They can all be at different parts of the spectrum and feel slightly different from each other

  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JdCY-cdgkI

  10. PassionsPeople with autism sometimes have a particular interest or a ‘passion’. They may love talking about this interest a lot. such as trains....... ....or dinosaurs Or minecraft… or something else

  11. The 5 SensesThe way our brain is wired up can effect our senses A person with an autistic brain may find these things uncomfortable Sudden movement Loud noise Bright light Strong smells Too much talking

  12. So you can imagine how school might feel! In the school day, When is it noisy? Where are the smells strongest? Where are the lights bright? When is there movement? Time out can help people with ASD to feel calm again

  13. People with autism can sometimes find it hard to know if someone is joking. So it is better if you are not sarcastic

  14. Some people with autism find it difficult to understand metaphor, so it is better to say exactly what you mean.. ‘it is raining hard’ not ‘it’s raining cats and dogs’.

  15. What do these faces show?

  16. People with Autism find it difficult to understand faces. So sometimes they may not know that you are feeling upset, bored or sad about something. You can help by saying how you feel in a kind and simple way. “ Please do not take my pencils without asking. It makes me feel cross when you take my things without asking. If you ask me first I will let you use my pencil. We are still friends”

  17. Children are taught to say please and thank you and to be polite. Thank you

  18. Rules like those can sometimes be difficult for some people with autism to learn.They may say things without meaning to be rude. We can help by ignoring the behaviours we do not like and always behaving in a kind and positive way

  19. ChangeChange Some people find change exciting- a new class, a new teacher, a new play park! Other people find change more difficult and they might get anxious.Many people with autism really don’t like things to change. We can help by talking about changes that might happen. *Lots of people in class can find this helpful* If you invite someone with autism to a party at your house, you might want to show them a picture of your house or say they can arrive early to look around

  20. New Experiences Lots of people worry about doing something new- a party at someone's house, school camp, a new after school activity. People with autism may worry a lot about new experiences It is helpful to have a whole class visual timetable in the classroom, so children with autism can see what is happening in the day. If people with autism know what is happening, they can feel relaxed. *Lots of people in class can find this helpful*

  21. All children may make get frustrated sometimes.People with Autism may not realise they are getting upset So sometimes they get VERY cross and they need help to calm down We can help by not talking when they are angry and allowing them time and space to calm down

  22. You can help!Use less words- use pictures or gestures insteadSpeak quietlyBe patient and kindDon’t stand too closeInvite them to playShow them how to play the game

  23. Children with Autism are not ill or broken. They just see the world in a different way.They would like friends who understand them!

  24. Being Autism Aware shows it’s cool to be different!

  25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc77MksM_2c

  26. Finally, all of these people have Autistic Spectrum Conditions or think they do! Thank you for listening! Chris Packham- TV presenter: He has an amazing understanding of living things. Some people say he is a genius Susan Boyle- singer Robbie Williams- singer- believes he has ASD Robin Williams, Actor and he believed he had autism

  27. Historical Geniuses who experts in autism believe they may have had ASD • 1. Albert Einstein:famous scientist • 2. Issac Newton: scientist –He had an amazing ability to understand how the world worked • 3. Thomas Jefferson: 3rdpresident of the United States • 4. Michelangelo : a great artist who made amazing sculptures, paintings and poems. He could concentrate on his art for a very long time, creating huge paintings on walls and ceilings. • 5. Charles Darwin: Scientist • 6. Mozart:A Composer and probably the greatest musician the world has ever known. He was genius as a child and focused only on music from the age of five years old.

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