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Find presentation at https://gwl2013.wikispaces.com. Activating Communication. Designing Learning and Integrating Technology. GWL Workshop Wikispace. https://gwl2013.wikispaces.com. Remind101. https://www.remind101.com. Activating Communication. Focusing lenses. Learner Targets.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Find presentation athttps://gwl2013.wikispaces.com

  2. Activating Communication Designing Learning and Integrating Technology

  3. GWL Workshop Wikispace https://gwl2013.wikispaces.com

  4. Remind101 https://www.remind101.com

  5. Activating Communication Focusing lenses

  6. Learner Targets • I can apply the concept of “focusing lens” to deepen learners’ thinking. • I can identify the ACTFL 21st century skills. • I can identify how the skills are integrated into instruction.

  7. Today’s Learning Goals • I can understand the impact of 21st century learning • I can analyze essential skills in of 21st century learning • I can examine some new tech tools to transform learning

  8. We are the last generation of educators who are able to choose to use tech. The next generation will not have a choice.

  9. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mcleod/3340500017/

  10. Personalized learning

  11. What is 21st century literacy? http://www.flickr.com/photos/dkuropatwa/4554087615/

  12. 21st Century students want to create content Not just consume it!

  13. Essential Questions How has learning changed? How has teaching changed? in the 21st century…

  14. ? What does it really mean?

  15. What learners want.. Meaningful Purposeful Engaging

  16. What learners do with their learning…. collaborate/research analyze/solve synthesize/create/innovate LEAD and be GLOBAL

  17. Student-directed learning NOT student-centered

  18. Focusing: What are topics and lenses?

  19. ACTFL World Languages 21st Century Skills Map http://actfl21stcenturyskillsmap.wikispaces.com

  20. Partnership for 21st Century Skills http://www.21stcenturyskills.org/

  21. Communication • Collaboration • Critical Thinking and Problem • Solving • Creativity and Innovation • Information Literacy • Media Literacy • Technology Literacy • Flexibility and Adaptability • Initiative and Self-Direction • Social and Cross-Cultural Skills • Productivity and Accountability • Leadership and Responsibility • Interdisciplinary Themes • Global Awareness • Financial, Economic, Business • and Entrepreneurial Literacy • Civic Literacy • Health Literacy

  22. 21st Century Skills Statement

  23. Learner Outcomes (by Proficiency Ranges)

  24. Student Examples

  25. Modes of Communication

  26. Interdisciplinary Themes

  27. ACTFL 21st century skills map Skills statements all start with the word: STUDENTS Student-directed learning

  28. Students team with another class in a target language country to identify and compare endangered species in both countries, and collaborate to produce a multi-media informational presentation for their peers using basic information in the target language. Collaboration Novice

  29. Students investigate an immigration issue in the US and a target language country, analyze and synthesize the information, and propose a solution in the form of a letter to the editor. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Advanced

  30. Students work in groups to identify different volunteer vacation opportunities around the world. They connect via technology with target language speakers who work with these projects to learn more and to find out what a typical day is like when working on a volunteer project. They create a multi-media presentation to share with others on the importance of the work that is being done. Creativity and Innovation Intermediate

  31. Students research activities of various United Nations theme days (for example, World Food Day, World AIDS Day) on websites from the United Nations and target language countries. Each student (or student team) selects a participating country and develops a digital poster of its activities related to the celebration. InformationLiteracy Novice

  32. Students listen to online programming of the news from the target language country related to a current U.S. event and analyze how the target culture perspectives influence how that event is covered. Media Literacy Advanced

  33. Students listen to an emergency weather report describing a major approaching storm and create a text message in the target language to warn their friends playing soccer in the field near the school. Technology Literacy Novice

  34. Students visit a local community center for senior citizens who speak the target language. They research foods that represent the cultures of the native and reach consensus on two snacks to prepare and serve during their visit. They serve the snacks to the senior citizens while engaging them in conversation about their native country. Flexibility and Adaptability Novice

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