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Turning the Tide: The New Philanthropy. American Lung Association of California September 21, 2002 Steven T. Kirsch Founder and CEO, Propel Software Corp. Chairman, Steven and Michele Kirsch Foundation. Who is Steve Kirsch?. Founder and CEO of Propel Software Corporation (since 1999)
Turning the Tide: The New Philanthropy American Lung Association of California September 21, 2002 Steven T. Kirsch Founder and CEO, Propel Software Corp. Chairman, Steven and Michele Kirsch Foundation
Who is Steve Kirsch? • Founder and CEO of Propel Software Corporation (since 1999) • Best known as the Founder of Infoseek Corporation, an Internet navigation service, acquired by Walt Disney Co. in 1999. • Founded Frame Technology in 1986 and Mouse Systems in 1982. • Founder and Chairman of the Board, Steven and Michele Kirsch Foundation
Who is Steve Kirsch, really? • Silicon Valley Executive • Philanthropist • Environmentalist • Community Volunteer • Junk fax plaintiff • … and EV driver!!
What is the Kirsch Foundation? • 501(c)3 supporting organization, $16M endowment • Give $5M/year, 100+ grants, 6 FT staff • Goals: ensure world safety, cure all major diseases, restore the environment, improve politics, support the local community, encourage philanthropy, battle the forces of evil/government stupidity and arrogance
Why I Give? • To benefit everyone (including myself) • To achieve certain goals I think are important to make the world a better place. • Ideal investment is both: -High leverage (ROI) -High impact • Example: United Way
Why is the Kirsch Foundation different from other foundations? • Invest in people, not just projects. • Long-term commitments • People dedicated to the environment, medical issues, politics • Involved in policy/lobbying when needed to achieve goals (e.g., state environmental legislation, federal medical issues) • Encouraging collaboration among foundations • Look for “market opportunities” (e.g., NEOs) • Fund “gaps” (experienced researchers, stem cells) • Fund hair loss research
The Kirsch Foundation is Unique? • It uses the “L” word… Lobbying! • The Foundation does both grantmaking and lobbying/public policy. • Huge leverage.
Clean up the air in California, reduce global warming, and support the availability of clean energy. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in California and across the nation, by supporting clean vehicle technologies. The Foundation’s Environmental Goals
How the Foundation Works: Environmental Grantmaking • Competitive: $300K total per year, 3 rounds, $100K per round. Receive many more proposals than we fund. • Flexible and proactive: Can give c3 and c4 money because of our structure, and respond quickly (no red tape) when needed (e.g. $100K funding for AB 1493) • Critical: Evaluative spreadsheet. • Leverageable: Matches funding to our environmental goals.
How the Foundation Works: Advocacy and Lobbying • Lobby to affect change. • Focus on clean vehicles, greenhouse gas emissions, renewable sources of energy. • My wife and I both drive ZEVs. • Unique perspective in the age-old battle against automakers and oil companies.
AB 71: Carpool lane access for single-occupant ZEVs, stickers. AB 2061: Grant program for ZEVs. AB 1493: Played major role in coalition to pass landmark GG emissions bill. Free parking for ZEVs in San Jose Tow-away signs at SFO ZEV parking spots Our Successes
Federal level: -CAFE -National Energy Policy -Clean vehicle policy State Level -Automakers legal challenges to ZEV program and AB 1493 -Promoting and educating consumers about clean vehicles Our Continuing Challenges
Only local groups can address local issues effectively (e.g., clean fleet work by ALAs in CA, free parking for ZEVs in San Jose) Public education, legislation and regulation should occur locally (testimony before local commissions, city councils). Stronger air quality standards: ALA is fighting for these! To influence national decisions in Congress, you need someone at the national level who can tap into grass roots actions at the local level. Look at CAFE vote. Why “Local” Matters
The Struggle for Clean Air Continues: Three Important Battles to Fight • 1.State ZEV Program: -Fight automakers as they try to disable this program (which has lead to gasoline-hybrids) -Support local efforts to promote the use of clean vehicles.
The Struggle for Clean Air… • 2.Implement and Enforce AB 1493 (Pavley): Regulates greenhouse gas emissions from passenger vehicles beginning in 2009. Historic legislation!
The Struggle for Clean Air… • 3.Local Action: Work locally to educate our family members, friends and colleagues about the importance of cleaning up California’s air.
Leadership Vacuum at the National Level • Bush has been the worst President ever regarding the environment • Bush lacks basic leadership skills • There are no national energy goals • There aren’t even national education goals • If there are no goals, there can’t be a plan to achieve the goals. So no progress is made. • My objective: • Get at least one presidential candidate to articulate an energy goal and a believable strategy for achieving the goal
National Goals Wish List • Reduce dependence on foreign oil by 20% by 2010 • Higher CAFE • Supply, demand, and infrastructure incentives for ZEVs and CNG vehicles sales • Align incentives behind at least one ZEV technology (e.g., H2 fueling infrastructure) • Reduce dependence on non renewable energy sources by 20% by 2015 • Federal incentives to states that achieve the goal
I will do my part… Thank you for continuing to do yours!