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Company and Stock Market Project

Company and Stock Market Project. 35 Points. Entrepreneur. en·tre·pre·neur    [ ahn-tr uh -pr uh - nur , - n oo r ;  Fr. ah n -t r uh -p r uh - n œr ]   Show IPA noun , plural  - neurs   [- nurz , - n oo rz ;  Fr.  - n œr ]   Show IPA ,  verb

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Company and Stock Market Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Company and Stock MarketProject 35 Points

  2. Entrepreneur • en·tre·pre·neur •    [ahn-truh-pruh-nur, -noor; Fr.ahn-truh-pruh-nœr]  Show IPAnoun, plural -neurs  [-nurz, -noorz; Fr. -nœr]  Show IPA, verb • –noun1.a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, esp. abusiness, usually with considerable initiative and risk. • 2.an employer of productive labor; contractor.

  3. Use the following websites • Regular Classes • http://finance.yahoo.com/ • Honors • http://finance.yahoo.com/ • http://www.smartstocks.com

  4. You and a Partner create a company In a paragraph tell me the reason you picked the company and why you think it will be successful How much money will you need to start your company You have $50,000 to spend on 3 companies Pick 3 companies (give your stock symbols) Why did you pick each stock Include your stock price per share Include how many shares you purchased and at what cost Stock Market Slides: 2,3,4 Business Slide 5

  5. Slide 1 • Title slide • Name • Partner name • Period

  6. Slide 2,3,and4 • Slide 2 is your first Stock you wish to purchase Include the following: • Name of Company • Stock Symbol • Price Per Stock • Total amount of Paid for stock • Company Picture HONORS • Tell why you picked your stock

  7. Slide 5 • Your Business slide Include the following: • Company Name • What your company will do/sell • Why your company will work • How much money you will need to start up your company

  8. Works Cited Page • Place your internet sites here

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