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Fresh Water Biome

Fresh Water Biome. location. Freshwater is everywhere. Freshwater is not salt water The top 9 lakes are 1.Lake Superior Lake Victoria Lake Huron Lake Michigan Lake Uzbekistan Lake Tansianyika Bikal Russian Great Bear Nyasa River. Climate of the fresh water.

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Fresh Water Biome

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fresh Water Biome

  2. location Freshwater is everywhere. Freshwater is not salt water The top 9 lakes are 1.Lake Superior Lake Victoria Lake Huron Lake Michigan Lake Uzbekistan Lake Tansianyika Bikal Russian Great Bear Nyasa River.

  3. Climate of the fresh water The climate of the fresh water is about 65 degrees to 75 degrees in the summer, and it is about 35 degrees to 45 degrees in the winter.

  4. Animals of the fresh water Otters have oily fur which helps them swim fast. Amazon river dolphins have long pointed beaks to watch prey and fit in to small places. no dorsal fin. Large fins for small rivers

  5. Whirligig Beetle – Bubble that lasts a life time when diving and skating on the water Water striders- they walk on water with little bubbles on there feet. Insects for fresh water

  6. Fresh Water FishPiranhas have sharp teeth to kill there prey

  7. Plants in the fresh water Arrow arum-it produces little berries for ducks water lily-it can grow in water and not coon tail-it takes in algae so the lake does not get polluted in algae

  8. credits • animals-Clara Gowdy plants , animals-Nathan Gillenwater location , title-Abby Farrell

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