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Welcome to Day 3!. Diplomas Now Summer Institute. July 7-9, 2011 Boston, MA. Celebrating success. Celebrating Successes--Attendance. A. CA Johnson—Increased ninth grade attendance to 97%--including a 6 point increase in the number of students who missed 5 days or less!
Welcome to Day 3! Diplomas Now Summer Institute July 7-9, 2011 Boston, MA
Celebrating Successes--Attendance A CA Johnson—Increased ninth grade attendance to 97%--including a 6 point increase in the number of students who missed 5 days or less! Chicago Talent Development High School saw their VIP Attendance Lounge replicated at sites across the nation this year and was featured in The New York Times for their persistent focus on increasing student attendance
Celebrating Success--Behavior B Spingarn High School in Washington, DC saw a significant reduction in the number of violent incidents Bow Elementary/Middle School in Detroit, MI launched a successful PBIS initiative and had several activities and events focusing on building a whole school climate!
Celebrating Successes—Course performance In San Antonio, McAuliffe Middle School saw an overall 9% increase on their state math test for the 8th grade (DN focus), including 15% improvement for LEP students In Boston, the Burke High School improved their state language arts scores by 8.8 points C
Celebrating Successes—Course performance In Seattle, Denny Middle School increased the number of students who are on-track in English and Math and Aki Kurose saw a similar increase when they examined their grading practices Reed High School in New Orleans saw a school-wide increase of 8% increase in the number of students passing their courses C
Celebrating successes--other John Liechty Middle School in LA this year celebrated over 250 students for improving in ABC in two events – combined, over 500 students and families attended! At Jay Cooke Upper School in Philly, there was a 75% increase in students on track in literacy, an 88% increase in the students on track in math and an 80% decrease in the number of students with behavior incidents
Diplomas Now Collaborative Mini-Grants Diplomas Now wants to inspire and support innovative ideas and projects that support building school-wide cultures of success and keeping all students on track for graduation, college, and career through our 1st round of Diplomas Now mini-grants.
DIPLOMAS NOW COLLABORATIVE MINI-GRANTS This year, we will be offering up to 10 grants of $500 dollars to support school-based projects that focus on: • Building school-wide cultures of success • Providing effective school-level interventions • Innovative ABC Interventions • Documenting and Publicizing Student Successes
Diplomas NOW mini-Grants • Grants applications will be available by August 15th • Grant applications will be due October 15,2011 • Grants will be awarded by November 15,2011 • All Diplomas Now schools are eligible for mini-grants (1 grant per Diplomas Now team per school)
Housekeeping and logistics • Bus Schedule—11:30 bus is FULL. If you have a flight before 3 and haven’t put your name on the list for the 11:30 am bus, please call a cab Boston Cab– 617-825-4000 • Luggage—must pick up by 1:30 • Org Alike Time • Barakis 310—City Year • Shilman 105—TD • Snell 108-CIS • Shilman 135—School Administrators • INV Lobby– Other School Representatives • Team Time (Curry, Basement of INV off limits)