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The red pony By : khalil. Born February 27, 1902 Salinas California. Died December 20 1968. Was of German and Irish decent. In his life he made twenty-seven books. Won the Nobel prize for literature. Served in WW2. John Steinbeck.
Born February 27, 1902 Salinas California. Died December 20 1968. Was of German and Irish decent. In his life he made twenty-seven books. Won the Nobel prize for literature. Served in WW2. John Steinbeck
Wrote : the grapes of wrath, of mice and men, and east of Eden. These were his most popular books. Had three wives. Some books banned in California until 1941. Many stories based on true events. When ever he was home sick or even when he had trauma for the war he treated himself by writing. John Steinbeck
His time in world war II was made in to a documentary. Before he died he made one last trip around the country which he turned into a book travels with charley. When asked if he thought he deserved the Nobel prize he simply responded “no”. In 1967 he went to Vietnam to report for the war. John Steinbeck
His young friend and his brother became the inspiration for the red pony. On December 5th 2007 Arnold Schwarzenegger governor of California added john Steinbeck to the California hall of fame After his book canary row published it was so popular the setting was renamed canary row. He’s the only author to have an entire museum dedicated to themselves. John Steinbeck
Lot of the economy was based on farming Is near the Gabilian mountains Salinas temperature is calm and cool due to “natural air conditioners” First people to live there were small native American tribes. History of Salinas
started in Spain When the Spanish came to America they brought there cattle and there knowledge on ranching. Ranchers often gald or neuter stallions so there not so mean. Some ranches can be as much as 10000 km big. Ranching
World war 2 started September 1 1939. Hindenburg disaster when the blimp filled with hydrogen blew up over Germany this decade. Gandhi and fellow Indians partook of the salt march. Great depression happened in America. 1930’s
Ranchers use curry combs to clean the horses hair. You use a pick to clean rocks out off horse’s hooves. Horses drink so much water you have to refill a two liter bucket twice a day. The care of horses