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Reaching Out to Faith Communities: Building Support for Mental Wellness

Discover how NAMI collaborates with faith communities to create supportive environments for those affected by mental illness. Learn the importance of education, advocacy, and support in improving lives. Join hands with NAMI in laying the foundation and sharing stories of hope.

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Reaching Out to Faith Communities: Building Support for Mental Wellness

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reaching out to Faith Communities Part I Laying the Foundation

  2. WHO & WHAT IS NAMI? NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness … …the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness through support, education advocacy and research.

  3. Four Phases of Reaching out to Faith Communities • Laying the Foundation • Opening the Door • Sharing Your Story • Looking Ahead & Following Up

  4. People of faith join hands

  5. Our Purpose • To equip NAMI members, clergy and congregations for creating more supportive faith communities • To share NAMI resources and hopeful stories with religious groups

  6. Why Reach Out to Faith Communities? They are the first place to which many turn Faith communities are more numerous and more evenly distributed geographically Faith groups already provide educational settings Faith groups are already committed to caring and advocating for a better world

  7. Why Reach Out to Faith Communities? NAMI Affiliates Can Receive... Valuable community exposure Education and support group participants Volunteers and advocates New members and community partners

  8. Mental Illness Also Impacts the Faith Community 1 in 5 adults experiences a mental health disorder in a given year About 1 in 20 lives with a serious mental illness 1 in 5 children and youth experience a mental health disorder

  9. Treatment Works But Most Go Without... Fewer than one-third of adults and one-half of children receive treatment There are long delays—an average of eight to ten years—from first symptoms to a proper diagnosis

  10. Lack of Treatment and Support Can Lead to: School failure About half of students with mental illness dropout Unemployment Only 1 in 3 adults living with mental illness is employed … most want to work

  11. Lack of Treatment and Support Can Lead To: Homelessness 26 percent of the homeless population lives with a serious mental illness Hospitalization 1 out of every 5 community hospital stays is due to a mental illness

  12. Lack of Treatment and Support Can Lead to: Criminalization About 20-25 percent of jail and prison inmates and youth involved with juvenile justice live with a mental illness. Suicide We lose one life to suicide every 15.8 minutes.

  13. Honoring Diversity

  14. Individual Spirituality

  15. Religious Bodies


  17. We All Have Connections

  18. Sharing, Listening and EncouragingRequires Humility

  19. Sharing, Listening and EncouragingRequires Being Realistic

  20. Work with a Partner

  21. Form a Team

  22. Your Resource Notebook • Local NAMI Affiliate Brochure • Local Congregation/Faith Community Contact Sheet • Your Lead-in statements and story • Fact Sheet • Multi-Faith Mental Health Ministry Web sites

  23. Suggestions for Study • Take a moment to read each slide • Read the notes for each one • Keep a notebook handy and jot down … 1. things you agree or disagree with 2. things you have questions about • Share your affirmations, concerns and questions with your study group

  24. Visit www.nami.org/faithnetor www.NAMI.org under the “Get Involved” tab.

  25. Questions or Comments? Thank you for taking the three minute survey and for registering your feedback! www.surveymonkey.com/s/NAMIreachingout

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