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Major foci of physiological ecology research on locomotion

Explore the physiological ecology of locomotion in Atlantic cod through research on key components, heritability, field selection, and lab efficacy. Investigate performances in migrations, prey capture, spawning, and trawl avoidance studies. Address seasonal challenges, swimming types, and oxygen delivery. Evaluate correlations with predatory ability, physiology, age, and genetics. Examine the trade-off and good athlete/bad athlete hypotheses in locomotor performance.

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Major foci of physiological ecology research on locomotion

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  1. Major foci of physiological ecology research on locomotion • partition this polygenic trait into key component processes • establish the heritability of measures of locomotor performance • demonstrate selection for locomotor performance in the field • establish the efficacy of laboratory measures of locomotor performance

  2. Evidence that locomotor performance contributes to fitness in Atlantic cod • Seasonal migrations of > 1000Km • Capturing prey in 8 body length/s currents • Trawl avoidance studies • Spawning in 40cm/s currents

  3. Swimming Hypothetical Ecological type Limitations relevance Fast-start Morphology; Predator avoidance; contraction kinetics; prey excitation-contraction capture coupling Burst swimming Muscle power output: Trawl avoidance; contractile machinery, manuevering through glycolytic & end - strong current fields product rates; morphology Sustained swimming Oxygen delivery; Migration; spawning in delivery of substrates moderate current fields for aerobic metabolism;

  4. Performance Hypothetical Ecological test Limitations relevance Fast-start acceleration Morphology; Predator avoidance; and terminal velocity contraction kinetics; prey excitation-contraction capture coupling Burst swimming Muscle power output: Trawl avoidance; performance test contractile machinery, manuevering through U glycolytic & end - strong current fields burst product rates; morphology Critical swimming Oxygen delivery; Migration; spawning in performance test delivery of substrates moderate current fields U for aerobic metabolism; crit

  5. Questions: • Can locomotor performance in Atlantic cod be adequately characterized by a single performance test ? • Does locomotor performance correlate with predatory ability ? • Are there relationships between locomotor performance and various measures of the animal’s physiology, age or morphology ? • Is there a discernable genetic link to differences in physiology or performance ?

  6. plexiglass windows Receiving chamber Acclimating chamber gate H20 inlet Laser H20 outlet photo- dectors Computer & timing circuit

  7. Repeatability of aerobic swimming performance p<0.01

  8. p<0.001

  9. Repeatability of oxygen consumption while swimming

  10. Swimming velocity measured three times in an individual

  11. Acceleration measured three times in a single individual

  12. Swimming velocity profiles of six different fish

  13. Ucrit vs. Uburst performance r= 0.574; p<.02

  14. Comparison of Ucrit performancewith fast-start performance p<0.05

  15. Performance Hypothetical Ecological test Limitations relevance Fast-start acceleration Morphology; Predator avoidance; and terminal velocity contraction kinetics; prey excitation-contraction capture coupling Burst swimming Muscle power output: Trawl avoidance; performance test contractile machinery, manuevering through U glycolytic & end - strong current fields burst product rates; morphology Critical swimming Oxygen delivery; Migration; spawning in performance test delivery of substrates moderate current fields U for aerobic metabolism; crit

  16. p<0.005 r= 0.574; p<.001

  17. The tradeoff hypothesis: • an animal which is excellent at one type of locomotor performance can only achieve this through compromise of others • support from comparisons of elite athletes • justified through muscle anatomy • justified through muscle biochemistry

  18. Good athlete/bad athlete hypothesis • Good athletes will be better than average in all measures of performance • support fromhuman experience

  19. Conclusions I: • Aerobic locomotor performance is repeatable in Atlantic cod • shown previously in three other fish species • Fast-start performance is repeatable in Atlantic cod • original finding for fish • Implications: Studies in to the mechanistic basis of variation in • locomotor performance can proceed with confidence

  20. Conclusion II: • Metabolic rate was repeatable at intermediate swimming speeds • some variation in metabolic rate is attributable to intraspecific variation • variable confinement stress and movements probably account for much of the variation seen in resting metabolic rate measurements

  21. Conclusion III: • Support for both the “good athlete/ bad athlete hypothesis and the “tradeoff” hypothesis can be taken from this study

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