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The Club Vision Facilitation Process. R.I. President-elect John Kenny. R.I. Theme 2009-10. 2. Ask yourself these questions. How many of your members are actively involved in your club? What input do all members have into your yearly program? What will you club look like 5 years from now?
R.I. President-elect John Kenny R.I. Theme 2009-10 2
Ask yourself these questions • How many of your members are actively involved in your club? • What input do all members have into your yearly program? • What will you club look like 5 years from now? • How many people outside of your club know of your plans?
Vision What you see for tomorrow …. Where we are going … our desired destination … A description of what an organisation would like to achieve in the mid to long term future …. A descriptor of what we will become … NOT of the strategies to be used …. A Vision Statement is a quick summary of that direction , usually in the future tense …
Rotary InternationalClub Visioning Involve past, current, and incoming club leaders Have an unbiased facilitator or group of facilitators run Club Visioning Align club goals with those of District and the RI Strategic Plan Draft a vision statement describing your club in the future Prioritize club goals by participant consensus Identify annual goals that support the top three-year goals 5
Club Vision Facilitation • Not an official program of R.I. • A multi-District program currently promoted by R.I. as best practice • Adopted by 65+ Rotary Districts across USA & Canada • Introduced to Australia-NZ at RI Institute Nov 2008 • Have Trained 120 Rotarian facilitators to take program to Clubs in Australia and New Zealand • Facilitators now in 21 of 23 Australian Rotary Districts and 6 of 6 N.Z. Districts
Why Is A Plan Needed? Tradition of annual cycles breaks continuity, consistency, and consensus Clubs end up “re-inventing the wheel” instead of moving forward …..or worse…. 7
“Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. When a man does not know what harbour he is making for, no wind is the right wind.” --Seneca Focus 9 9
90% of 250 clubs which completed the process in 10+ Districts shared two common results. • The Club encountered membership growth in the first year. • Clubs initiated at least one other significant service project or endeavour. 10
TAKE YOUR CLUB TO THE NEXT LEVEL Implement the Club Leadership Plan • Develop a long-range plan • Simplify the committee structure • Involve all club members
Start with the “End” in mind…. Effective clubs are able to Sustain and Increase Membership ImplementSuccessfulServiceProjects Support The RotaryFoundation Develop Leaders Beyond the Club Level Club Leadership Plan Four Avenues of Service
Continuityof Leadership, Vision & Process …Where Do We Want to be? 13
The Process A 4 hour event Led by a trained team of experienced Rotarians A representative body of Club Rotarians (or all members in a small club) All members ideas are of equal value 16
Writing Exercise Presenting the Concept Caloundra Pacific R.C. 52 Members Multi-District Training Shaftesbury Nov 08 17
Writing Exercise Envision the Club as you want it to be in 5 years time Write your ideas down in 30 minutes Ideas are extracted by a facilitator Placed on wall charts for dot point voting 18
“Extraction” - Scribing Multi District Training Shaftesbury Nov 08 19
Dot Voting Round 1 – Blue Dots Caloundra Pacific R.C. 52 Members 7 Feb 2009 Norwood S.A. Training 4 April 2009 Round 2 – Red Dots 20
Summary of Charts Discussing Observations Caloundra Pacific R.C. 52 Members Qld MultiDistrict Training Shaftesbury Nov 08 21
The Action Plan The Call To Action… Qld MultiDistrict Training Shaftesbury Nov 08 22
Implementing The Plan: Next Steps to Action • Club Vision ► • Translate to Long Range Goals ► • Annual (Short Term) Goals ► • Engage every member in the Passion of the Vision►Club Assemblies ► Ongoing Training ► • Build in Succession Leadership ► • Review and update the Plan on regular basis 23 23
D-9830Vision Facilitation Team PP Gillian Whitehouse District Vision Chair President Andrew Baker District Vision Coordinator President Chris Love District Vision Facilitator
Insert Australia-NZ Vision Team Sylvia Byers Western Australia Rob Wylie Qld., Northern NSW, N.T., P.N.G., S.I. (Australian Coordinator) Noel Trevaskis Sydney, Southern NSW, ACT Ross Murray New Zealand & Pacific Islands 25 Euan Miller South Australia Philip Archer Victoria & Tasmania 2008 Governors-elect Training Seminar | 25
How can you help? Promote to your Clubs Invite a Team Member to give an introductory presentation at a Club AGs can assist as Mentors for follow up after a facilitation and ongoing assistance 26
The future is not someplace we are going to, but one we are creating.The paths to it are not found, but made, and the making of those paths change both the maker and the destination.(John Scharr) 27
“Rotary is not an organization for retrospection. It is rather one whose worth and purpose lie in future activity rather than past performance.” - Paul Harris, Founder of Rotary International 28
I encourage all of you to take this program back to your clubs and book and information session this year.Thank You 29