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Bacillus A nthracis

Bacillus A nthracis. By: Vishal Patel. Scientific Classification. Domain: Bacteria Phylum: Firmicutes Class: Bacilli Order: Bacillales Family: Bacillaceae Genus: Bacillus Species: B. anthracis. Structure . R od-shaped bacterium W idth of 1-1.2µm Length of 3-5µm.

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Bacillus A nthracis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bacillus Anthracis By: Vishal Patel

  2. Scientific Classification • Domain: Bacteria • Phylum: Firmicutes • Class: Bacilli • Order: Bacillales • Family: Bacillaceae • Genus: Bacillus • Species: B. anthracis

  3. Structure • Rod-shaped bacterium • Width of 1-1.2µm • Length of 3-5µm

  4. Characteristics • Gram-positive spore-forming • Aerobic or anaerobic conditions

  5. History • CasimirDavaine discovered B. anthracis in sick people • AloysPollender credited

  6. Health-Related Issues • Three forms of anthrax disease • Cutaneous: the most common form (95%), causes a localized inflammatory black necrotic lesion (eschar) • Pulmonary: highly fatal and characterized by sudden massive chest edema followed by cardiovascular shock • Gastrointestinal: rare but also fatal (causes death to 25%) type results from ingestion of spores

  7. Treatments • Treated with β-lactam antibiotics such as penicillin, and others which are active against Gram-positive bacteria • Penicillin-resistant B. anthracis can be treated with fluoroquinolones such as ciprofloxacin or tetracycline antibiotics such as doxycycline

  8. Works Citied • http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/definitions/Bacillus%20Anthracis?cx=partner-pub-0939450753529744%3Av0qd01-tdlq&cof=FORID%3A9&ie=UTF-8&q=Bacillus%20Anthracis&sa=Search#931 • http://www.textbookofbacteriology.net/Anthrax.html • http://microbewiki.kenyon.edu/index.php/Bacillus_anthracis

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