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High-Quality Literacy Framework. What works in literacy instruction. Reading: Inseparable from Overall Literacy. Reading: Inseparable from Overall Literacy. Oral language development.
High-Quality Literacy Framework What works in literacy instruction
Reading: Inseparable from Overall Literacy • Oral language development Children’s oral language competence is strongly predictive of their facility in learning to read and write: listening and speaking vocabulary and even mastery of syntax set boundaries as to what children can read and understand no matter how well they can decode. CCSS Appendix A, pg. 26
Reading: Inseparable from Overall Literacy • Reading – Writing Connection Writing about text enhances youngsters’ comprehension of it. Teaching students how to write strengthens their comprehension, fluency, and word reading skills. Increasing how much students write improves how well they read. Writing to Read, Evidence for How Writing Can Improve Reading, Carnegie Corporation Report, pg. 23
Reading: Inseparable from Overall Literacy • Iowa Core Intent An integrated model of literacy Although the Standards are divided into Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening, and Language strands for conceptual clarity, the processes of communication are closely connected… Iowa Core ELA Standards, pg. 4
Immerse Students in Literacy Purposefully provide… • Opportunities for discussion in small and large groups • Classroom libraries that are well organized • Easy access to books • Wide and deep selection of reading materials • Fiction and nonfiction texts • Easy access to writing tools • Places to read, write, and collaborate • Student and group writing displayed
Sentences generated during shared writing and reading are displayed for easy reference. 7
Allington (2001) recommends “at least 500 different books in every classroom” 8
Nonfiction and Fiction . . . providing a more balanced reading diet 9
Spaces to read, write and practice literacy skills should exist in every classroom. 10
Paragraphs from composing together provide content for reading practice for groups and for individuals. They also serve as reference sources—and provide writing examples. 11
Word walls for working on rimes, phonics generalizations, morphemes and parts of speech 12
Writing, revising, reading . . . Engaging students in moving ideas from the mind, to speech, to print 13
Immerse Students in Literacy • Table talk …
Note on Range and Content of Student Reading K-5 …Through extensive reading of stories, dramas, poems, and myths and exposure to visual media from diverse cultures and different time periods, students gain literary and cultural knowledge as well as familiarity with various text structures and elements. By reading texts in history/social studies, science, and other disciplines, students build a foundation of knowledge in these fields that will also give them the background to be better readers in all content areas. Students can only gain this foundation when the curriculum is intentionally and coherently structured to develop rich content knowledge within and across grades. … Iowa Core English Language Arts Standards, pg. 10
Sufficient Time, Range and Content Table talk… How is your schedule supporting literacy development? How are classroom texts supporting literacy development?
Sufficient Time, Range and Content Table talk… How do you monitor and study implementation? How do you know when it’s working?
Essential Elements of Literacy • Print Concepts • Phonemic Awareness • Phonics • Fluency • Vocabulary • Comprehension • Writing
Learning is the Constant Time + Instruction = Learning
Learning is the Constant Time + Instruction = Learning