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The Reformation

The Reformation. Religion, politics, and the consolidation of nation-states. What happens next. Thursday: NO CLASS Tuesday (a week from today): PAPER WORKSHOP! Also, on Tuesday there won’t be any office hours, so please come see me today if you need to!. From last time: Luther.

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The Reformation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Reformation Religion, politics, and the consolidation of nation-states

  2. What happens next • Thursday: NO CLASS • Tuesday (a week from today): PAPER WORKSHOP! Also, on Tuesday there won’t be any office hours, so please come see me today if you need to!

  3. From last time: Luther • Luther and Augustine • Luther and indulgences • Luther’s theology: cutting the middlemen, and by doing this leaving men and women to ‘deal with God by themselves’ • Luther and politics: Luther survived the Catholic persecution because of contextual elements, namely politics, how so?

  4. Luther, Frederick the Wise and Charles V • In 1521 Luther is excommunicated at Worms • Charles V wants him dead: Lutheranism in fact threatened the unity of his ‘Catholic’ Empire • But Frederick the Wise, prince elector of Saxony, protects him because through him he wants to oppose the Emperor’s power • Remember the process of centralization of power on the part of the medieval sovereigns: now this process is strengthened by the Reformation as a religious and political break • The Holy Roman Empire breaks down!

  5. 1555: the Peace of Augsburg

  6. 1555: cuius regio, eius religio (whose region, his religion)

  7. Cuius regio, eius religio: what is it? • It gave every prince the right to pick the religion of their territories (either Lutheran or Catholic, no Calvinist, no Anabaptists, no ‘Radicals’) • NO TOLERATION • The breaking down of unity and the formation of territorial churches

  8. 1556: Charles’s empire is OVER Philip II Philip II P I L I P H II Ferdinand

  9. While the Reformation had FUNDAMENTAL POLITICAL implications, Luther was NOT a political leader: the Peasants’ War (1524-5)

  10. The Reformation goes viral! From England (1534)… H. Holbein, after 1537, Liverpool

  11. To Switzerland and France!

  12. Brief Biography • Born in 1509 in France • Educated in the Humanist tradition • In 1536 he moved from France to Geneva • His main work was the Institutio Christianae Religionis, or ‘Foundations of Christian Religion’, first ed. 1536; last ed. 1559

  13. What are the main feature of Calvinism? • There are many religious, cultural, and political specificities of Calvinism, but there are two issues that are particularly relevant for your society: • The relationship between State and Church • Predestination

  14. Church and State • Calvin envisioned society as divided into four main functions: • 1) Elders (the most important ones, were in charge of discipline) • 2) Doctors (teachers, and Calvin considered himself one of them) • 3) Pastors (in charge if preaching) • 4) Deacons (in charge of charities)

  15. Church and State II: look at your handout • What is the importance of discipline? • What is the meaning of the distinction between private and public sins? • What is the means by which the Church imposes discipline? • Religious and political ‘discipline’ as a value: no rebellion allowed

  16. The Doctrine of Predestination • As Luther, Calvin believed in predestination… • ..however, unlike Luther, for whom only faith will tell you whether you were saved, for Calvin there was an easier way to tell whether or not God loved you: • Your personal success!

  17. In a sense…

  18. Calvin, capitalism and Max Weber • In other words, if you are successful in this world it means that God loves you, so with Calvin we see the beginning of a moral legitimization of profit and secular success…. • ….Calvinism and Capitalism!

  19. Max Weber, ‘The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism’, 1904-5

  20. The Catholic Reaction: the Roman Inquisition (1542) Galileo and the Inquisition, Cristiano Banti 1857

  21. The Catholic Reaction: The Council of Trent (1545-1563)

  22. Europe breaks down into nation-states! The INSTRUMENTAL role of the Reformation in the formation of nation-states • From one Pope and one Emperor, to… • Many kings and queens, and different Churches! • The bond between territorial Churches and nation-states tightens • Think about the religious, political, social and cultural implications of such developments

  23. What happens next • Thursday: NO CLASS • Tuesday (a week from today): PAPER WORKSHOP!

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