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Things we shouldn’t do when writing current events for Mrs. Campbell’s class

Things we shouldn’t do when writing current events for Mrs. Campbell’s class. Contractions – don’t, can’t Double spacing is a line between each line of text not simply between paragraphs Full paragraphs – the requirements will be more intense next time Do not center your text

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Things we shouldn’t do when writing current events for Mrs. Campbell’s class

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Things we shouldn’t do when writing current events for Mrs. Campbell’s class Contractions – don’t, can’t Double spacing is a line between each line of text not simply between paragraphs Full paragraphs – the requirements will be more intense next time Do not center your text Grammar and slang – ok, freaking, cool, etc. Proofread, Proofread, Proofread Tense – pick one and stick to it Assignment requirements, rubric, and guidelines will change before the next set is due

  2. How many years is the term for someone in the House of Representatives?

  3. 2 years

  4. Describe some of the pros and cons of the Seniority Rule for committee leadership.

  5. How many people are in the House of Representatives & how did the founding fathers come to the decision to have that many?

  6. 435

  7. What is the hierarchy in the House? Ex: Who are the leaders & what are their titles? List 5 in order

  8. Ariana wants to run to be a U.S. Representative for Tennessee in the House of Representatives. What qualifications must she meet in order to run? If elected, what are the different points of view she can consider when she votes? *Hint* There are three…

  9. 25 years old • Citizen of TN for at least • Resident of TN • Trustee • Politico • Partisan • Delegate • P. 281

  10. How many years is the term for someone in the Senate?

  11. 6 years

  12. What are the qualifications to be in the Senate (name at least 3)?

  13. 30 years old 9 year Citizen of U.S. Resident of State they represent

  14. Explain the difference between a strict constructionist and a liberal constructionist.

  15. Explain the significance of the 17th Amendment on the selection of U.S. Senators.

  16. If Senator Ron Johnson is voting for the Health Insurance Bill along party lines he is voting _________

  17. partisan

  18. What are the three kinds of powers Legislators in Congress have?

  19. Expressed, Implied, and Non-legislative

  20. Define Expressed power & give an example of an expressed power of Congress

  21. Expressed Power – power granted to Congress clearly written in the Constitution

  22. Define Implied power & give 2 examples of implied powers of Congress

  23. An Implied Power is a power that is not clearly stated in the Constitution & is assumed based on the expressed powers

  24. Define Non-Legislative Powers & give 2 examples of Non-Legislative powers

  25. Non-Legislative Powers are powers of Congress that don’t have to do with writing Laws

  26. Describe the difference between a liberal & strict Constructionist

  27. Liberal Constructionist – the Constitution is open for interpretation & change Strict Constructionist – the Constitution should be interpreted literally and based on what the founding fathers wrote with little/no change

  28. What is the purpose of Committees in Congress?

  29. The purpose of Committees are to organize specific topics (such as foreign affairs) for discussion & legislation purposes.

  30. Name 4 different kinds of Committees

  31. Standing • Subcommittee • Joint • Conference

  32. Which Committee works on settling differences between bills in the House & Senate?

  33. Conference Committee

  34. Which Committee is made up of both members of the House & Senate and can be temporary or permanent?

  35. Joint Committee

  36. Explain the process of gerrymandering.

  37. In what ways do you think a filibuster could interfere with the democratic process?

  38. Explain the options the President has when he receives a bill.

  39. Explain the reasons the Framer’s created a bicameral legislature

  40. List three differences between the House & the Senate?

  41. House of Representatives Senate Larger personal staff More committee assignments Fewer, more flexible rules Floor debate more important than committee work in shaping legislation Floor debate unlimited Power to fillibuster • Smaller personal staff • Fewer committee assignments • More formal, less flexible • Committee work more important than debate • Debate strictly limited • 5 Calendars

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