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Abstract data types & object-oriented paradigm. Abstraction. Abstraction: a view of an entity that includes only the attributes of significance in a particular context. Two fundamental abstractions: process abstraction & data abstraction Process abstraction: sortInt(list, list_len)
Abstraction • Abstraction: a view of an entity that includes only the attributes of significance in a particular context. • Two fundamental abstractions: process abstraction & data abstraction • Process abstraction: sortInt(list, list_len) • sorting algorithms is not revealed • user code remains same even implementation of sorting algorithm is changed • used for a long time
Abstract data type • Abstract Data Type: an encapsulation that includes only the data representation and the subprograms that provides operations for that type. • reliability: user cannot directly access objects • readability: without implementation details
Introduction to Data Abstraction • Built-in types are abstract data types e.g. int type in Java • The representation is hidden • Operations are all built-in • User programs can define objects of int type • User-defined abstract data types must have the same characteristics as built-in abstract data types • To declare variables of that type • A set of ops
Abstract data type example code example: … create(stk1); push(stk1, 34); push(stk1, 20); if ( !empty(stk1) ) temp = top(stk1); interfaces: create(stack) destroy(stack) empty(stack) push(stack, item) pop(stack) top(stack) • stack implementation can be changed from array to list w/o affecting the code
Encapsulation • Encapsulation: a grouping of subprograms and the data they manipulate • Hiding the implementation details of the abstract interface • Protect internal data • Reliability, maintenance
Language Examples-C++ • Based on C struct type and Simula 67 classes • The class is the encapsulation device • All of the class instances of a class share a single copy of the member functions • Each instance of a class has its own copy of the class data members • Instances can be static, stack dynamic, or heap dynamic
At first glance void push(int item) { if (topPtr == maxLen) cerr << “Stack full\n”; else stackPtr[++topPtr] = item; } void pop() { if (topPtr == -1) cerr << “Stack empty\n”; else topPtr--; } int top() { return ( stackPtr[topPtr] ); } int empty() { return ( topPtr == -1); } } // end class stack #include <iostream.h> class stack { private: int *stackPtr; int maxLen; int topPtr; public: stack() { stackPtr = new int [100]; maxLen = 99; topPtr = -1; } ~stack() { delete [ ] stackPtr; } Data members Member functions
C++ Class • data members: data defined in a class • *stack_ptr, max_len, top_ptr • member functions: functions defined in a class • also called access interfaces • push( ), pop( ), top( ), empty( ) • private: entities (data or member functions) that are to be hidden from outside the class • public: entities (data or member functions) that are visible outside the class
C++ class (con’t) • constructor: initialize the data members of newly created objects • stack( ) • implicitly called when an object of the class type is created • can have one or more constructor for a class • destructor: implicitly called when the lifetime of an instance of the class ends • ~stack( )
Example in C++ void push(int item) { if (topPtr == maxLen) cerr << “Stack full\n”; else stackPtr[++topPtr] = item; } void pop() { if (topPtr == -1) cerr << “Stack empty\n”; else topPtr--; } int top() { return ( stackPtr[topPtr] ); } int empty() { return ( topPtr == -1); } } // end class stack #include <iostream.h> class stack { private: int *stackPtr; int maxLen; int topPtr; public: stack() { stackPtr = new int [100]; maxLen = 99; topPtr = -1; } ~stack() { delete [ ] stackPtr; }
Class usage in C++ • stack stk constructor is called to initialize the instance • at the end of the main, stk’s destructor is called Code example in C++: void main() { int topOne; stack stk; // stack-dynamic stk.push(42); stk.push(20); topOne = stk.top(); stk.pop(); … // stk being freed }
Language Examples • Constructors: • Functions to initialize the data members of instances • May also allocate storage if part of the object is heap-dynamic • Can include parameters to provide parameterization of the objects • Implicitly called when an instance is created • Can be explicitly called • Name is the same as the class name
Language Examples • Destructors • Functions to cleanup after an instance is destroyed; usually just to reclaim heap storage • Implicitly called when the object’s lifetime ends • Can be explicitly called • Name is the class name, preceded by a tilde (~)
Examples in Java • Java uses implicit garbage collection (no destructor) and reference variable (not pointer) Code example in C++: void main() { int topOne; stack stk; // stack-dynamic stk.push(42); stk.push(20); topOne = stk.top(); stk.pop(); … } Code example in Java: public class TestStack { public static void main(…) { INTEGER topOne; StackClass myStack = new StackClass(); myStack.push(42); myStack.push(20); topOne = myStack.top(); myStack.pop(); … }
Java features • Stack_class does not have destructor • implicit garbage collector • In main( ), myStack does not get freed • implicit garbage collector • The use of reference variables • Java does not support pointer
Example:Stack in Java public void pop( ) { if (top_index == -1) System.out.println( “Error Stack empty”); else –top_index; } public int top( ) { return (stack_ref[top_index]); } public boolean empty( ) { return (top_index == -1); } } // end class stack import java.io.*; class Stack_class { private int [ ] stack_ref; private int max_len, top_index; publicStack_class( ) { stack_ref = new int [100]; max_len = 99; top_index = -1; } public void push (int number) { if (top_index = max_len) System.out.println( “Error stack full”); else stack_ref[++top_index] = number; }
Parameterized Abstract Data Types- C++ • Templated Classes • Classes can be somewhat generic by writing parameterized constructor functions, e.g. stack (int size) { stk_ptr = new int [size]; max_len = size - 1; top = -1; } stack stk(100);
Parameterized Abstract Data Types • The stack element type can be parameterized by making the class a templated class • Java does not support generic abstract data types
Parameterized Abstract Data in C++ void push(int item) { if (topPtr == maxLen) cerr << “Stack full\n”; else stackPtr[++topPtr] = item; } void pop() { if (topPtr == -1) cerr << “Stack empty\n”; else topPtr--; } int top() { return ( stack[topPtr] ); } int empty() { return ( topPtr == -1); } } // end class stack #include <iostream.h> class stack { private: int *stackPtr; int maxLen; int topPtr; public: stack(int size) { stackPtr = new int [size]; maxLen = size -1; topPtr = -1; } ~stack() { delete [ ] stackPtr; } Usage: stack myStack(50);
Template abstract data type in C++ • C++ example in left stack<int> stk; stack<int> stk(150); • C++ template classes are instantiated at compile time • code for new type is created when not existed • Java does not support generic abstract data type as in left #include <iostream.h> template <class Type> class stack { private: Type *stackPtr; public: stack() : stackPtr (new Type [100]), maxLen (99), topPtr(-1) { } stack(int size) { stackPtr = new Type [size]; maxLen = size – 1; topPtr= -1; }
Encapsulation Constructs • Original motivation: • Large programs have two special needs: 1. Some means of organization, other than simply division into subprograms 2. Some means of partial compilation (compilation units that are smaller than the whole program) • Obvious solution: a grouping of subprograms that are logically related into a unit that can be separately compiled (compilation units) • These are called encapsulations
Encapsulation Constructs • Nested subprograms in Ada and Fortran 95 • Encapsulation in C • Files containing one or more subprograms can be independently compiled • The interface is placed in a headerfile • Problem: the linker does not check types between a header and associated implementation • Encapsulation in C++ • Similar to C • Addition of friend functions that have access to private members of the friend class
Naming Encapsulations • Large programs define many global names; need a way to divide into logical groupings • A naming encapsulation is used to create a new scope for names • C++ Namespaces • Can place each library in its own namespace and qualify names used outside with the namespace • C# also includes namespaces
OO Key feature • Abstraction • Well-defined interface • Hierarchy • Composition • Derivation • inheritance • Encapsulation • Hiding the detail • Polymorphism
From C to C++ • Without abstraction main(){ int stack_items[STACKSIZE], stack_top =0, x; /*push x into stack*/ stack_item[stack_top++] = x; /*pop stack to x*/ x = stack_item[--stack_top]; }
Abstraction: void init(stack *s; viod push(stack *s, int i); int pop(stack *s); void cleanup(stack *s); typedef struct{ int items[stacksize]; Int top } stack; Void init(stack *s) {s->top = 0;} Void push (stack *s, int i) {s-> items[s->top++] =I;} Int pop(stack *s){return s->items[--s->top];} … main(){ int x; stack stack1; init(&stack1); push(&stack1, x); … } Abstraction