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TTC Activities Update. June 2002 Kazunori MATSUO Director, International Affairs The Telecommunication Technology Committee. Topics. Recent status of TTC(organization, membership, standard development, etc.) International collaborations(ITU, Forums, SDOs, GSC, Asia-Pacific)
TTC Activities Update June 2002 Kazunori MATSUO Director, International Affairs The Telecommunication Technology Committee 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
Topics • Recent status of TTC(organization, membership, standard development, etc.) • International collaborations(ITU, Forums, SDOs, GSC, Asia-Pacific) • Recent topics on technical subjects • Recent topics on organizational aspects • TTC electronic voting • TTC’s new document type 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
What’s TTC ? • Establish protocols and standards in Japan • Private non-profit organization accredited by the MPHPT, Japan • Membership is open to any company and individuals • Supported by the voluntary efforts of members 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
Establishment of TTC ・ Trigger Deregulation of Telecom Market in April 1985 Japan/Us Market Oriented Sector Service(MOSS)Conference in 1985 ・ Establishment of TTC in Oct. 1985 - Fairness - Transparency (Open) - Efficiency - Independence - Dissemination of standards 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
TTC Organization General Assembly [GA] Board of Directors Coordination Committee IPR Committee Technical Assembly [TA] Technical survey, International collaboration Strategic Research & Planning Committee (SRPC) Network-Network Interfaces Technical Committee 1 (TC1) User-Network Interfaces Technical Committee 2 (TC2) PBX, LAN Technical Committee 3 (TC3) High Layer Protocol Technical Committee 4 (TC4) Multimedia Services Systems and Coding Schemes Technical Committee 5 (TC5) Mobile Communications Technical Committee 6 (TC6) 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
TTC Membership (1) Total number of Members : 138(128*) (including 19 foreign capital companies) - Type 1 Telecommunications carriers : 22(24*) - Type 2 Telecommunications carriers : 5(4*) - Manufacturers : 86(73*) - Users and others : 25(27*) Total UoC 614(665*) (*) previous year Others Type1 18% 16% Type2 4% Manufacturers 62% (2) The number of committee experts: 1,721 (as of March 2002) 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
Development of TTC Standards(April 2001 through March 2002)adopted at two regular and two extra Technical Assemblies NewRevisionsWithdrawnTotal in force JT standards 17 41 2 318 JS standards 3 0 0 32 JJ standards 1 3 0 30 JF standards 1 0 0 15 JP standards 14 85 10 179 (Total all categories) 574 TTC Technical Specifications (3GPP, 3GPP2) 524 JT: based on an ITU-T Recommendation JS: based on an ISO Standard JJ: TTC Original JF: based on specifications globally recognized by international forums JP: in cooperation with or by other regional standard organization 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
Yearly Increase of TTC Standards in Force Note: Figures are the number of TTC standards (all categories) in force at the end of each fiscal year (March 31). 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
International Collaboration(1) • (1) ITU • TTC was qualified for Recommendation A.6 & A.5 • compliance in Nov. 1999 by ITU-T. • A.5: Generic procedures for including references to documents of • other organizations in ITU-T Recommendations • A.6: Cooperation and exchange of information between ITU-T and • national and regional standards development organizations • TTC representative participating in TSAG meetings 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
International Collaboration(2) (2) Forum/Consortium - ATM Forum - TM(Tele-Management) Forum - IrDA(Infrared Data Association) - PHS-MoU Group - IMTC(The International Multimedia Telecommunications Consortium) (3) MoU with other SDOs - TTA - TTC MoU(Jul. 1989) - TIA - TTC MoU(Oct. 1997) - ETSI - TTC MoU(Nov.1999) - ATIS-Committee T1 - TTC MoU(Nov. 2001) SDO: Standards Development Organization 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
International Collaboration(3) (4)Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) http://www.acif.org.au/gsc_rast/ Objectives: promote further informal linkage among the national, regional and international standards bodies in support of the work of the ITU. Participants: ETSI, T1, TTC, ACIF , TSACC, TTA the ITU, Liaison Organization(JTC1, ATMF, IETF Activities: - setting up High Interest Subjects and Areas - exchanging views on handling IPRs, EDH etc. - GSC meeting at every 15 months 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
Promotion of Collaboration Activities with • Asian/Pacific countries • - task force established in 1992 on Telecommunication • Standardization Activities in Asia and the Pacific • - the measures to stimulate standardization activities in • Asia-Pacific region was discussed and reported • the most recent survey report on future ASTAP activity, • comparing with ETSI or CITEL, became available in • March 2002. 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
Recent Topics on Technical Subjects (1) • IP related activities • ETSI TIPHON Meeting in Kyoto (December, 2000) 90 Participants • Published 5 Technical Documents and 4 Technical Reports on VoIP • Hosting of InterOp event on VoIP in Kobe (Dec., 2001) • Sponsored by IMTC and ETSI • Hosted by TTC Portopia Hotel in Kobe Targets: H.323, SIP, MEGACO(H.248) 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
Recent Topics on Technical Subjects (2) • Establishment of TC4 WG6 on xDSL • Rapid increase of DSL subscriber almost 2.4 million in March, 2002 • Published 5 TTC Standards JJ-100.01, JT-G992.2, JT-G994.1, JT-G995.1, JT-G996.1 • Spectrum Management • Continuation of IMT-2000 related standardization • 141 TTC Standards and 404 Technical Specifications in JP-3GA series (3GPP) • 38 TTC standards and 22 Technical Specifications in JP-3GB series (3GPP2) 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
Recent Topics on Organizational Aspects (1) • Introduction of Electronic Voting (April, 2001) • Technical Assembly to approve standards can be held either by Meeting or Electronic Voting • Modified Bylaw of TTC Rules of Procedure • First Electronic Voting in November 2001 was success • Introduction of New Document Type (June, 2001) • Requirements for speedy approval and frequent updates • Newly introduced “TTC Technical Specification” being comparable to ETSI Technical Specification 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
Recent Topics on Organizational Aspects (2) • Status Change of IPR Committee • From an advisory organ for Board of Directors to a committee under Technical Assembly (March 2001) • The updated TTC Patent Policy and Guidelines come into effect from May 27, 2002 • Proposal from Standardization Strategy Planning Task Force, composed of TC chairmen/vice chairmen • Reviewing various TTC standardization procedure and operations • Studying new standardization theme Proposal: Restructuring of TTC TCs is required to cope with future IP related and NGN related studies 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
Recent Topics on Organizational Aspects (3) • Introduction of Paperless Meeting • Equipped each meeting room in TTC with PC projector, LAN, wireless LAN and laptop PCs • Delivery of meeting documents by e-mail • Start of On-line download of TTC deliverables (July 2002) • TTC publishes its deliverables in CD-ROM since December 1999 • TTC will provide on-line download of its deliverables, from July 2002, using TTC web sites, initially for TTC members who concludes CD-ROM annual purchase contract 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
FY2001 Revenue Expenditure * Sales of standards, Consigned Researches, TTC seminars, ATM Forum 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
TTC Electronic Voting • Survey conducted in Dec. 1999Target : • a) TTC TA members who usually vote • b) Management team of TC and WG • - Result reported to TA members in April 2000The results were in favor of TA being • substituted by electronic voting • As a realization method of TA, the following • two types of TA to be defined: • a) Physical Meeting • b) Electronic Voting • The proposed change of Bylaw was approved • at TA34 on April 19, 2001 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
Design of Electronic Voting System • (Phase 1) before voting • - posting of Draft Standard on FTP area • - transmittal of voting request by E-mail • with UID and Password • (Phase 2) voting • - web based voting • - reminder to members who have not voted • (Phase 3) after voting • - reviewed by two electronic voting administrators • (appointed from members) • (Phase 4) posting of results • - results are archived on TTC web site 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
TTC’s New Document Type - TTC maintained the document types for almost 15 years since its establishment - Request arrived from TC6, in charge of 3GPP/3GPP2 activities, for new document type which allows speedy authorization by TC level Review of deliverables of other SDOs 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
SDO’s Document Type for 3GPP ・ ETSI Technical Specification ・ Committee T1 ANSI T1 Standard T1 Technical Report & Technical Requirement Introduction of New T1 document type “T1 Specification” ・TTC TTC Standards TTC Technical Document 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
New TTC document type Based on the request from TC6 and considering the document type of other SDOs participating in 3GPP/3GPP2, TTC DECIDED to introduce new document type, TTC Technical Specification, officially available for use from June 2001. 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
TTC Document Type 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002
Approval Process of TTC document [ ] : review interval 6th ASTAP Forum, 4-6 June 2002