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Arnold Says: Do it now!

Arnold Says: Do it now! . What is an exotic species? What is an invasive species? Do you know any examples?. What is an Introduced (exotic) Species?. Organisms that have either intentionally or accidentally been released into this country that are (non-native). Ring Neck Pheasant.

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Arnold Says: Do it now!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Arnold Says: Do it now! • What is an exotic species? • What is an invasive species? • Do you know any examples?

  2. What is an Introduced (exotic) Species? • Organisms that have either intentionally or accidentally been released into this country that are (non-native)

  3. Ring Neck Pheasant

  4. Brown Trout

  5. What is an Invasive Species? • Invasive Species- Exotic organism that takes over an environment and disrupts the community by out-competing or destroying native species. • Overall negative impact to ecosystem.

  6. Kudzu • Also known as the vine that ate the south- can grow 1 foot a day. • Introduced from Vietnam in the southern US to control erosion. • Quickly got out of control and spreads 150,000 acres annually. • Negative Impact: Chokes out native plants

  7. Asian and Silver Carp • Imported from Asia for food and algae control • Can grow to 100 lbs and jump 10 feet out of the water. • What impact do they have on the environment?

  8. Ouch! • Asian Carp Video • Turn a Negative into a positive

  9. European Gypsy Moth • Introduced by that guy to try and make silk • Defoliate trees, leaving them weak and eventually they die • All over NE US • Eat 1 square foot per day per bug

  10. Purple Loosestrife • Occurs in every state except Florida • Forms dense coverage of wetland habitat that displaces native veg and is of a lesser nutritional value • Each plant can produce up to 3 million seeds per year! • Introduced for ornamental and medicinal purposes and STILL SOLD TODAY!

  11. Chestnut Blight • Arndt Bot will explain

  12. Chestnut Blight • A fungus transported from an Asian nursery delivery • Devastated all American Chestnut Trees in early 1900s • Enters the tree through wounds and cracks and quickly spreads killing the tree. • A few small trees survive, but are eventually killed.

  13. European Starling • Introduced by Shakespeare enthusiasts in 1890 • Outcompetes native species and destroys crops • Spreads rapidly, extremely successful in North America

  14. Stink Bugs! • Introduced accidentally around the summer of 1998, possibly on container ship from Asia. • First seen in US in Allentown, PA • No natural predators because of the smell and distaste to other animals • Negative Impact: Agricultural pest and indoor pest (seeks warm during cold weather).

  15. Red Imported Fire Ant • Attack and eat a variety of ground nesting animals • Spread via mating flights and accidentally by humans • Video • Electricity • Raft

  16. Zebra Mussles • Mollusk from Russia • Has invaded the Great Lakes • Negative Impact: Clogs drains and covers beaches, boats, and other animals.

  17. What is a vector? • Vector- This is the medium (method) through which an invasive species gets to a location.

  18. How does the Zebra Mussel affect the food web in the Great Lakes?

  19. Burmese Python • Released by pet owners that can’t handle them. • Everglades similar to home environment. • Negative Impact: Outcompete the top predators. • Python v. Gator Video

  20. Get out your HW! • What is an invasive species? • How is it different from an exotic? • What is a vector? • Give 3 examples.

  21. Control Methods • Manual • Chemical • Biological • Cultural • APHIS-Animal Plant Health Inspection Service

  22. What are common characteristics of most invasive species? • Rapidly reproduction • Not many (if any) limiting factors • Outcompete native species for resources • No “natural” predators in new environment.

  23. Snakehead Fish • Read the following article and answer the questions about the snakehead fish. Please do this on your own. You have about 10 minutes.

  24. Northern Snakehead Distribution • Videoof Snakehead Fish • Sightings in US since 1997 by USGS • Videoof Snakehead v. Large Mouth Bass

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