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Each person has a different nature. Some persons are too aggressive while some are calm and emotional. It may be due to imbalance in dual energies. Each one of us, whether male or female contain male energy (yang) and female energy (yin) that influences our thoughts, nature and behavior. If you have an excess or lack of energy of these energies then this may affect your way of thinking, attitude and behavior. Hence, balancing of male-female energies is essential. Yin-Yang color wheel helps to know the male-female energy balance. <br><br>Dr Arvinder Singh has introduced 3D aura photography to give more information to people. This advanced 3D aura imaging technology is introduced, first time in Rajasthan, india. <br>http://drarvindersingh.com/yin-yang-color-wheel/<br>
Each person has a different nature. Some persons are too aggressive while some are calm and emotional. It may be due to imbalance in dual energies. Each one of us, whether male or female contain male energy (yang) and female energy (yin) that influences our thoughts, nature and behaviour.
Female energy flows into our aura from the left side, while masculine energy flows out the aura from the right side. Let’s first understand few terms before discussing Yin-Yang color wheel.
What Is Female Energy? Yin is the feminine energy. This energy is receptive, nurturing and intuitive part of us that makes connection with the divine. This energy we feel inside.
What is a Male Energy? Yang is the masculine energy. This is the strong and action oriented side of us that get things done. This energy is felt by others around you. This is what you are putting out to the world.
If your yin-yang energies are unbalanced then you may face various issues. Yin-Yang color wheel can show your male-female energy balance.
How do you know your energy balance through Yin-Yang Color Wheel? In aura reading process the Yin-Yang color wheel gives overview of the complete aura color range. The color wheel shows your aura color and it also shows the male-female energy balance. The yin pointer shows your female qualities while the Yang pointer shows male qualities of your energy system. By viewing your Yin-Yang color wheel you can know whether your male-female energy system is harmonized or disharmonized.
How do you know your energy balance through Yin-Yang Color Wheel? If Yin-Yang pointers are close together it means your male-female energies are in harmony. It means your female energy gets inspiration and intuition from the soul and the god and your male energy helps to act on these inspirations. You can easily check your energy level status through Yin-Yang color wheel.
What Will Happen If You Excess And Lack Of One Of The Energy? More than one color separation between the Yin and Yang energy pointers in Yin-Yang color wheel shows that one side of your body might feel stressed. If you have an excess or lack of energy of these energies then this may affect your way of thinking, attitude and behavior. Hence, balancing of male-female energies is essential.
How Can You Balance Yin-Yang Energies? In Yin-Yang Color wheel, if you find that your male-female energies are imbalanced then by aura healing or pranic healing process you can balance these energies. Once you will balance your male-female energies through aura healing you will feel the freedom within you that you have experienced never before.
How to Check Relaxation Level? Relaxation graph is generated in aura reading, which shows how relaxed you are. If your body is not relaxed then you may feel high physical stress and low physical energy. By viewing the relaxation graph you can know whether your relaxation level is high, medium or low. You can increase your relaxation level by aura healing or pranic healing.
Measure Your Energy Level by Aura Reading • Energy level of a person is determined on the basis of four major energies. • Physical energy that tells how much physically fit are you? • Your emotional energy tells that how happy are you? • Your mental energy tells that how well focused are you? • Spiritual energy shows what the purpose of your life is?
Measure Your Energy Level by Aura Reading By aura reading you can easily measure your energy level and can check status of all these four energies. If all of these energy levels are high then you can do wonders in your life and can achieve your life goals easily through focus.
Measure Your Energy Level by Aura Reading The indigo color bar shows your spiritual energy.Green color bar shows your mental energy. Light blue color bar shows your emotional energy level where as red color bar shows your physical energy level. If all bars are even that means all of your energies are flowing in harmony. On the other side, uneven bar shows that your energy system is not balanced. You can balance these energies by increasing your aura power through aura healing.
3D Aura Reading / Aura Photography in India In the current era, aura reading and aura photography have become the most used technique for human energy reading. Dr. Arvinder Singh has brought advanced 3D aura chakra photography with the latest kirlian camera, first time in Rajasthan, India that shows real-time aura and chakras results. You can many details about your health, career, life, mind-body-soul energy balance etc. with the help of 3D aura reading technology. This knowledge will help you for overall improvement.
Measure Your Energy Level by Aura Reading You quickly express your emotions such as anger, excitement, fear, nervousness, love, hate, etc. A straight line shows that you keep your emotions inside and do not express emotions easily. We get much information about us through aura reading that help us to make our life happy and balanced.
To know more about, human aura reading kindly click on the below mentioned link : http://drarvindersingh.com