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Developed by: Greg Goblick, Laura Stephenson RI Department of Environmental Management RIPDES Permitting Program. Overview of RIPDES Construction General Permit Requirements. Introduction: RIPDES Construction Storm Water Program. • Review and introduction of Phase I and
Developed by: Greg Goblick, Laura Stephenson RI Department of Environmental Management RIPDES Permitting Program Overview of RIPDES Construction General PermitRequirements
Introduction: RIPDES Construction Storm Water Program •Review and introduction of Phase I and Phase II requirements • When is a permit required? • Who is responsible to implement the permit? • Who is responsible for compliance?
Goals of the Construction Storm Water Program • Minimize erosion during construction • Reduce/eliminate pollutants in storm water to protect water quality • Consider post-construction storm water management
Large Construction (Phase I) Permitting • Construction General Permit (CGP) • RIPDES issued in 1993 • Re-issued March 1998 • Re-issued September 9, 2003 (Phase II requirements incorporated in new CGP) • Authorization under the old CGP • Allowed automatic authorization for projects approved by CRMC, DEM Freshwater Wetlands, DEM WQC (only an NOI needed to be submitted to RIPDES)
Small Construction Permitting (Phase II) • Municipalities required to developed local programs (refer to Small MS4 General Permit) • Covers construction activity one or more acres • RIDEM permits required Statewide • No waivers • RIDEM organized 3 focus group meetings (consultants, municipalities, environmental organizations, stateand federal agencies to discuss draft CGP permit)
SWPPP Requirements 1. Stamped/signed by one of the following: • Registered Professional Engineer (P.E.) • Certified Professional in Soil Erosion Control (CPESC) • Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality (CPSWQ) • Registered Landscape Architect Note: SWPPPs that require engineering must be stamped/signed by P.E.
SWPPP Requirements cont. 2. Identify potential sources of pollutants which may reasonably be expected to affect the quality of storm water discharges associated with the construction activity.
SWPPP Requirements cont. 3. Describe and ensure the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) used to reduce or eliminate pollutants in storm water discharge(s) and assure compliance with the permit.
SWPPP Requirements cont. 4. BMP selection shall include an evaluation of the effectiveness of available practices and be made with proper references.
Permit Changes: Qualifying Local Programs (QLPs) • Permit includes conditions that incorporate department approved QLPs • Compliance with QLP = compliance with RIPDES • QLPs issue permits for sites 1-5 acres and greater than 5 if QLP chooses to do so
Permit Changes: Reasons for QLPs • Requirements tailored to locality • Local oversight more effective than just State oversight • Protect local infrastructure and prevent introduction of pollutants into the local storm sewers and drainage system (MS4) • Streamline duplicative permitting requirements • Reduce permit fees
Permit Changes: Phase II Requirements • Requires permit coverage for: • Construction activity disturbing > 1 acre and < 5 acres • Construction activity below 1 acre that is part of a larger common plan of development or sale • Potential permit coverage for: • Construction activity that disturbs less than 1 acre of land may be designated based on water quality impact
Permit Changes: Streamlining • Incorporate RIPDES NOI requirements in wetlands application process • Wetlands application serves as RIPDES NOI for all sites greater than 1 acre • NOI does not have to be submitted for sites with a Qualifying State or Local Program permit or approval* Less paper, less time, less money! * Federal/State agencies do not have to apply for QLP approval if a RIPDES Permit is obtained
Permit Changes: NOI Form Part IX:Natural Heritage Areas • Professional (a P.E., CPESC, CPSWQ, or Registered Landscape Architect) must certify information in Part V of NOI: • Is the site within or directly discharging to a Natural Heritage Area? (Yes or No) • If the site is within or directly discharging to a NHA, do you have previous approval from the DEM Natural Heritage Program (NHP)? If yes, include a copy of the approval letter
Permit Changes: Part IX NHA’s Continued Projects that propose a storm water or allowable non-storm water discharge to or has discharge related activities that may potentially affect a NHA: Submit Map • Location of construction • Street address • Nearest utility pole number • Assessors plot and lot • Total area of site • Limits of disturbance
Permit Changes: NOI Form Part X: SWPPP Development • Needs to be filled out for activities that are not required to submit a SWPPP (see authorization) • Ensure that a site specific SWPPP was prepared consistent with requirements • Does not alleviate or limit liability and sole responsibility of the owner/operator to implement & amend SWPPP
Authorization • Do I require any of the following? • CRMC permit • QLP approval • WQ Certification • Wetlands permit If CRMC or QLP Approval, and WQ Cert (if appl.) YES THEN YES NO Is my site > 5 acres? Is my site 1 < x < 5 acres? If Freshwater Wetlands Permit YES YES THEN THEN Submit NOI and approval Automatically Authorized
Authorization Is my site 1 < x < 5 acres? • Do I require any of the following? • CRMC permit • QLP approval • WQ Certification • Wetlands permit NO NO Is my site > 5 acres? YES YES Submit SWPPP and NOI Discharging directly to a NHA? YES NO THEN Prior approval from NHP? Submit NOI THEN Authorization upon notification NO Automatic authorization w/i 30 days YES Submit NOI Submit NOI & approval Automatically authorized THEN
Future ImprovementsKick it up a notch •Termination of project - P.E. certifies that any permanent structures constructed are according to SWPPP/design manual • Revise goals to be consistent with updated Storm Water Design Manual
Future Improvements cont. •Consider additional measures for final stabilization and long term storm water management • Consider requiring various measures such as sediment traps, basins or other controls based on area of disturbance
RIPDES Contact Information Greg Goblick Senior Environmental Engineer RIDEM RIPDES Program tel: (401) 222-4700 ext.7265 email: ggoblick@dem.state.ri.us Margarita Chatterton Senior Environmental Engineer RIDEM RIPDES Program tel: (401) 222-4700 ext.7605 email: mchatter@dem.state.ri.us Web: http://www.state.ri.us/dem/programs/ benviron/water/permits/ripdes/stwater/index.htm