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Implementation of IENE2 Project in Roanne: Interculturality in Nurse and Care Helper Training

Thierry Brialon presents the implementation of the IENE2 project in Roanne, focusing on interculturality in nurse and care helper training. The presentation includes the implementation context, methodology, assessment, and prospects for the future.

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Implementation of IENE2 Project in Roanne: Interculturality in Nurse and Care Helper Training

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Presentation Transcript

  1. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE IENE2 PROJECT IN ROANNE Conference Middlesex University September 13th 2012 Thierry BRIALON

  2. SPEECH PLAN • Roanne nursing school présentation • Implementation context • Implementation methodology • Assessment and prospects IFSI Roanne - Thierry BRIALON

  3. Presentation of the Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers IFSI of Roanne Nurses students : 3 years of 70 =210 Care Helper students : 41 • Our team : • - 1 Director • 12 Teachers • 1 Pedagogical coordinator • 1 Documentalist • 4 Secretaries • 1 maintenance man IFSI Roanne - Thierry BRIALON

  4. Implementation context: Institutional context • Since many years practical trainings abroad are organized. • Pedagogical questionning on the practical stay abroad meaning in the new training program • Institutional will to develop the cultural competency among the nurses students IFSI Roanne - Thierry BRIALON

  5. Implementation context : Statutory context • UE 5,7 S5 & S6: Optional • ( 10 hours tutorials ) • Lecture Practical trainingDebriefing • 9h 5 semaines 3 heures IFSI Roanne - Thierry BRIALON

  6. Implementation method : Pedagogical Purpose Introduce among students a process leading up everyone to answer patients in a competent cultural way . IFSI Roanne - Thierry BRIALON

  7. Implementation method: Forming of a student group 22 students engaged in this group : • 12 in practical training in the area of Roanne • 10 in practical training abroad : (3 in Viêt-Nam, 3 in TOGO, 2 in Switzerland, 2 in Belgium) IFSI Roanne - Thierry BRIALON

  8. Implementation Method: Méthode pédagogique utilisée • Lectures and tutorials in small groups. IFSI Roanne - Thierry BRIALON

  9. Implementation Method : Achievements • Elaborate a charter to develop its own cultural competencies. • Write its everyday diary. • Writing up thoughts showing progress in cultural competences. IFSI Roanne - Thierry BRIALON 9

  10. Implementation Method : Achievements: • Culturalcompetencedevelopment charter  : • - Be aware of its own culture • Adapt its care practice in order to respect the patient’s culture, • Take in account life habits way of life and patient’ traditions in respecting his beliefs and his identity. • Identify our prejudices and our preconceived ideas . • Try to establish a trustfull relationship in adapting its own communication, • - Do not show ethnocentricity, • - Be involved personally in gathering informations to enlarge our knowledges and our point of views. • - Consider the family in patient’s support. IFSI Roanne - Thierry BRIALON 10

  11. Evaluation & Prospects : For the students • Heavy training days . • Debriefing post stage full of interest . • Optional Training Module not allways choosen . • Elaborate relevant post-practical training thoughts (= become aware of important ideas) • « It does not make any difference with what we do • everyday » IFSI Roanne - Thierry BRIALON

  12. Evaluation & Prospects: For pedagogical team • Introduction to the year trainers team • Following introduction to the entire pedagogical team. • teachers complementary method (appropriation). • Students method appropriation . • Look for anticipation. • Proposition : include the PTT IENE method in the general curriculum . IFSI Roanne - Thierry BRIALON 12

  13. Je vous remercie de votre attention…. IFSI Roanne - Thierry BRIALON

  14. Interculturality in nurse and care helper training AtIFSI andIFAS of Paray le Monial FranceIFSI = nursing schoolIFAS=care helper schoolAngéla Calabrese et Simone Gauthier (Head nurses teachers )

  15. Project presentation AC et SG, projet IENE 15

  16. Step 1 : for each one awareness of its own story and of the other one story (all nurses and care helper students , All school team members ) • Step 2: how everyone’s culture is influencing the team decisions in a care unit (50 nurses students and 30 care helper students)

  17. The patient story in a care situation (50 students first year of training ) • The culture in various relationship nurse/patient (50 students second year level and 50 students third year level)

  18. Actions realized in 2012 1/ Presentation of the project and of PTT/IENE model to the pedagogical team in order to: • give them time to know the project IENE • stick to « interculturality & training in the IFSI &IFAS» project

  19. 2/ Re- entering day inter promotions et interprofessionsnurses &care helper students of all level plus pedagogical & administrative team 150 nurse’s students 34 care helper students, 14 members of pedagogical & administrative team

  20. 3/ “Abroad Practical Training” presentation by the students to others & to the pedagogical team

  21. Thank you Hospital of Paray le Monial- FRANCE

  22. Movie

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