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Postpartum Hemorrhage

Postpartum Hemorrhage. Mrs. Mahdia. Definition. Total blood loss >500 ml at vaginal delivery and >1000 ml at cesarean delivery suffers from the limitations of clinical estimation of blood loss during delivery.

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Postpartum Hemorrhage

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  1. Postpartum Hemorrhage Mrs. Mahdia Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  2. Definition • Total blood loss >500 ml at vaginal delivery and >1000 ml at cesarean delivery suffers from the limitations of clinical estimation of blood loss during delivery. • Average blood loss following vaginal delivery, cesarean section, and cesarean hysterectomy was estimated by Pritchard et al .to be approximately 500, 1000, and 1500 ml, respectively. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  3. Types Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  4. Causes of primary PPH Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  5. Late PPH Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  6. Prevention • Avoid genital tract trauma. • Prophylactically use oxytocic agents at the onset of the third stage of labor. • Actively manage the third stage of labor (with controlled cord traction after signs of placental separation have occurred Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  7. Uterine Atony “4 T's”:Causes of Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  8. Diagnosis of Uterine Atony • Presence of a soft uterus on abdominal examination • Vaginal bleeding. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  9. Risk factors • uterine over distention: polyhydramnios, multiple gestation, fetal macrosomia 2. rapid or prolonged labor 3. oxytocin use 4. high parity 5. Chorioamnionitis 6. myometrial relaxing agents (magnesium sulfate, anesthetic agents 7. Nitroglycerine Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  10. Prevention of uterine atony Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  11. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  12. Treatment • Massage • Bimanual uterine massage and compression between a hand on the abdomen and a hand in the vagina. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  13. Medications • Oxytocin intravenously (10 to 40 U per liter up to 500 ml in 10 minutes), intramuscularly, or intramyometrially (10 U). • There are no contraindications to the use of oxytocin. • Side effects: nausea, vomiting, and water intoxication secondary to its antidiuretic effect are rare. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  14. Medications • Methylergonovine ( Methergine) intramuscularly, intravenously, or intramyometrially (0.2 mg every 2 to 4 hours). • Methylergonovine is contraindicated in patients with hypertension. • Side effects of hypertension, seizures, nausea, vomiting ,and palpitation. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  15. Supportive Measures • adequate fluid resuscitation via two large-bore IVs • replacement of blood products as needed, • anesthesia consultation in the event emergent laparotomy is necessary. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  16. Genital Tract Trauma Genital tract trauma constitutes approximately 7% of postpartum hemorrhages Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  17. Clinical manifestations Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  18. Risk Factors Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  19. Bleeding from an episiotomy or perineal laceration is usually obvious and prompt ligature will control the bleeding • Persistent bleeding with a contracted uterus especially after oxytocin has been administered is strongly suggestive of genital tract lesion. • Exploration is best done under general anaesthesia or continued epidural anaesthesia. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  20. Significant bleeding in the absence of cervical, vaginal or perineal tears is suggestive of uterine rupture even if there is response to oxytocics. • Digital exploration of uterus in cases of previous c/s and difficult or complicated deliveries. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  21. Treatment • Full-thickness mucosal repair, beginning above the apex because bleeding vessels tend to retract. • Continuous interlocking absorbable suture is generally used. • When suturing in the proximity of the urethra, insertion of a catheter is advisable to avoid injury of this structure. • blood transfusion • antibiotics to prevent secondary infection. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  22. Retained Placental Tissue • Clinical Manifestations: bleeding persists in the absence of apparent lacerations or atony. The expelled placenta should be carefully inspected for completeness following each delivery. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  23. Risk Factors • Early cord traction attempts • placenta accreta, increta, and percreta, and succenturiate lobe. • Placenta accreta occurs in 1 in approximately 2,500 to 7,000 deliveries and consists of a relatively superficial attachment of the placenta to the myometrium. More invasive attachment (placenta increta or percreta) is less common. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  24. Predisposing factors • previous postpartum curettage • cesarean delivery • Hysterotomy • placenta previa • high parity. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  25. Treatment • manual intrauterine exploration or curettage. • Care must be taken to avoid uterine perforation, placenta accreta, increta, or percreta should be suspected. • Treatment usually requires hysterectomy for these abnormal placentations. • conservative surgical management (with manual removal and packing) can be attempted. • Maternal morbidity and mortality are high if surgical therapy is necessary. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  26. THROMBOSIS- COAGULOPATHY • Hereditary coagulopathies: Haemophila A • Acquired during pregnancy: • Thrombocytopenia • HELLP syndrome • DIC (eclampsia, intrauterine foetal death, septicaemia, placenta abruptio, amniotic fluid embolism). • Anti coagulant therapy: Valve replacement, patients on absolute bed rest. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  27. Uterine Inversion • Clinical Manifestations: • abdominal examination reveals the uterine fundus to be inverted or missing. • Vaginal inspection and examination confirm the diagnosis. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  28. Levels of inversion • level I: The fundus may be inverted above the cervix, • level II: below the cervix but within the vagina • level III: outside the vagina • level IV: the uterus and vagina may both be found outside the vulva. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  29. Risk Factors • fetal macrosomia • fundal placentation • use of oxytocin • uterine anomalies • placenta accreta. • Fifty percent of reported cases occur spontaneously in primiparous patients. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  30. Treatment • manual replacement • intravascular volume replacement. If the placenta has not been removed: replace the uterus by applying pressure to the inverted fundus without removing the placenta and increasing natural oxytocin. • If manual replacement succeeds, the placenta can be manually removed • uterine contraction assured by massage and oxytocin infusion. If manual replacement fails, • When all above measures fail, laparotomy is indicated to correct the inversion Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  31. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  32. Uterine Rupture Clinical Manifestations • Tachycardia • Shock • fetal distress • disappearance of presenting part from the pelvis • variable amount of pain and vaginal bleeding. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  33. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  34. Classifications of uterine rupture Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  35. Risk Factors • obstructed labor • multiple gestation • abnormal fetal lie • high parity. • use of oxytocin • Prostaglandins • spontaneous uterine hyperstimulation • internal podalic version • breech extraction. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  36. Treatment • intravascular volume and blood replacement • immediate laparotomy. • With spontaneous rupture, 85% of patients require hysterectomy, whereas 65% of ruptured scars can be repaired Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  37. Late Postpartum Hemorrhage Late postpartum hemorrhage is defined as any sudden loss of any amount of fresh blood occurring after the first 24 hours of delivery and within 6 weeks postnatally. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  38. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  39. Treatment • Uterotonics • curettage • antibiotics. • If the bleeding is not severe, antibiotics make a good first choice, and if bleeding persists, curettage should be implemented. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  40. Puerperal Infections • Puerperal febrile morbidity: a temperature of (38°C), the temperature to occur in any two of the first 10 days post partum, exclusive of the first 24 hr, and to be taken by mouth by a standard technique at least four times daily. • The overall rate of postpartum infection is estimated to be 1% to 8%. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  41. Puerperal Infections • Transient, low-grade fever is common in the postpartum period and will resolve spontaneously in the majority of patients who delivered vaginally. • In patients who undergo cesarean delivery, only 30% of fevers will resolve spontaneously, reflecting the greater risk for development of infection after surgery (26). Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  42. Risk factors • PROM • Anemia • Hemorrhage • Episiotomy and CS • Placenta retain Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  43. History and Physical Physical examination focusing on: • Lungs • Breast • uterine fundus • abdomen for incision infections • Perineum • lower extremities Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  44. Laboratory Tests • Complete blood count with differential. • Urinalysis with culture. • Blood cultures may be considered. • Sputum for Gram's stain and culture if respiratory infection is suspected Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  45. Treatment • Nutrition: anemia prevention • Antimicrobial treatment broad-spectrum, high dose, long time • Drainage • Treatment of thrombophlebitis Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  46. Complications of PPH Immediate complications: • Anaemia. • HypovolemicShock. • Acute renal failure. • Acute Liver failure (hepato-renal syndrome) • Acute pulmonary oedema, consumption coagulopathy, transfusion reactions, (iatrogenic). Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  47. Long term complications: • Infections: puerperal infections • Sheehan’s syndrome (necrosis of anterior pituitary). • Chronic anaemia. • Chronic renal failure. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

  48. Infertility: • Asherman’s syndrome; a condition characterized by the presence of adhesions and/or fibrosis within the uterine cavity due to scars • Sheehan syndrome • tubal obstruction secondary to infections, post hysterectomy. Mrs. Mahdia Kony

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