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Building Resilience in the Workplace: Practical Guidance for Managers

This resource provides practical advice for managers to enhance workforce resilience. It covers the importance of resilience, employer and individual responsibilities, and resources for further exploration. Managers can utilize management systems, learning and development opportunities, and positive workplace cultures to foster resilience. The text highlights the significance of creating a supportive work environment and developing a resilient workforce. Employees are encouraged to participate in activities that promote resilience. Employers can make the Social Care Commitment to enhance workplace culture and workforce development. The resource is supported by a 'stress at work' supplement and emphasizes the value of resilience in the workplace.

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Building Resilience in the Workplace: Practical Guidance for Managers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Building resilience in the workplace

  2. Resilience…. This resource offers practical guidance to managers on how to develop the resilience of their workforce. It has five parts: 1. What is resilience and why does it matter? 2. Who is responsible for resilience? 3. What can I do as an employer to develop the resilience of the people who work for me? 4. What can individuals do to develop their own resilience?* 5. Where can I find out more about resilience? *Section 4 is for individuals to download and complete on their own The resource is supported by a ‘stress at work’ supplement. The ability to cope with stress or pressure

  3. Activity 1 Working in groups of 3 – 4 for about 10 minutes Find the answers to the questions on your card by using the ‘Greater resilience better care’ resource Spend a further 5 minutes looking at other sections of the resource Explore the Resilience Resource

  4. Employer actions… Use management systems to prevent and reduce stress at work Use learning and development to help managers and the workforce develop resilient behaviours Build positive workplace cultures to foster resilience Put a resilience-building framework in place

  5. Workplace Culture ‘My work is worthwhile. I’m part of a team that makes the world a better place for people. I feel respected and supported by the people around me, who I respect and support. Yes, there are pressures, but the support is there. Problems too, but we solve them. That is what makes the job interesting and rewarding. It gives me the chance to use my skills and to develop myself. All in all, I’m in a good place with my work and that helps me feel good about life!’ A happier place to work

  6. Developing the culture Make the Social Care Commitment and choose at least one task for each statement to develop your workforce and the workplace culture… • 7 Employer statements “I will…” • 7 Employee statements “I will…” • Access resources to support making the Commitment • www.thesocialcarecommitment.org.uk Social Care Commitment

  7. Further info and support Visit: www.skillsforcare.org.uk Or contact: Angela Thompson, Locality Manager, on mobile 07813 031257 or by email angela.thompson@skillsforcare.org.uk Bespoke solutions can also be provided for your organisation by Skills for Care, at businessdevelopment@skillsforcare.org.uk

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