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The World of Parasites:

Parasites fit into the world because most are living things.All living things belong to one of the five kingdoms.. The Five Kingdoms. Monera: Prokaryotesexamples include bacteriaProtists: Small eukaryotesexamples include euglena and amoebaFungus: Eukaryotic external heterotrophsexamples i

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The World of Parasites:

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Presentation Transcript

    1. The World of Parasites: A brief overview of the gruesome lives of parasites Maya Merritt and Mindy Johnson

    3. The Five Kingdoms Monera: Prokaryotes examples include bacteria Protists: Small eukaryotes examples include euglena and amoeba Fungus: Eukaryotic external heterotrophs examples include mushrooms Plants: Eukaryotic autotrophs examples include trees, ferns, cacti Animals: Eukaryotic internal heterotrophs examples include humans, insects, worms

    4. The Animal Kingdom can be further divided into major phyla Chordates: Backbone, fish and humans Arthropods: Insects, spiders, crustaceans Annelids: Segmented worms and leeches Nematodes: Two openings, roundworms Platyhelminthes: One opening, flatworms Cnidaria: Tentacles with stingers, jellyfish Porifera: Sac-like bodies, sponges

    5. How can you classify a parasite? Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Animalia Arthropoda Insecta Diptera Muscidae Glossina morsitans

    6. Parasite Terminology Parasite an organism that lives off or on another organism, generally without killing it. It comes from the Greek one who eats off the table of another. Ichneumon wasps are parasites on caterpillars.

    7. Parasite Terminology Host the organism which is the home and/or food source for the parasite

    8. Parasite Terminology Intermediate Host a secondary host in which the parasite matures. The intermediate host for cat tapeworm is the flea.

    9. Parasite Terminology Vector how the parasite gets from host to host (usually an arthropod). The parasite may develop into the infective state while in the vector.

    10. Heartworm Mosquitoes are the vector for dog heartworm Heartworm belongs to the roundworm phylum

    11. Sample Life Cycle:

    12. What can a parasite do to you?

    16. Tsetse fly range makes large regions of Africa uninhabitable

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