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Exhibition Organizers and Exhibitors –A New ROI Tool for the Industry

Exhibition Organizers and Exhibitors –A New ROI Tool for the Industry. Skip Cox, President & CEO, skip@exhibitisurveys.com Exhibit Surveys, Inc. Agenda. Why measure ROI Tool Kit Demo – web-based tool Evaluate, plan and measure Use and Benefits. Benefits to Exhibitors.

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Exhibition Organizers and Exhibitors –A New ROI Tool for the Industry

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Exhibition Organizers and Exhibitors –A New ROI Tool for the Industry Skip Cox, President & CEO, skip@exhibitisurveys.com Exhibit Surveys, Inc.

  2. Agenda • Why measure • ROI Tool Kit Demo – web-based tool • Evaluate, plan and measure • Use and Benefits

  3. Benefits to Exhibitors • Establish the value of the show to assist in show selection and investment decisions • Understand make-up of target audience better to plan more effective exhibits • Identify opportunities for improving performance and generating more leads - improve ROI & ROO • Justify investment in show to management • Compare consistently across shows – develop benchmarks of performance

  4. Benefits to Organizers • Reduce attrition rates of exhibitors • Consult /”partner” with exhibitors to identify ways of maximizing their ROI • Identify potential new revenue and cost-cutting opportunities

  5. POTENTIAL AUDIENCE • Messaging • Leads • Sales/Prescribing Habits • PR • Brand Enhancement • Awareness Building Exhibit Performance Model EXHIBIT ATTRACTION • Attention-getting Techniques • Awareness/Perception • Products Exhibited • Design/Graphics • Exhibit Size • Promotion EXHIBIT EFFICIENCY (Person-to-Person Contact) • No. of Staff • Staff Performance • Profile of Staff • Staff Knowledge • Training RESULTS

  6. Exhibit Engagement Drives Purchase Intent Purchase Intent is Sales Validated – Good Predictor of Actual Sales Total Lift = 34% pts. Unaware to Active lift range: +7% pts. to +45% pts.

  7. Key Drivers of Purchase Intent There is Both an Emotional and Cognitive Component to Exhibiting that Drives Results Total Lift = 38% pts. Total Lift = 66 pts. Unaware to Aware lift range: +18% pts. to +54% pts. Unaware to Active lift range: +42 pts. to +132 pts. 7

  8. Customer vs. Non Customer: Purchase Intent Trade shows contribute to both customer retention and customer acquisition. Total Lift = +24% pts. Total Lift = +17% pts. Unaware to Active lift range: -9% pts. to +42% pts. Unaware to Active lift range: +9% pts. to +89% pts.

  9. Less “Active” Engagement Today Staff Interaction Rate (SIR)(Personal Contact Achieved With Prospects Attracted) SIR Industrial 55% Medical 62% Retail 54% Hi Tech 50% Source: Exhibit Surveys, Inc.

  10. Exhibits Find and Help Convert New Customers Customers represent the greatest opportunity for sales, but about 1/4 of company purchases and 1/3 of those personally involved in purchasing were from non-customers at the time of the show. Purchased within 120 - 180 days after the show from each company

  11. Viral Effect of Exhibiting Extends Reach of Show Exhibiting influences visitors, large numbers of whom also influence their peers, something that advertising or most other marketing vehicles do not do.


  13. ROI Tool Kit • Intended users: primarily for small/medium exhibitors – large exhibitors often have custom measurement in place • Intended use: • Evaluate show potential and value – is exhibiting justified? • Plan to maximize potential and ROI – what level of investment is required and justified? • Measure reach of exhibit and potential for ROI • “Tool”, not an exact science

  14. Is Exhibiting Justified? • Factors Exhibitors Consider: • Profile of largest exhibitors • Profile and history of competitors exhibiting • Trends in attendance (health of show) • Geographical distribution of audience • Traffic Density • Size and Value of Potential Audience at Show

  15. Is Exhibiting Justified? Estimating Size of Potential Audience at Show: Net Attendance Target Audience(demographics from reg. data) x % Interested x (product interest from survey) = Potential Audience 3,781a 1,701b .40c 680 • Net Linux World audited attendance excluding exhibitor personnel • 45% are targeted businesses and job titles • Used 40% interest in servers and server management software

  16. What Investment is Justified? • Number of personnel needed: • Potential Audience ( ) Avg. No. of Vis./Hour ( ) = Total Show Hours ( ) 680 34 20 Avg. No. of Vis./Hr. ( )No. of Pers. Needed ( ) = Salespersons Rate/Hr. ( ) 34 5 7

  17. Less Face to Face Interaction Staff Interaction Rate (SIR)(Personal Contact Achieved With Prospects Attracted) SIR Industrial 55% Medical 62% Retail 54% Hi Tech 50% Source: Exhibit Surveys, Inc.

  18. What Investment is Justified? Amount of exhibit space needed: Open Space ( ) = No. of Personnel ( ) x 50 sq. ft. Total Space ( ) = Open Space ( ) + Occupied Space ( )

  19. Ideal Traffic Density in Exhibit 10’ 10’ 10’ 10’ Td = 4.0 Td = 6.0 = Booth Personnel = Visitors

  20. What Investment is Justified? Amount of exhibit space needed: Open Space ( ) = No. of Personnel ( ) x 50 sq. ft. Total Space ( ) = Open Space ( ) + Occup. Space ( ) 250 5 250 150 400

  21. ROI Tool Kit Demo http://roitoolkit.exhibitsurveys.net/Home/Welcome.aspx

  22. Q&A

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