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The Wonder of Young Children: STREAM Curriculum in Early Childhood

The Wonder of Young Children: STREAM Curriculum in Early Childhood. Shauna Adams, Ed.D. University of Dayton 6/23/2014. The Bombeck Family Learning Center. The ACCESS Curriculum. Inquiry-based Integrated Assessment-supported Science-focused Innovative.

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The Wonder of Young Children: STREAM Curriculum in Early Childhood

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Wonder of Young Children: STREAM Curriculum in Early Childhood Shauna Adams, Ed.D. University of Dayton 6/23/2014

  2. The Bombeck Family Learning Center

  3. The ACCESS Curriculum • Inquiry-based • Integrated • Assessment-supported • Science-focused • Innovative

  4. In Contrast to Fill the Week Planning

  5. Bombeck Teachers Create Cohesive Curriculum through Investigations Mini-Investigations Daily Routines In-Betweens

  6. Intentional Environments Technology Enhanced Environments Watch Video

  7. Intentional Materials

  8. Daily Routines

  9. Intentional Assessment • Before the Body Works Investigation • After the Body Works Investigation

  10. Selecting Topics for Investigation • Is the topic worthy of study? • Does it follow the children’s interest? • Can children engage in inquiry? • Is it novel? • Are there hands on authentic materials? • Can it support all content areas and developmental domains? The Apple Experiment

  11. DevSkill Sci DevSkill LA Sci LA Math Rel Sci Experience Experience Experience Art Experience Math Experience Rel Soc. St. Science Concept 2 Science Concept Planner Science Concept 1 • See what happens when there is no unifying topic of investigation. • Standards are covered and development is addressed through a series of unrelated and disconnected experiences. Science Topic to be Investigated Content resources related to science topics LA Science Concept 3 DevSkill Science Concept 4 Art LA Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience DevSkill Sci Rel Math LA , Shauna Adams, Joni Baldwin & Mary Kay Kelly- University of Dayton

  12. DevSkill Sci DevSkill LA Sci LA Math Rel Sci Experience Experience Experience Art Experience Math Experience Rel Soc. St. Science Concept 2 Science Concept Planner Science Concept 1 Science Topic to be Investigated Content resources related to science topics LA Science Concept 3 DevSkill Science Concept 4 Art LA Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience DevSkill Sci Rel Math LA , Shauna Adams, Joni Baldwin & Mary Kay Kelly- University of Dayton

  13. DevSkill Sci DevSkill LA Sci LA Math Rel Sci Experience Experience Experience Art Experience Math Experience Rel Soc. St. Science Concept 2 Science Concept Planner Science Concept 1 Science Topic to be Investigated Content resources related to science topics LA Science Concept 3 DevSkill Science Concept 4 Art LA Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience DevSkill Sci Rel Math LA , Shauna Adams, Joni Baldwin & Mary Kay Kelly- University of Dayton

  14. DevSkill Sci DevSkill LA Sci LA Math Rel Sci Experience Experience Experience Art Experience Math Experience Rel Soc. St. Science Concept 2 Science Concept Planner Science Concept 1 Science Topic to be Investigated Content resources related to science topics LA Science Concept 3 DevSkill Science Concept 4 Art LA Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience DevSkill Sci Rel Math LA , Shauna Adams, Joni Baldwin & Mary Kay Kelly- University of Dayton

  15. A Study of Fabric • Does it follow the children’s interest? • Can children engage in inquiry? • Is it novel? • Are there hands on authentic materials? • Can it support all content areas and developmental domains?

  16. , Shauna Adams, Joni Baldwin & Mary Kay Kelly- University of Dayton

  17. A Study of Fabric Standards Addressed Science: Explores objects and materials; Describes, compares, sorts, and orders, Records observations; Recognize properties of materials. Motor: Coordinates use of hands/fingers to perform tasks. LA: Uses language to express observations; Uses drawing to support language; Uses nouns to describe; Prints letters in own name. REL: God created our world and provides for us.

  18. A Study of Fabric

  19. A Study of Fabric

  20. A Study of Fabric

  21. Look what we made… , Shauna Adams, Joni Baldwin & Mary Kay Kelly- University of Dayton

  22. Look what we made…

  23. A Study of Rocks

  24. A Study of Rocks

  25. A Study of Rocks

  26. A Study of Rocks

  27. A Study of Rocks

  28. A Study of Light: Reflection

  29. A Study of Light: Refraction

  30. A Study of Light: Transparency

  31. A Study of Magnets

  32. A Study of Magnets

  33. A Study of Magnets

  34. References Adams, S.M., Baldwin, J.B., Comingore, J.L & Kelly, M.K.(2013). The ACCESS Curriculum : Intentional, Integrated and Inquiry-based for Infants through Grade 5. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris. Baldwin, J. L., Adams, S. M., Kelly, M.K. (2009).Science at the center: An emergent, standards-based, child-centered Framework for early learners. Early Childhood Education Journal. Camilli, G., Vargas, S., Ryan, S., & Barnett, W. S. (2010). Meta-analysis of the effects of early education interventions on cognitive and social development. The Teachers College Record, 112, 579-620; Wong, V. C., Cook, T. D., Barnett, W. S., & Jung, K. (2008). An effectiveness-based evaluation of five state prekindergarten programs. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 27, 122-154. Harvard Center on the Developing Child (2007). The science of early childhood development: Closing the gap between what we know and what we do. Cambridge, MA: Author. Yoshikawa, H., Weiland, C., Brooks-Gunn, J., Burchinal, M.R., Espinosa, L.M., Gormley, W.T., …Zaslow M.J. (2013). Investing in our future: The evidence base on preschool education. New York: Foundation for Child Development. Retrieved from http://fcdus.org/sites/default/files/Evidence%20Base%20on%20Preschool%20Education%20FINAL.pdf

  35. Contact Information • Shauna Adams sadams1@udayton.edu

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