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Quick Study Findings. UED PLATFORM TEAM . OREN . UER. Topics. Sports Slide Show. SLIDESHOW. 在這頁你看到對你相當有興趣的照片,現在假設你點擊照片來到這頁?請問你會如何看更多照片?. Slideshow. Slideshow. 大多數的受訪者能操作上一頁 / 下一頁,第一頁與最末頁 Slideshow 切換方式, medium 以上的受訪者大多能猜出用; light user 大多無法猜出。 一半的使用者會猜測說,另外一個多張模式為一次顯示六張
Topics Sports Slide Show
SLIDESHOW 在這頁你看到對你相當有興趣的照片,現在假設你點擊照片來到這頁?請問你會如何看更多照片?
Slideshow • 大多數的受訪者能操作上一頁/下一頁,第一頁與最末頁 • Slideshow切換方式,medium以上的受訪者大多能猜出用;light user大多無法猜出。 一半的使用者會猜測說,另外一個多張模式為一次顯示六張 • 播放與速度的調整受訪者大多能夠猜測出來 • 針對播放的功能,受訪者表示,在新聞或是運動,這是比較不重要的功能,因為不見得每張照片都想要看,這樣自動播放意義不大。
Slideshow • 半數的受訪者會混淆寄照片給朋友與傳訊息給朋友。 • 但無法實際操作,僅就term上的討論 • 儲存至書籤所有的受訪者表示不清楚這樣功能 • 大多數受訪者表示這是加入我的最愛 • 下載至我的電腦
Slideshow 若是從新聞圖片點擊進來,這個模式受訪者最喜歡,可以看到該圖的大張照片,也可以透過下面了解相關的資訊
Case Study Dot com sports navigation bar study~
Case Sharing (dotcom) • Sports Navigation
User Feedback • The prototyped flyout navigation was discoverable and learnable. • All of the younger, more tech-savvy participants saw the flyouts, and most learned to use them by the end of the task set. • Most of the older, less tech-savvy users didn’t use the flyouts, either because they didn’t cause them to appear or because they didn’t notice them when they did appear. But these users had no trouble using other methods to get around the site. • “Other Sports” was a good navigational header. (naming) • Inconsistent terminology was confusing.
Recommendation • Recommend using the prototype specifications listed above for the sports site and as a DTK standard. • Consider “Other Sports” terminology to list sports that are not in the main navigation. Other terms such as “More Sports” might also work well. • Continue to be consistent in navigation terminology.
Why we need Quick Study? • To support Producers and Designers understanding their users and to input these voice of users into product design • To verify the design concept • To provide the reference of the design decisions