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England. By Connor Gideon, Ian Rice, Erin Crane, Neilani McGriff, Kevin Ehrgott , Ava Paulovic , Claudia Lescas. Important people. William the Conqueror- cousin of Edward the Confessor and ruler after him Edward the Confessor- Anglo Saxon prince who became king

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Presentation Transcript

  1. England By Connor Gideon, Ian Rice, Erin Crane, Neilani McGriff, Kevin Ehrgott, Ava Paulovic, Claudia Lescas

  2. Important people • William the Conqueror- cousin of Edward the Confessor and ruler after him • Edward the Confessor- Anglo Saxon prince who became king • Harold Godwinson- the most powerful noble of the time • Henry II- William’s great grandson that became king • Eleanor of Aquitaine- Henry II’s wife • Thomas a’ Becket- Henry II’s close friend • Richard – Henry II’s oldest son who took the throne after him • John- Richard’s brother who became king after him • Henry III- John’s son who became king • Simon de Montfort- Henry III’s brother in law who came to power • Edward I- the king after Simon

  3. How Nation’s Borders were formed • Henry II ruled most of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales • He owned more land in France then in England • King Richard’s brother John lost most of his land in France

  4. Legacies • Taxes • French style castles • Cathedrals • English laws & government practices • King’s court • Trial by jury

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