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EILS Technical Workshop 2.0 February 16, 2010. Agenda. Introduction June – September 2010 Procurement Schedule EILS Submission Form Review of Meter Data Submittal Requirements and Formats Reinstatement Procedures for Suspended Loads Substitution Procedures Unavailability Procedures
EILS Technical Workshop 2.0 February 16, 2010
Agenda Introduction June – September 2010 Procurement Schedule EILS Submission Form Review of Meter Data Submittal Requirements and Formats Reinstatement Procedures for Suspended Loads Substitution Procedures Unavailability Procedures Testing Procedures Q & A
EILS Submission Form Feb – May 2010 Procurement Incorporated changes based on feedback during the Oct 2009 – Jan 2010 procurement cycle One form for all phases of EILS Format streamlined – “R” tabs More flexibility for Alternate Baseline Resources Pre-populated workbooks provided by ERCOT Use of “All_Alt” tab Qualify individual loads for the Alternate Baseline Allow them to be mixed and matched into Resources ERCOT provided composite “All_Alt” tab – all loads submitted and okayed in RIDs (R-tabs and All_Alt tabs) Same generic RID Number assigned to all submissions R-tab with Alternate Baseline Selected Analyze Default and Analyze Alternate fields ignored during RID process Unique RID Number assigned if okayed No load changes allowed if submitted as a Bid Any combination of ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ allowed for Analyze Alternate fields when bidding ERCOT worked with QSEs to correct and re-process most RIDs rather than rely on E-Mail exchange Greatly reduced volume of errors – easier for both QSEs and ERCOT! Discussion of any issues related to the form and/or RID-Bid Process?
EILS Submission Form Form Changes Being Implemented --- MINOR! Applicable for remainder of Feb – May 2010 Contract Period Reinstatements Substitutions Preliminary Baseline Reviews Applicable for Jun – Sep 2010 Procurement Process Added cell with drop-down list on Identification Tab to code purpose for submission Renaming “All_Alt” tab to “Alt” tab … to avoid confusion with “All_Alt” and “All Alt” Purpose and usage remain the same Addition of an Address Field for each load To help track loads over their participation in EILS Applicable to loads in both competitive and NOIE areas To facilitate tracking loads with multiple sites e.g. chain stores Distinct street address and city required … blank or incomplete addresses will be treated as errors Flexible Tab Names Identification Tab – no change – must be included Alt Tab – revised name (see bullet above) may be deleted or just left blank during RID process Resource Tabs (formerly R-tabs) – free-form names allowed ERCOT will provide Pre-populated forms with Resource Names used as tab names ERCOT will return okayed RID forms with Resource Names used as tab names Note: Excel limitations on tab name length (30) Characters not allowed: & : | ? ? * [ ] Eliminated Tab Count cell on Identification Tab
EILS Submission Form Open Form and Discuss Changes Note: posted form will only be usable for Preliminary Baseline Reviews New RIDs for Procurement Reinstatement RIDs Substitution Pre-Qualification RIDs Questions / Comments on Changes?
Meter Data Submittal Three sources of interval data for EILS Registered TDSP in competitive area NOIE TDSP QSE installed metering
Meter Data Submittal Data from a Registered TDSP NOIE Settlement Metering Points included Normally interval data will be pulled from ERCOT’s Settlement System and used for EILS analysis QSE premise level metering will be ignored if TDSP interval data is available When a new TDSP IDR meter has been installed at a premise Interval data may be available to the TDSP but not in ERCOT’s Settlement System QSE should make arrangements with the TDSP to have load data submitted to ERCOT do not wait until the end of the contract period Submission outside the TX Set process (before IDR profile change takes effect) Data must be in a prescribed format No affidavit required from TDSP Missing data will be treated as zero for availability, automatic failure for event/test performance
Meter Data Submittal - continued Data from a NOIE TDSP QSE responsible for arrangements with NOIE TDSP to have load data submitted to ERCOT Monthly submission in a prescribed format required Data from QSE-Installed Metering Premise level data from a NIDR load or sub-metering data from either an IDR or NIDR load Accuracy consistent with PUC Substantive Rules and ERCOT Protocols Affidavit from P.E. required ERCOT will validate against IDR or NIDR data in Settlement System If sub-metering a premise within a NOIE area, QSE must make arrangements with the NOIE to have premise level billing data (IDR/NIDR) sent to ERCOT for validation purposes Monthly data submission in a prescribed format required 35 days after last day of calendar month Missing/invalid data will be treated as zero for availability, automatic failure for event/test performance
Meter Data Submittal - continued Important Interval Data Submission Deadlines March 7 – data for the October-January Contract Period April 4 – data for month of February May 5 – data for month of March June 4 – data for month of April July 5 – data for month of May
Meter Data Submittal - Formats Currently Supported One day row formats ERCOT Standard Format MV-90 Lotus Format Column Format Others formats: .LS and .LSE Documentation and Examples at link below: http://www.ercot.com/content/services/programs/load/eils/meterinfo/Interval%20Data%20File%20Format%20Descriptions.doc All formats must treat DST properly Spring day 92 intervals Fall day 100 intervals New formats can be accommodated … contact ERCOT to discuss Questions/Issues with meter data formats
Reinstatement Procedures for Suspended Loads Reinstatement Calendar Posted at http://www.ercot.com/services/programs/load/eils/index
Reinstatement Procedures for Suspended Loads • Resource submitted for reinstatement does not have to match the suspended resource identically • May exclude one or more loads and include other loads • If Resource passes the load-shed test • Eligible to bid in the upcoming Contract Period • RID submission not required • No load-shed test for 365 days • No changes allowed to load configuration after Reinstatement Bid • MW capacity ≤ amount on Reinstatement Bid • Minimum base load ≥ amount on Reinstatement Bid • Load, MW Capacity and Minimum Base Load changes allowed in subsequent procurement cycles • If Resource fails the load-shed test • Ineligible to bid in the upcoming Contract Period • Ineligibility continues until a test is passed • Questions Regarding Reinstatement
Substitution Procedures • ERCOT may limit the number of substitutions for a resource during a contract period • Substitution must be pre-qualified • Registered and qualified LAAR • Previously qualified EILS resource which has passed a test in last 365 days • Reinstated resource – no load changes allowed • Loads from a currently obligated resource (resource augmentation) • Substitution limited to that specific resource • Resource composed of loads from one or more previously obligated resources and/or new loads with no previous EILS participation • No pre-qualification test required if at least 80% of the load in the resource from resources which have passed a test in last 365 days • Otherwise passing a pre-qualification test required
Substitution Procedures - continued Pre-qualification Process • QSE must submit EILS Resource Submission form to ERCOT as a Pre-Qualification RID • ERCOT responds with baseline assignment options and test status (required or not required for pre-qualification) and capacity pre-screening information • QSE submits EILS Resource Submission form to ERCOT as a Pre-Qualification Bid • Baseline selection, MW capacity and minimum base load • ERCOT administers test if needed and reports results to QSE
Substitution Procedures - continued Substitution Process • QSE notifies ERCOT via email of substitution • Identify resource being replaced and substitute resource to be used • Begin date and estimated end date for period of substitution • Substitution is for complete calendar days only • May be for one or more time periods • Substitution may begin no earlier than hour ending 01:00 of the next calendar day following ERCOT receipt of notification • Attached EILS Resource Submission form as Substitution Bid • MW capacity same as resource being replaced • Minimum base load ≥ pre-qualification bid MBL • Substituted and replaced resources must have same baseline type • Alternate to alternate • Default to default, but default type (Regression, Mid 8 of 10, MDP) does not have to match • Appendix A due to ERCOT within 3 days of email notification
Substitution Procedures - continued • Periods of unavailability may be submitted for a substitution • During the substitution period, availability status of the substituting resource overrides status of the replaced resource • 2% limit on allowed unavailability with 5 business day notice applies to the combined availability status • For alternate baseline resources, the average load excluding the minimum base load for a time period limited to 150% of the original capacity MW • If the availability factor for one or more time periods during the contract period is less than 95%, all loads in the original and substitute resources are subject to being treated as having failed to perform • In a deployment event, the resource obligated at that time is subject to deployment requirements • Substitution resources may be subject to unannounced load-shed tests • Warning: For default baseline resources, time is of the essence for a substitution to be useful • If load in 5% or more of the obligated intervals is below Capacity MW + MBL, before the substitution takes effect, the resource will fail regardless of the substitution
No changes to unavailability procedures Revised form has been posted … reduced size Form should be submitted regardless of whether a substitution has or will occur Unavailability Procedures
Testing Procedures No changes to testing procedures QSEs are reminded to submit meter data as soon as possible following a test Resources with missing data for a test will be treated as having failed the test
EILS Technical Workshop 2.0 Questions???