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Mexico is a well positioned country. Clearly under Mexico. Equal or above Mexico. Below Mexico, but close.
Mexico is a well positioned country Clearly under Mexico Equal or above Mexico Below Mexico, but close Source: 1. Macroeconomic Environment: WEF The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012, Macroeconomic Environment/ 2. Open Economy: Doing Business 2012, Ease of Doing Business/ 3. Economic Sophistication: The Atlas of Economic Complexity, Harvard University/ 4. Total Manufacturing Cost, Manufacturing Outsourcing Cost Index, Alix Partners/ 5. Domestic Market: WEF The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012, Domestic Market Size Index/ 6. Demographic Bonus: UN World Population Prospects. The 2010 Revision. Forecast of total dependency rate in 2025 (population <15 & 65+ years) (15-64)/ 7. Labor availability and quality of the DFI Benchmark, Automotive OEM, Skills, attitudes and productivity/ 8. Engineering Graduates (per capita): UNESCO Institute for Statistics, International Monetary Fund. Engineering, manufacturing and construction graduates per capita 2009/ 9. Democratic System: The Economist, Democracy Index 2011/ 10. Human Development Index: UN, Human Development Index.