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Alex Savage Notre Dame High School, Norwich communicty asavage.astgmail

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Alex Savage Notre Dame High School, Norwich communicty asavage.astgmail

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Presentation Transcript

    2. Global MindShift

    3. R U Global ? Have you eaten something in the last 24 hours, grown in another country? Have you visited a foreign country in the last 12 months? Have you communicated with someone in foreign country via the internet in the last 12 months? Do you have a track on your mp3 player in a foreign language?

    4. A New Global Curriculum? A 21st century curriculum should prepare young people to recognise their roles and responsibilities as members of this global society. Futures, meeting the challenge, QCA Pupils are more likely to be engaged with the curriculum they are offered if they believe it is relevant and if they are given opportunities to take ownership of their learning. EPPI-Centre

    5. What is Global Learning?

    10. Online Surveys

    11. Elanguages.org

    12. Qu'est-ce que tu fais le weekend? Eymeric: Bonjour. le samedi je vais lcole de 8,30 h 11,30h et l' aprs midi je joue avec mes amis et mon frre. Le dimanche je joue toute la journe. Ludivine: Le samedi aprs-midi je fais de l'athltisme et le dimanche je m'ennuie. Marie: Je marche la montagne avec mon amoureux !!!

    13. Flashmeeting

    14. Personalised Learning in ICT 7.1 All about me 7.3 Learning to Learn 7.4 Water of Life 7.5 Energy Survey International Day of Peace 8.2 Personal Website 8.3 Web Search, Life in Malawi 9.2 Global Youth Survey

    15. Global Themes Energy Food Culture/Religions Water Peace/Conflict Health Fair Trade Wealth/Poverty Human Rights Everyday life Natural Disasters Olympic Ideals MDGs Sustainability International Organisations

    16. websites Communicty.org Global Gateway International School Award Global Dimension Oxfam Cool Planet UN Cyberschool Bus BBC Newsround

    17. Can Global Education improve learning?

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