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Potential BAT in E nergy Efficiency and Related Legal Instruments in the Czech Republic

Potential BAT in E nergy Efficiency and Related Legal Instruments in the Czech Republic. Petr Honskus (SPF Group) Chairman of EE TWG CR Vladimíra Henelová, Monika Přibylová Members of EE TWG CR (ENVIROS). National EE TWG. representatives from Ministry of Environment

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Potential BAT in E nergy Efficiency and Related Legal Instruments in the Czech Republic

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  1. Potential BAT in Energy Efficiencyand Related Legal Instruments in the Czech Republic Petr Honskus (SPF Group) Chairman of EE TWG CR Vladimíra Henelová, Monika Přibylová Members of EE TWG CR (ENVIROS)

  2. National EE TWG representatives from • Ministry of Environment • Ministry of Trade and Industry • Ministry of Agriculture • Integrated Prevention Agency • Confederation of Industry and Transport • State Energy Inspection • Czech Energy Agency • Consultancy companies • Freelance consultants, representatives of energy industry

  3. Content • IPPC energy efficiency requirement. • Legal framework of energy efficiency in CR. • Energy efficiency requirements in permits. • Are we able to benchmark and plan? • Further Steps in the Czech Republic. • Potential BAT in energy efficiency.

  4. IPPC energy efficiency requirement . . . the competent authorities ensure that installations are operated in such a way thatenergy is used efficiently (Article 3) Our interpretation is to be that the National Authorities could ensure this requirement through • Implementation of already existing legal EE requirements (application in the IPPC permit) • Implementation of potential „extra“ requirements driven by prevention of pollution (and control) - implementation of low-cost techniques that are proven and lead to improvement and better control over energy demand and energy usage

  5. Legal framework of Energy Efficiency in CR (1) • IPPC Act • Air Protection Act • AQM Action Plans (national, regional, local) • Emission Ceilings: Plans (national, regional, LCPs) • Directive No 2003/87/EC on Emissions Trading – Czech Act • Directive on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market) - 2001/77/EC • Directive No 2003/96/EC restructuring the Community framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity (in CR applicable from 2007) • …..

  6. Legal framework for Energy Efficiency in CR (2) Act on Energy Management • Minimum energy efficiency standards (benchmarks for energy efficiency gap analysis – can be used to set up potential for improvement) - new and reconstructed equipment, plants, networks and buildings • CHP – new and reconstructed plants and boilers over 5 MWe • Energy audits – identification of measures to improve existing energy efficiency • Energy checks of design documentation – use of RES, CHP, District Heating evaluation compulsory • Management techniques??? No

  7. Energy efficiency in permits Thanks to Act on Energy Management • we have a good base for benchmarking (sufficient at least in current stage of IPPC implementation in CR) • There are EE measures proposed by compulsory energy audits Lack of energy efficiency requirements in permits

  8. Are we able to benchmark and plan? Not properly, because • We need to develop EE assessment • We would need to define energy management standards • We need to improve site energy data monitoring and analyses • We need to be trained (stakeholders)

  9. Furthers steps in CR • Amendment of the IPPC Act (2005) Direct link to Energy Management Act • application of basic requirements • practical application of measures identified by energy audit • To develop Energy efficiency permitting procedures • energy efficiency requirements in permits • energy data/information in applications • EE assessment procedures • Training of Regulators • To be discussed • developing of energy efficiency improvement plan (compulsory?) • implementation of energy management system

  10. Potential BAT in Energy Efficiency (1) • Techniques (technologies) must not be prescribed • We do not have EE limits (contrary to envi-media limits - air, water, . . .) • Are we authorized to ask for Managerial Techniques leading to achievement of site specific energy efficiency standards (“company level“)? • Are we authorized to ask for implementation of low-cost techniques (technologies?) that are proven and lead to improvement and better control over energy demand and energy usage? • Yes, we are • Operators should have to show that they have systematically developed proposals to use energy efficiently, taking account of relevant local factors.

  11. Potential BAT in Energy Efficiency • BREF should guide us through EE site specific assessment which results in site specific EE requirements • BREF - simple, helpful • UK (H2) / Dutch approach See you next year in Sevilla . . . . .

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