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Let’s Ride! The Complete Get-to-Work Program. A Central Texas Solution for: Brought to you by the Commute Solutions Coalition. Traffic Congestion Air Pollution Mental and physical aggravation caused by both!. Make commuting more enjoyable
Let’s Ride! The Complete Get-to-Work Program A Central Texas Solution for: Brought to you by the Commute Solutions Coalition • Traffic Congestion • Air Pollution • Mental and physical aggravation caused by both!
Make commuting more enjoyable Lessen air pollution heightened by traffic congestion Experiencing the economic and health benefits of both Let’s Ride! Program Focus
Central Texas One of the fastest growing regions of the country Almost 3 million people in our 5-county area Congested with traffic Polluted by traffic emissions
Central Texas’ Economic, Environmental and Public Health is Interdependent Bastrop Caldwell Hays Travis Williamson
Much of Our Health is Dependent on Transportation Too many cars on the roads creates a health problem!
Consequences of Traffic Congestion Increased need for fuel Threat of being “nonattainment” of the Federal air quality standards, resulting in enforced consequences Added stress • Lessened personal and business productivity • Greater personal and business costs • Personal lung damage • Decrease in our quality of life!
Our Greatest Traffic Problem is During Rush Hour Too many single-occupant vehicles Greatest congestion Greatest pollution Longest drive time
Rush Hour is Filled with Commuting Employees These commuters work for area employers So, working through employers and their employees to alleviate rush hour congestion is a BIG solution!
The Answer?Let’s Ride! Keep people moving Protect the environment Relieve frustration Benefits for EVERYONE!
Let’s Ride! is a program of the Commute Solutions Coalition A coalition of government and nonprofit agencies that educate the public and employers on the environmental, health and economic benefits of alternative transportation and commuter practices www.commutesolutions.com
Commute Solution Coalition Members Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Org. (CAMPO) CLEAN AIR Force of Central Texas LCRA Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Texas Dept. of Insurance • Texas Dept. of Transportation (TXDOT) • City of Austin • Downtown Austin Alliance • Capital Area Council of Govts. (CAPCOG) • Capital Metro • Travis County
Commute Solution Coalition Programs Commute solutions education and resources Commute Solutions Month Employer fairs Let’s Ride! Program
Let’s Ride! Program Designed for employers, the most effective motivators and educators for Commute Solution programs Employer point person is known as the Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC)
Employee Transportation Coordinator Roles Plan and develop Commute Solutions programs Provide resources for Commute Solutions Encourage use of Commute Solutions
Let’s Ride!Commute Options Ridesharing (Carpooling/Vanpooling) Transit Bicycling Walking Teleworking Flexible Work Schedules
Let’s Ride! Resources Training manual with strategies and benefits for developing, managing, and promoting your program Training CD-ROM with customizable forms, resource links, tools, and benefit calculators Training sessions for program implementation
Let’s Ride!Resource Organization Strategies Definitions Benefits Challenges Implementation Steps Costs/Savings Resources Case Studies
Let’s Ride! Benefits… The Employer The Employee The Community By… Reducing the number of vehicles on our roads Offering personal and business benefits Cleaner air for everyone!
Lets Ride! Employer Benefits • Reduced parking needs • Reduced employee stress • Better employee morale and productivity • Better employee retention • Economical by providing subsidies • Possible tax benefits with subsidies
Let’s Ride! Employee Benefits Save money by using less gas Less wear on your car Less stress in traffic Car insurance rate reductions More personal or work time Possible tax benefits with subsidies Possible guaranteed ride home
Let’s Ride! Community Benefits Less traffic congestion Reduced gas use Improved air quality Improved quality of life!
For More Information Commute Solutions Coalition of Central Texas www.commutesolutions.com LetsRide@commutesolutions.com maria.caminos@campotexas.org (512) 974-3458 (512) 974-2529 CAMPO Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088