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Debating Wolves in Idaho: Anti-Wolf Visual Campaign

Explore the controversy through visually appealing arguments, engaging basic emotions, and the placement of words and images.

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Debating Wolves in Idaho: Anti-Wolf Visual Campaign

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Visual Advertising David Bechtold, Cat Ross, Sofia Medina, Chelsea Gisler, Joel Lucas

  2. Goals of Visuals • Tell a simple story, don’t just convey info. • Appeal to Basic Emotions • Stay with easily understood arguments • Show don’t tell • Relate to the senses • According to The American Research Group

  3. Things to Think About • Setting • Color contrasts • World Placement • does the visual lead the reader to the words or do the words lead the reader to the visual • Attitudes and Emotions of Subjects

  4. Example: Wolves in Idaho Do we want them or not?

  5. Anti-Wolf Visual AdvertisingIdaho Anti-Wolf Coalition

  6. Pro Wolf Visual AdvertisingFrom : Defenders of Wildlife webpage

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