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George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation

George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation. Joint development of OpenSees and its A pplications in Earthquake-Induced D isaster Evolution of C ivil Infrastructures.

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George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. George E. Brown, Jr.Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation Jointdevelopment of OpenSees and its Applications in Earthquake-Induced Disaster Evolution of Civil Infrastructures. Research Team: JinpingOu, Zheng He (DUT), Li Chen (TU), QuanGu (XU), Stephen Mahin (UCB), Joel Conte (UCSD), GilbertoMosqueda (UCSD), Juan Caicedo (UofSC), Frank McKenna (UC Berkeley)

  2. Outline • What is OpenSees • OpenSees Training and Outreach • OpenSees Code Developments

  3. Outline • What is OpenSees • OpenSees Training and Outreach • OpenSees Code Developments

  4. Parallel&Distributed What is OpenSees? • A open-source software framework for building structural and geotechnical (numerical) simulation applications in earthquake engineering using finite element methods. • A communication mechanism for exchanging and building upon research accomplishments. • OpenSees as been supported by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) since 1997 and George E. Brown Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) since 2003.

  5. Used Worldwide

  6. Usage of OpenSees on NEEShubshows similar pattern

  7. Outline • What is OpenSees • OpenSees Training and Outreach • OpenSees Code Developments

  8. Discovering OpenSees • Each presentation done twice: once to facilitate those in US and European countries and the other for researchers in China and Asian countries. • Links to these recordings are provided on the Discovering OpenSees series on NEEShub. http://nees.org/resources/4977/supportingdocs • To date videos from the series have been watched almost 9,000 times.

  9. Upcoming OpenSees Workshop, Harbin, China, August 21, 2013

  10. OpenSees Workshops in China 2014! TongjiUniversity, 2011

  11. Upcoming 2 day OpenSees Session, 'Second Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering Conference of China' organized by Professor Outhis August 22-23 in Harbin, China.

  12. Outline • What is OpenSees • OpenSees Training and Outreach • OpenSees Code Developments

  13. Contributions Worldwide • A hysteresis model for high damping rubber bearings. M.Kikuchi (Hokkaido University, Japan) and I. Aiken (Seismic Isolation Design, Inc) • A number of stabilized single-point integration elements for use in continuum models: SSP_Quad, SSP_Brick, SSPquad_UP, SSPbrick_UP,, C McGann, P Mackenzie-Heinwein, and P. Arduino, University of Washington. • New multi-spring elements. M.Kikuchi (Hokkaido University, Japan) and I. Aiken (Seismic Isolation Design, Inc) • A new contact element. A. Zaghi and M.Cashany (University of Connecticut) • ElasticOrthotropic material. (ElasticOrthotropic, ElasticOrthotropic3D) M. Scott (Oregon State) • Additional elastometric Bearings elements (ElastomericBearing, ElastomericBearingBoucWen, ElastomericBearingPlasticity). A. Schellenberg (UC Berkeley) • SteelBRBQ.Gu (Xiamen University, P.R. China) • A number of deterioration models for use in modeling of structural frames using concentrated plasticity approach. ModIMKPeakOriented,ModIMKPeakPinching, BilinD.Lignos, McGill University, Canada • Damage2p, A concrete Damage Modelfor 3d and plane stress problems, L.Tesser, Univ. Padua, Italy. • A cyclic elastopplasticity model for post-liquefaction deformation, Rui Wang, Tsinghua University, P.R. China.

  14. Others contd. • BeamContact2D, BeamContact3D, BeamEndContact3D C McGann, P Mackenzie-Heinwein, and P. Arduino, University of Washington. • Triple Friction Pendulum Element , N. Dao and K. Ryan, University of Nevada - Reno. • CapPasticityQ.Gu (Xiamen University, P.R. China) • ManzariDafalias ND materials (3D, PlaneStrain) AlborzGhofrani and P.Arduino Similar to Usage: Researchers in US and P.R. China main contributors to OpenSees

  15. New Directions - Fire

  16. New Directions - Optimization Code Development: Joel Conte (UCSD), Philp Gill (UCSD) QuanGu(Xiamen) Code Testing: students of JinpingOu (DUT), Conte (UCSD), Gu (Xiamen) funded

  17. FutureOpenSees Developments User requests From 2.4.0 downloads Participant requests After Webinar

  18. Thank You

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