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Bruce’s email – follow up. The story – 1st step. Bruce sent his grandmother an email early in December . It was n’t about his day in London. It was about a play he saw in L ondon. Bruce and his penfriend had good seats . They could hear and see well .
The story – 1st step • Bruce senthisgrandmother an email early in December. • It wasn’t about hisday in London. • It was about a playhesaw in London. • Bruce and hispenfriendhad good seats. • Theycouldhear and seewell. • The action in the playdidn’ttake place in London. • It took place in the countryside. • Some people died in the play. • Wedon’tknowwhokilled the victims. • Bruce enjoyedhimselfat the theatre. • He felthungryafter the play. • He had an enormous pizza.
The story – 2nd step • Bruce sent hisgrandmother an email early in December. • It wasn’t about hisday in London. • It was about a playhesaw in London. • Bruce and hispenfriendhad good seats. • Theycouldhear and seewell. • The action in the playdidn’ttake place in London. • The action in the playtook place in the countryside. • Some people died in the play. • Wedon’t know whokilled the victims. • Bruce enjoyedhimselfat the theatre. • He felthungryafter the play. • He had an enormous pizza.
The story – 3rd step • Bruce senthisgrandmother an email early in December. • It was about a playhesaw in London.* • Bruce and hispenfriendhad good seats, sotheycouldhear and seequite well.* • The action in the playtook place in the countryside.* • Everyonedied in the play, but wedon’tknowwhokilledthem. • Bruce enjoyedhimselfat the theatre, and sodidhispenfriend. • Theyfelthungryafter the play… • How doweknow? Well, Bruce told us theyhad an enormous pizza.
The story – 4th step Bruce senthisgrandmother an email early in December. It was about a playhesaw in London. Whichplay? The Mousetrapby Agatha Christie. Bruce and hispenfriendhad good seats, sotheycouldhear and seequitewell, but Bruce’spenfriendcouldn’tunderstand a word! The action in the playtook place in a B & B in the countryside: itwasstormy and snowyat the time. All the guestsdied, but wedon’tknowwhokilledthem. Bruce enjoyedhimselfat the theatre, and sodidhispenfriend. Theyfelthungryafter the play… How doweknow? Well, Bruce told us theyhad an enormous pizza afterwards.