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Coaching. TIPS 9. Coaching deals with ability issues. Counseling deals with personal problems. The Process is the Same. Listening & understanding Identifying the problem Clarifying alternatives Deciding on an action plan Implementing an action plan. Effective Coaching Requires.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Coaching TIPS 9

  2. Coaching deals with ability issues Counseling deals with personal problems

  3. The Process is the Same • Listening & understanding • Identifying the problem • Clarifying alternatives • Deciding on an action plan • Implementing an action plan

  4. Effective Coaching Requires • Asking questions to help person discover how to improve • Actively listening to person & showing genuine interest • Offering help & assistance • Being positive & upbeat rather than threatening • Accepting mistakes & using them as learning opportunities • Encouraging continual improvement • Recognizing & rewarding even small improvements • Modeling qualities you expect from others

  5. Role Playing Aka practice

  6. First of all…I need 2 volunteers “Lorin” & “TJ”

  7. Now I need the rest of you to divide into trios

  8. Instructions - 1 • You will be taking part in one activity 3 different times (3 rounds). • For each round, 2 of the 3 of you will play a role (coach or coach-ee), while the 3rd person will be an observer/commentator • A different person should be the observer for each exercise

  9. Round 1 Debbie Coach Chris Coachee Observer Pat Round 2 Round 3 Debbie Coach Debbie Coach Chris Coachee Chris Coachee Observer Observer Pat Pat

  10. Instructions - 4Timing • You will have 15 minutes for each round … • 10 minutes discuss the situation • 5 minutes for the observer to provide feedback

  11. The Exercise - 1 • Coachee, think of a work or school related problem you are currently experiencing or have had in the past. • Briefly share the nature of the problem and its consequences with your coach. • Coach, now you take over and conduct the most appropriate type of coaching or counseling session.

  12. The Exercise - 2 • At the conclusion of the session the observer will provide the coach with feedback based on the Observer’s Rating Sheet. • Group members are to rotate roles and all share a problem to be coach on.

  13. Questions

  14. The Exercise • Coachee, think of a work or school related problem you are currently experiencing or have had in the past. • Briefly share the nature of the problem and its consequences with your coach. • Coach, now you take over and conduct the most appropriate type of coaching or counseling session.

  15. The Mortgage Broker Modeling Exercise Starring “Lorin” & “TJ”

  16. Instructions • While “Lorin” & “TJ” conduct their meeting, the rest of us will play the role of observers, using the worksheet for observers. • “Lorin” & “TJ” will have about 10 minutes to conduct their meeting. • This will be followed by class discussion.

  17. Debriefing • What is the likely outcome of this interaction? What is TJ likely to do? • What are the consequences of this? • What are the future implications?

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