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Delve into the world of Newbery and Caldecott award-winning children's books to explore multicultural considerations, reader responses, and literary and visual artistry. Discover evaluation criteria for these genres and examine questions surrounding the portrayal of diverse perspectives. Educate yourself on the eligibility criteria for winning these prestigious awards and how children respond to the books. Uncover the significance of Coretta Scott King Author Award and Pura Belpré Award in championing Latino cultural experiences in literature for youth. Evaluate beyond award winners to find worthwhile children's books that challenge biases and stereotypes. Visit recommended links to access more information on past winners and further literary awards.
What makes a good book? Reader Response? Literary & Visual Artistry? Multicultural considerations? Evaluation criteria for a particular genre?
Are the Newbery and Caldecott Award books the best books?
Newbery & Caldecott Focus Questions Who is eligible to win a Newbery? The award is presented to the author of the most distinguished contribution in American Literature for children published in the US the preceding year. The recipient must be a citizen or resident of the US. 2. Who is eligible to win a Caldecott? The award is presented to the illustrator of the most distinguished American picture book for children published in the US the preceding year. The recipient must be a citizen or resident of the US. 3, What are the Honor books? Honor books are the runners up. There is no set number- one year there may be only one- another there may be more.
Newbery & Caldecott Focus Questions 5. What about the portrayal of diversity and diverse perspectives? African American characters hardly ever appear in Caldecott books. The Newbury books have been criticized for inaccurate and distorted portrayals of African Americans. (Except Taylor’s Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry) Portrayal of girls and women are becoming less stereotypical in recent years. 6. What about children's response to the Newbury and Caldecott books? Some winners have been become beloved favorites especially for the Caldecott; Less so for Newbury winners- some of which may have very little appeal to children. 7. Why aren’t books published in the UK considered? They have their own comparable awards Newbury=Carnegie Award Caldecott= Kate Greenaway Award
Are the Newbery and Caldecott Award books the best books? • It depends on what you are looking for? • Read these books and make up your own mind? • Note if the books reflect biases and stereotypes. • Note how students respond to them? • Worthwhile children’s books go beyond the recipients of these honors.
http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/newberymedal/newberymedalhttp://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/newberymedal/newberymedal For a list of past winners from 2005-1922 http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/newberymedal/newberyhonors/newberymedal
http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/caldecottmedal/caldecottmedalhttp://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/caldecottmedal/caldecottmedal For a list of past winners from 2005-1938 http://www.ala.org/ala/alsc/awardsscholarships/literaryawds/caldecottmedal/caldecotthonors/caldecottmedal.htm
Coretta Scott King Author Award Coretta Scott King Author Honor Books Coretta Scott King Illustrator Award http://www.ala.org/ala/emiert/corettascottkingbookawards/winnersa/cskawardwinners.htm http://www.ala.org/emiert/cskbookawards/recipients
More information about this award can be found at http://www.scbwi.org/awards/fleischman.htm And learn more about Sid Fleischman and Lisa Yee at http://www.lisayee.com/Sid.html
MORE INFO AND PAST WINNERS AT: http://www.hbook.com/bghb2004.shtml
Pura Belpré The award is named after Pura Belpré, the first Latina librarian at the New York Public Library. The Pura Belpré Award, established in 1996, is presented annually to a Latino/Latina writer and illustrator whose work best portrays, affirms, and celebrates the Latino cultural experience in an outstanding work of literature for children and youth. It is co-sponsored by the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), and REFORMA, the National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish-Speaking, an ALA affiliate http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/belpremedal 2012 Award http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/belpremedal/belprepast Past winners
http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/batchelderawardhttp://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/batchelderaward 2012 Winner For a list of past winners http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/batchelderaward/batchelderpast
http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/wildermedal 2011 winner For a list of past winners from 2003 link to http://www.ala.org/ala/alsc/awardsscholarships/literaryawds/wildermedal/wilderpast/wildermedalpast.htm
http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/sibertmedal 2012 Winners For a list of past winners http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/sibertmedal/sibertpast/sibertmedalpast
At the NCTE site http://www.ncte.org/elem/awards/orbispictus/115475.htm you can read an informative article about this years award winners
More information about origins of this award can be found at http://childrensbooks.about.com/cs/sensetiveracism/a/janeaddams.htm
Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers ALA YALSA http://www.ala.org/yalsa/booklists/quickpicks#current Best Fiction for Young Adults http://www.ala.org/yalsa/bfya Great Graphic Novels for Teens http://www.ala.org/yalsa/ggnt
The Indianapolis Marian County Public Liabrary will give you an annotated list of award books at http://infozone.imcpl.org/kids_path_belpre.htm
For a list of past winners from 2002 link to http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0768712.html
Notable Books for a Global SocietyYearly award list of culturally conscious books K-12 sponsored by the Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group of the International Reading Association and published in the fall issue of The Dragon Lode. You can access the archived list of K-12 award books at the following site:http://www.csulb.edu/org/childrens-lit/proj/nbgs/intro-nbgs.html EACH FALL THE LIST IS PUBLISHED IN THE DRAGON LODE: JOURNAL OF CHILDREN’S LITERATURE AND READING SIG OF IRA ARTICLE INCLUDES REVIEW, TEACHING IDEAS AND COMPANION BOOKS.